The best boy on campus

Chapter 1082 Go to the hospital!

It turned out that when Yang Lin talked with Liu Boyang on the phone, he and his brothers were all in the hospital, guarding Gao Zhenfei who was seriously injured and dying.When Liu Boyang ran out to attract the enemy's firepower, He Xiaobin took advantage of the chaos to escape. Yang Lin originally wanted to hand Gao Zhenfei over to Lao Mao and others, and then stayed behind to look for Liu Boyang's whereabouts. Gao Po heard alarm bells coming from all directions, and soon, the police set up a net to block the entire Phoenix Garden.

Feeling the danger of the situation, Yang Lin was really worried about Gao Zhenfei's injury, so he could only grit his teeth and get away first, and sent Dafei to the hospital. In that situation, Liu Boyang never came back, and there was no news, and the phone couldn't be reached. Brothers Naturally, they all speculated in the worst direction, thinking that something unexpected had happened to him... But just when they were so anxious, Liu Boyang called and finally made everyone feel relieved.

Leaving the other brothers to guard the hospital, Yang Lin and the old cat Cui Guodong Huzi personally came to the residential alley to pick Liu Boyang back. I saw Liu Boyang standing under the dim light and hugging a girl gently, as if he was trying to comfort something in a low>

"Brother Yang, this is..." Yang Lin and the others hurried into the house with strides, but when they saw the white old man lying on the ground in a pool of blood, and then saw Liu Boyang's scarred, weak and haggard appearance, they were extremely shocked!

"Brother Yang, you were shot?!" Huzi exclaimed looking at Liu Boyang's calf.

Because Xiao Xueting was crying too sadly, she realized that someone had come in, she quickly wiped away her tears, and left Liu Boyang's embrace with a guilty conscience.

"I'm fine." Liu Boyang said lightly: "The ambulance is coming soon, take Xue Ting's grandma to the hospital first!"

Although Yang Lin Laomao and the others were full of questions, they were not talking nonsense. Cui Guodong hurried out to meet the ambulance. Yang Lin walked up to the old man who had closed his eyes for a long time with a serious face, squatted down and looked around. She already knew her breathing, he sighed secretly and said nothing.

"Brother Yang, if I knew this earlier, I should have gone out as a bait anyway, and you were injured so badly again..." The old cat couldn't help it when he saw Liu Boyang's whole body in a mess. Distressed!

Liu Boyang waved his hand and said, "Stop talking about it, am I not dead? How is Da Fei doing now?"

Yang Lindao: "It has already been sent to the emergency room. Although we have wasted a lot of time, you are not ignorant, Brother Yang. Da Fei has been hard-pressed since he was a child, and nothing will happen this time!"

When Liu Boyang heard Yang Lin say this, a big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground. If something happened to the fourth child, he would never forgive himself for the rest of his life!

Only to hear Yang Lin say again: "But this time it's really fucking hateful! Brother Yang, I'm ashamed of your entrustment. I couldn't see the true colors of those men in black until I finally came out. Who! It stands to reason that the three famous gangs in the entire city of W are here tonight. There shouldn’t be another force attacking us at the last minute. Those men in black are well-trained and well-equipped. Whose is it? What about people?"

This is also the question in Liu Boyang's mind. Among the big gangs in W city tonight, the poisonous dragon gang was the first to be wiped out by him. The Tianwangtang Bawangtang fierce wolf would not dare to say that the entire army was wiped out, but at least [-]% to [-]% The number of people has been wiped out by himself. Who is it that tricked him at the last moment and reaped the benefits of the fisherman?

"Brother Yang, you ran out at such a risk, didn't you even see the identities of those men in black?" Yang Lin asked with the last glimmer of hope.

Liu Boyang shook his head. Under such circumstances, he was fighting the enemy for his life with countless bullets and bullets. They were all the same, I really couldn't see clearly, but Liu Boyang felt vaguely that the voice of the guy who took the lead seemed to have heard it somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

Before he could speak, Cui Guodong outside had already brought a few doctors in white coats into the room. The stretcher-carrying doctors saw Xiao Xueting's grandma's pale face and knew it was late. He was very considerate of the family members' feelings, and without asking any further questions, he carefully lifted the old man onto the stretcher and covered it with a white cloth.

And when grandma's last face was covered by the pale cloth, Xiao Xueting's suppressed tears and sorrow all burst out at once, crying hoarsely, the doctors were afraid that she would do something stupid, so they hurried out with the corpse , leaving only a leading doctor, wearing a mask, said: "I don't care who you are from the elderly, but please inform all your relatives in a moment, come to the city hospital and wait..."

Xiao Xueting cried even more heartbreakingly. The doctor's words were very tactful, but it still ruthlessly shattered Xiao Xueting's last innocent hopes and fantasies. How much she wished that her grandma was not dead, she was not dead!She was talking to herself not long ago!

But the doctor had already indirectly informed her that she was going to prepare for the old man's funeral. How big a blow was this to Xiao Xueting?How would she explain to her conscience?How to explain to your parents?

Liu Boyang grabbed the heartbroken Xiao Xueting, and at that moment, he couldn't help but feel the urge to cry, but he held her back, hugged her into his arms and said, "Listen to the doctor, don't do stupid things ..."

Xiao Xueting was hoarse, she fell into Liu Boyang's arms and wept loudly, wishing to cry all the tears, and Liu Boyang's heart was even more uncomfortable. If Xiao Xueting was not for healing her own injuries, why would she invite that pig and dog? livestock?How could such a thing happen?In the final analysis, all this is caused by oneself!

"Xue Ting, tell your parents that no matter what happened, we have to face it. Don't worry, I will help you and grandma to seek justice!" But when Liu Boyang said this, he felt very hypocritical, Very pale, ㊣(5) people are already dead, and they can still get a damn justice!

Before leaving, the leading doctor looked Liu Boyang up and down in disbelief, and suddenly said in a serious tone: "You'd better follow us back to the hospital for treatment, I can tell by visual inspection that you are seriously injured!"

How can Liu Boyang be in the mood to care about his injury now, there are many imminent matters waiting for him to solve, he said coldly: "No need! You go, just deal with Xue Ting's grandma!"

The doctor frowned and said, "Are you joking with your own life? Your face has obviously lost too much blood, your left arm and shoulder blade are deformed, and your calf should also be injured. What are you tabooing? Delaying it will not do you any good!"

"I let you go, didn't you hear?" Liu Boyang said with a livid face!

The doctor was taken aback by Liu Boyang's tone, didn't say anything, turned around and left with a sigh, but was suddenly stopped by Yang Lin and Xiao Xueting together, Yang Lin said anxiously: "Brother Yang, just listen to the doctor, no matter what How important is your health, if you really collapse, you will be in trouble, don't you still have me? I will take care of these things for you now!"

Cui Guodong and Huzi also quickly persuaded him, Xiao Xueting cried helplessly and looked at Liu Boyang, all her spiritual hope now rested on Liu Boyang, her closest relative had passed away, she didn't want Liu Boyang to encounter any accidents, Liu Boyang watched Everyone's anxious expressions couldn't hold back their kindness in the end, so they could only sigh, gritted their teeth and said, "Okay, I can go, but second child, you must clearly count our losses tonight, as well as those in the city and Phoenix Garden. Pay attention to the things around you, and find a way to contact my third uncle and ask him to come to the hospital to find me!"

ps: There is no monthly pass for these two days, and the subscription is also dropping. I am in a bad mood, but I caught up with a Shui Ling girl yesterday. The little girl is very obedient, and I feel happier, haha

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