The best boy on campus

Chapter 1086 Liu Tianlong Arrives!

Sun Xiaorou and Song Qianxia received a call from Yang Lin early in the morning. The two came to the hospital together and planned to visit Liu Boyang directly in the intensive care unit. However, when they entered the main building, they saw a large group of people gathered in the hospital. In the corridor, some people were crying with red eyes, some people reprimanded loudly, and even a woman who looked extremely fierce slapped a girl in front of everyone, and faced with those scolding, reprimanding, and even beating, The girls gritted their teeth and chose to remain silent, letting the tears fall to the ground, she seemed to be numb, used to being ignored and scolded by others.

"That's... Xueting?" Although the girl was beaten in a panic, Song Qianxia recognized her at a glance. She hesitated for a moment, wiped her eyes and hurriedly dragged Sun Xiaorou towards Xiao Xueting.

"Tell me! What happened last night? How did your grandma die? Who the hell went to the house?!" The woman seemed to be very resentful, and she scolded with red eyes full of grief and indignation!

Xiao Xueting still bowed her head and said nothing, the woman was impatient, pinched half of Xiao Xueting's face fiercely and said: "I asked you, but you didn't hear? How did your grandma die, huh? How dare you say you don't know? Whose bastard did you conceive in your stomach?! You little bitch! If you don’t learn well at a young age, how could I give birth to a daughter like you?!”

"Auntie! Let go!" Song Qianxia, ​​who has always been gentle and kind, suddenly stood up bravely and grabbed Xiao Xueting's mother's hand, "How can you hit someone?"

Sun Xiaorou had also heard about Xiao Xueting's misfortune from Song Qianxia. Although she was not very familiar with her, she also took the initiative to walk over to Xiao Xueting and asked, "Are you okay?"

Xiao Xueting looked up and saw these two people, she couldn't tell what it was like, she wiped away her tears, and said with red eyes: "No..."

"Who are you guys? Let me go!!" Xiao Xueting's mother stared at the terrifying triangular eyes, shook off Song Qianxia's hand, and asked angrily.

"I'm Xueting's monitor! You are not allowed to beat her like this!" Song Qianxia puffed up her chest and said confidently.

A large group of relatives around looked here, and Xiao Xueting's mother's mouth was twisted in anger: "Little girl, get the hell out of here! What's so great about the class leader, it's none of your business if I teach my daughter? This little bitch won't beat her How can I vent my anger? She killed her grandma!"

Xiao Xueting could endure her mother's severe scolding and harsh slaps, but she couldn't tolerate such a merciless insult in front of her classmates. She is also a human being, so why didn't she have any self-esteem and affection left?

Xiao Xueting didn't say anything, turned around and walked away stiffly, Song Qianxia stomped her feet angrily, and glared at Xiao Xueting's mother: "Auntie, you are simply unreasonable!"

Song Qianxia and Sun Xiaorou chased outside the main building, Xiao Xueting said to them with a trembling voice: "Thank you, don't worry about me, go up to see Liu Boyang, he is seriously injured..."

"Xue Ting, what happened? Is your grandma really dead? Why did your mother treat you like that?" Song Qianxia asked with concern.

"I said you don't need to worry about me!" Xiao Xueting ran away crying again, Qian Xia was so upset that she wanted to chase after her, but Sun Xiaorou caught her in time, Xiaorou looked upstairs worriedly, after all, she still Husband is importantbr>

Song Qianxia sighed dejectedly, she had no choice but to look at Xiao Xueting's running back with some reluctance, and sighed deeply in her heart.

The episode was only short, and the two hurried upstairs again.


And Xiao Xueting ran out of the hospital heartbroken, looking around in a daze, and could only walk aimlessly along a road, not knowing where she was going, in short, she just didn't want to face any familiar people, didn't want to hear about them voice, and don't want to see their expressions, her heart is really broken!

