The best boy on campus

Chapter 1083: Protect Yourself Safely!

Liu Boyang didn't want to go to the hospital with such a serious injury tonight. In the final analysis, he didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble. Now the whole city is in a state of panic. If a person who was shot was lying in the hospital, what do you think will happen?But I didn't expect to have to go to the hospital in the end!If I had known this earlier, I would have been a fart before!Wouldn't it be good to just let Xueting call the doctor?It can also avoid so many things happening later!For the first time in history, Liu Boyang felt that he had done something wrong and confused, and the mistake was more than 01:30!

Accompanied by the four of Yang Lin and Xiao Xueting, Liu Boyang went back to the hospital in the ambulance. It happened that Gao Zhenfei was also here for rescue, but the two brothers entered the emergency room together.Remember our URL}

Originally, Liu Boyang thought that he was not seriously injured, thinking that he was shot in the chest and didn't hang up, but now he can hang up with a shot in the calf?But the doctor's rough observation still shocked everyone. It was true that the shot missed Liu Boyang's bones, but Liu Boyang performed the bullet removal operation privately, and also used gunpowder, a medically prohibited disinfection method, to treat it. The wound, on the contrary, aggravated the injury on the calf. The wound must be treated and cleaned again to ensure that there is no danger of falling and becoming disabled!

Yang Lin warned those doctors who operated on Liu Boyang not to tell the story, or they would be responsible for the consequences. Those doctors also knew the seriousness of this matter and promised not to talk too much.


At this moment, the sky is already turning pale. Last night's appalling large-scale gang war, the huge waves and earth-shattering turmoil it caused are not over yet. In a sense, it has even just begun!

What is the concept of tens of thousands of people dying all at once in the Phoenix Garden area?In the large area around, anyone who is not blind, as long as they were woken up by the loud alarm bell, almost all saw the tragic death corpses all over the ground, and many people on the spot were about to have a heart attack. People have long been accustomed to the peaceful age, and suddenly seeing a crowd of thousands of people is even scarier than having the most terrifying nightmare!The death of one person is enough to make the news these days!

As for the residential areas closest to Phoenix Garden, they didn't just see the dead people all over the ground. They were woken up by those earth-shattering explosions in the middle of the night, and they almost witnessed the thousands of people fighting and fighting with their own eyes. The whole process of burning the high slope of the road, what a horrible scene!

But now, everyone is well aware of the nature of this kind of thing. One of the bad habits of people in country Z is that they have nothing to do with themselves and hang on to it!All the police officers in the city blocked the scene below to investigate and collect evidence, but only a few people dared to go down to provide evidence. That was a stupid act of not taking their own lives seriously!

Of course, it is not ruled out that some people who are not afraid of death, such as the aunts of a few nearby neighborhood committees, and some old men and women who are afraid of chaos in the world, will stand up and speak at this time. Provide the so-called evidence, "It exploded! Yes! This is the area I was referring to, it exploded here! I was sleeping soundly last night, and suddenly there was a bang! It shook me out of bed. I thought it was an earthquake and ran to the I looked from the window and saw that the entire area was on fire, and the mushroom cloud rose higher than this building! I was so scared!" An old man who had participated in the old revolution said, pointing to the disfigured Phoenix Garden that was burned by the fire. 【Remember our read nbsp;】

Hearing his vivid description, the policemen were also taken aback for a while, "So powerful? Then have you seen exactly what bombed it? Who set it up again? Where are they now? Are they running away or not?" died?"

The old man shook his head and said: "Then I don't know, it was chaotic at that time, many people were fighting there, I didn't dare to watch it later, besides, it was too late when I heard the movement, the fire was on fire, according to In my estimation, the bomb they used should at least be the bazooka rocket launcher invented by the people of country M, or the recoilless gun, or the piat grenade launcher, or the 88mm anti-tank rocket launcher when the S-link did not disintegrate, anyway That power is too similar to what I saw on the battlefield back then!"

