The best boy on campus

Chapter 1087 He Jiuxiao goes crazy!

In the corner of the corridor, while everyone waited and watched in a suppressed atmosphere, Yang Lin told Liu Tianlong the whole story of last night. As for the group of men in black who suddenly attacked at the end, Yang Lin did not say clearly. , but He Xiaobin was vaguely mentioned in the words.Yang Lin also took a great risk in doing so. After all, He Jiuxiao was standing not far away. Master Jiu's name is so powerful that it is not a joke to offend him.

But Yang Lin had some scruples, Liu Tianlong didn't need to be afraid of anyone, under everyone's gaze, he walked over to He Jiuxiao and said, "Old Nine, come here, let's have a chat. "

He Jiuxiao's bad premonition was finally verified, he hesitated to speak, but he didn't say anything after all, he just said lightly: "Okay."

Yang Tinglei and Cui Bajuan also wanted to follow, but Liu Tianlong didn't agree. Those two couldn't force it. In fact, they had already seen the clues. Of the nine children in the Jiulong Club, except for the eighth and the ninth who didn't come back, only He Xiaobin is not here, what does this mean, do you still need to explain?


"Old Jiu, I don't need to talk about the friendship between our brothers these years?" At the other end of the corridor, Liu Tianlong put a cigarette in his mouth and handed one to He Jiuxiao, looking at him indifferently.

He Jiuxiao ignited the fire by himself, and also said calmly: "Dragon King, if you have anything to say, just say it, our brothers' feelings don't need to beat around the bush."

Liu Tianlong nodded, and said: "You know my temper. Originally, I didn't want to care about the children's affairs. When the young eagle grows up, it will always fly to the sky by itself, and old bones like us will eventually Will be eliminated, the future belongs only to them, are you right?"

"Yes." He Jiuxiao said.

"For example, like me, I have been 'stocking' Boyang for so many years. Only in a limited time, I will indirectly provide him with some experiences and opinions from people who have experienced it. Only when he is really in danger, I will come out to help him. Yeah. I seem to be ruthless, but you should be able to understand how much pains I have put into him?"


"It's a very simple truth. The road is not made by one person. After all, he can't get real experience and growth. It can be said that Boyang can be today because of his hard work alone. Is this true?"


"Old Jiu, do you know? When I came back this year during the Chinese New Year, I saw with my own eyes how gratified that kid has achieved now! My old Liu, he is the only grandson in my life, and all my hopes are pinned on him. The future of the Liu family depends entirely on him. So I can tolerate him making some small mistakes and suffering some small injuries, but I can't tolerate him being deceived and plotted against by my own people!"

He Jiuxiao finally heard the meaning of the words, and said bluntly: "Dragon King, I understand what you said. Who doesn't feel sorry for my grandson? You don't have to shy away from our old brothers' feelings. If you have anything to say, just say it. Did that kid Xiaobin do something wrong?" He Jiuxiao asked frankly.

Liu Tianlong took a deep breath of cigarettes, and said lightly: "Okay, I won't hide it from you, based on the current speculation, it was Xiaobin who plotted against Boyang and the others last night."

When He Jiuxiao heard this, he subconsciously raised his head and retorted: "Impossible! Dragon King, don't wrong him without evidence. I believe my grandson is not that kind of person!"

Liu Boyang looked at He Jiuxiao's serious expression and sighed in his heart. He knew that He Jiuxiao could not accept such a reality, but the relationship between Liu Tianlong and He Jiuxiao was like the relationship between Liu Boyang and Gao Zhenfei Guodong. If you go the wrong way, can the other party turn their backs and deny you all at once, and go to war?Brothers who fight tigers without leaving each other, the most ideal way is for the two parties to talk calmly first, to dissolve all the grievances and conflicts of the younger generation, isn't it better than anything else?

"Old Jiu, don't get excited, just listen to me slowly. To be honest, I don't want to accept this kind of thing happening, and I don't want to easily destroy their brothers' feelings. But once something happened, no one can To cover up its truth, you can't, and neither can I!"