But while walking, suddenly a silver-white BMW followed slowly behind, the glass rolled down, and a handsome guy who looked refined and elegant smiled and called her: "Hey, beauty, where are you going? Do you need me?" Give you a ride?"

Xiao Xueting's reckless impulse finally sprouted from her strong rebellious psychology, she turned her head and sneered, "I'm going to hell, you're going too?"

The man chuckled: "Go, why don't you go, I just came back from there."

"I'm a little sister, aren't you afraid?" Xiao Xueting still sneered.

"Don't be afraid.

"I even gave birth to an animal, you don't mind?"

"I don't mind." The man smiled and shook his head.

Xiao Xueting didn't say a word as if revenge, she went straight to pull the door, and then got into the car, but the man just looked at her with a smile, and decisively pushed the accelerator, and the BMW Juechen left.


When Sun Xiaorou and Song Qianxia ran to the emergency room, their nervous hearts were about to jump out, but when Yang Lin told them that Brother Yang's life would not be in danger, their mood finally fell, and they guarded the door anxiously. outside.

Not long after, Liu Zhenjiang, Liu Boyang's third uncle, brought his third aunt to the hospital with a tired face. To Yang Lin's surprise, he didn't see much of the real meaning of blaming Liu Boyang from his expression, because he asked The first sentence is how is the situation in Boyang.

"Uncle Zhenjiang, I'm sorry to trouble you again this time. What happened last night was really unexpected. Someone..."

Yang Lin tried to explain something, but Liu Zhenjiang waved his hands and said: "Needless to say, I already know everything. Don't worry, I'm not the kind of selfish person. Boyang's safety is more important than anything else. The Liu family will have to pay for it in the future." Counting on him, I have done enough for the mayor, and I will see what happens one day sooner or later."

Having said that, he could still hear the deep disappointment in his heart, and Yang Lin worried: "Uncle Zhenjiang, is it not going to end well this time? Did someone take advantage of the issue and go online to target you?"

How could Liu Zhenjiang know that the current Yang Lin also has a mayor's wife who is on the same level as him, and he knows something about the eccentricities in the officialdom, so he smiled lightly: "It's okay, since everything is It’s already out, I’ll do my best to deal with it at Phoenix Garden, you don’t have to worry about it, just do what you should be busy with, I’ll survive no matter how big the storm is, so I won’t fall down this time.”

Yang Linxin nodded guiltily, and suddenly at the entrance of the corridor, Hutou and Leopard Mountain strode up, followed by Mr. Liu accompanied by Snake King, and Xiaoying, Ning Yeqi, Song Jiayao, Diao Chan, and others whose eyes were red from crying. Concubine and othersbr>

Cui Bajuan, Yang Tinglei, He Jiuxiao, and Liu Boyang's second uncle Liu Zhenhai's family all followed behind, all with the same solemn expressions.

"Father..." Liu Zhenjiang saw that the old man had finally arrived, turned around and called out respectfully.

Liu Tianlong nodded expressionlessly, looked up at the operating room, and said to Yang Lin: "Yang Lin, come here and tell me everything about last night, Hutou and Baoshan went back to report to me At that time, I only said that you were going to deal with the poisonous dragon gang. I think you have the ability, so you didn’t take care of it, and you didn’t let them take care of it. But in the end, why did you involve gangs like Bawangtang? Who was the one who shot Boyang in the end? ?”

Looking at the old man's expression, Yang Lin knew that he had already gone crazy. This very calm tone was just the calm before the storm!

"Grandpa Liu, this is a long story." Yang Lin intentionally or unintentionally looked at He Jiuxiao who was standing next to him, and then said, "Please come here for a while, and I will explain everything to you clear!"

Although Yang Lin's movement was only a subtle one, how could he hide it from the old eyes of so many sophisticated people present, Liu Tianlong turned his head and glanced at He Jiuxiao, followed Yang Lin to another place without saying anything.

And at that moment, He Jiuxiao's heart trembled suddenly, his brows were furrowed, as if he had a premonition of something bad!

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