The old man stood in the middle and talked like a cross talk, and a group of policemen around him stared at him stupidly, let alone whether the old man saw everything last night, this description is simply absurd to a certain level, 80.00% Most of the police do not know what kind of bazooka rocket launcher is, and those who know, also know that these weapons were used during World War II and have been eliminated for many years. Tossing about those Fang novels, why is he telling stories here?

"Nonsense! It's clearly an atomic bomb explosion! How can it kill so many people? I saw it last night too. It was so similar to the one on TV. The old man and I were so scared that we hid under the bed!" The old woman stood there and retorted in a serious manner.

The old man was unwilling, and shouted: "Nonsense! Do you know what an atomic bomb is? I haven't even seen it! If it really exploded, everyone in our neighborhood will die! The atomic bomb is bigger than your bed!"

"It's the atomic bomb, it's the atomic bomb! You idiot!" The old woman was also in a hurry, blushing loudly.

So the two started arguing in front of everyone, and there were a lot of things like this in the whole scene. After all, once anyone encounters this kind of thing, they will habitually add fuel and exaggerate their views, and they will have different opinions. Well, they are not the first witnesses after all, and those first witnesses have already been lying on the ground!

The police finally couldn't stand it any longer, and at this critical moment, these well-fed old men and women still had the time to sing here!

"All right, all right! Stop making noise! ​​Do you know that you are affecting the police's handling of the case? What kind of atomic bomb? What kind of howitzer? Don't talk about such things, or the consequences will be serious, you know?" A policeman said with a straight face.

The two old men and old ladies who were about to fight suddenly didn't dare to quarrel anymore, they stared at each other, and dared not say anything.

At this time, someone has already asked Li Qirui, the director of the public security bureau who personally led the team, what to do. This Li Qirui was the director who was responsible for the follow-up work when Liu Tianlong killed Shangw City and caused chaos. But I am a veteran of dealing with this kind of large-scale gang fight, and I know that when encountering this kind of thing, cover it up if you can, otherwise you will be the first to be implicated!Fu Er explained a few words to the sheriff, the sheriff repeatedly nodded to express his understanding, walked back and said to those old men and women who claimed to be witnesses: "Since you all said that you saw everything last night, then go back with us to investigate Evidence collection, when the confession is clearly recorded, when will you be released!"

This is a pun, and no matter how stupid people are, they can understand the deep meaning in it. Immediately, the faces of the old men and women changed their faces in fright, and they dared not speak nonsense anymore. They hurriedly faltered to go home, and made excuses They are going to be breastfeeding or the food in the pot is about to burn, but the police will not let them go, they all put them in the car, and then take them back to the police station to do "ideological work", to ensure that they will not talk nonsense after they come out language, but the same mouth shape, I didn’t see anything last nightbr>

"Director Li, the nature of this matter is so serious, why is there no order from Mayor Liu? What should we do? If this gets to the top, the whole city will be shaken up!" A deputy director whispered to Li Qirui road.

Li Qirui looked at the messy lanes and the burnt corpses all over the floor, and said meaningfully: "I think that when Liu Tianlong came to W City and caused chaos, he almost broke the sky. Mayor Liu couldn't express his opinion. Just pretend to be deaf and dumb! Now I see that the situation is about the same as that time. I dare not say who can wipe out the four major gangs at once, but I can guess that it must be the one in H County Helping the Tigers has something to do with it, Mayor Liu pretended to be stupid and wanted to throw me a hot potato, wouldn't I?"

Apparently, having gone through the big storms last time, the bureau chief has really matured and smoothed a lot.

The deputy director didn't understand a bit, saying so much was like saying nothing, "Then Director Li, what do you mean?"

Li Qirui smiled faintly, turned around and walked back to the car, leaving behind eight words: "Responsiveness, wise and safe!"

ps: Here are a few monthly tickets, so that I can find the motivation to>

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