"No! Dragon King, unless you show evidence, I still won't believe that my grandson is that kind of person. I dare not say that he is loyal to Bo Yang from the beginning to the end, but he still cares about the minimum brotherhood. Yes, he is not the kind of ungrateful person!" He Jiuxiao's excited tone quickened!

Liu Tianlong said: "I don't have any evidence, but he lied to my grandson, it's a fact! Lao Jiu, you don't have to think too much, even if there is any conflict between the children, let's help solve it as old people. After so many years of relationship, as long as you and I are more sensible, we will not turn against each other because of this."

He Jiuxiao took a deep breath, looked at Yang Lin and said, "Did Yang Lin tell you all this?"

Liu Tianlong said indifferently: "If you are really sensible, don't blame him. Yang Lin really has no malice. This child has been the most general since he was a child."

He Jiuxiao said: "Call him over, let me ask."

Liu Tianlong had no choice but to wave to Yang Lin and said, "Yang Lin, come here, your Grandpa He has something to ask you."

Yang Lin said "Oh", as if he had guessed it a long time ago, he walked over without timidity or guilt, Cui Bajuan and Yang Tinglei looked at each other, and they also walked over together.

"You tell Grandpa He all the ins and outs of the whole matter. There is no need to hide anything. He is also a person who understands righteousness. As long as what you say makes sense, he will not blame you." Liu Tianlong said.

Yang Lin nodded, and had no choice but to tell the whole story in front of the four old ladies, even the obvious lie that He Xiaobin told on the phone just now, this time He Jiuxiao couldn't help but believe it , he clenched his fists tightly, gritted his teeth and said, "Where is that bastard now? I'll go find him now!"

Yang Lin said: "Grandpa He, don't be angry, he will be here soon."

He Jiuxiao said furiously: "This prodigal bastard! Yang Lin, don't worry, I will help you and Bo Yang to seek justice. If he really did the whole thing, I will be the first to let him go!"

The grandson is not up to date, and the face of an old man is also dull, especially for an old man like He Jiuxiao who wants to save face. He Xiaobin is a murderer, and he does things so recklessly. Doesn't it make He Jiuxiao have no face to face Liu Tianlong and the others in the future?


Soon, this large group of people stood in the corridor and waited for less than 10 minutes. He Xiaobin really came up "scarred". The moment he saw the corridor full of people, he was stunned , and then his heart skipped a beat, especially with the presence of the four old masters, which simply made his scalp tingle for no reason!

And in the eyes of everyone, He Xiaobin at this time is funny like a clown, especially his slightly limping appearance, this scene is too fakebr>

Originally, He Jiuxiao wanted to make a final argument for his grandson, but seeing how angry he is, he will not be angry at all!

"You're dawdling! Get out of here with me!!" He Jiuxiao roared angrily.

He Xiaobin trembled for a moment, and looked at Yang Lin with some guilt, wiping out a trace of resentment in his heart, but of course he had to do all the acting, so he walked over in an extremely embarrassed way, covered the corners of his bruised and bleeding mouth, and said, "Grandpa, when will you Here, why...?"

"Stand closer, why are you standing so far away? Afraid I'll eat you?" He Jiuxiao said angrily!

He Xiaobin gritted his teeth in secret, without looking at Yang Lin, he said to He Jiuxiao, "Grandpa, did you hear something about Dao Tuo? Not even you don't believe me, last night I really By Qiao Si..."

Before he finished speaking, He Jiuxiao slapped He Xiaobin hard on the face with a loud slap, and slapped him directly against the wall. Sun Xiaorou, Ning Yeqi and the other girls behind were all terrified instinctively. , while Yang Lin, Lao Mao Guodong and others were somewhat>

"Pretend! You little bastard, pretend again! Did I ask you something? What are you guilty of? What the hell are you afraid of if you didn't do anything wrong? You betrayed your brother, a beast that is worse than a pig and a dog, you put my face I've lost it all! If I don't beat you to death today, you wolf-hearted Fang Xiaoxi, I don't deserve to be your grandfather!!" He Jiuxiao was furious!

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