The best boy on campus

Chapter 1088 He Xiaobin kneels down!

"Grandpa! Why did you hit me? I'm right! Why don't you even believe me?!" He Xiaobin covered his face in disbelief and exclaimed!

He looked at Yang Lin pretending to be pitiful, and said loudly: "Second brother! You just said something! Didn't I explain it to you already? I was really tricked by Qiao Si! Look at the injuries on my body , That’s why they locked me up and beat me! —Ah! Did you tell my grandfather the secret? How could you treat me like this?!”

"You bastard! Shut up! How dare you say such shameless things, do you want everyone in the world to see the old He family's jokes? I've ripped off your skin!!" He Jiuxiao went up and kicked He Xiaobin Turning over, pressing on the ground was a storm of punches and kicks. Ning Yeqi, Sun Xiaorou and others behind were shocked. What is going on? My husband is still undergoing surgery in the ward, and here Why did Mr. He start attacking He Xiaobin again?

Even Cui Guodong's old cat, Lai Bingwen, and Zhang Xiangfang's novels are also puzzled. They still don't know that it is He Xiaobin's black hand. After all, they don't know about it from the beginning to the end. He waved his hand and said nothing.

To say that He Jiuxiao was really merciless, he beat He Xiaobin like a sandbag and curled up on the ground with his head in his arms, and there was nowhere to hide, but He Xiaobin was worthy of being tough, he refused to say even a word of begging for mercy!

During this period, many doctors and nurses heard the movement and ran over to fight, but when they saw Liu Tianlong's stern lineup, they all consciously shut up and walked away. The hospital is very busy today, and it was just too early before. There were not many patients. Last night, the number of deaths in the melee in Phoenix Garden was astonishing, but there were not a few who were seriously injured and dying. As time went by, people kept coming over, and every hospital in the city was in a hurry!

"Do you admit it or not? You have to force me to beat you to death before you regret it?! Hurry up and apologize to Yang Lin and so many of your brothers!!" He Jiuxiao gasped!

He Xiaobin gritted his teeth and said, "No! I don't even apologize to death. I didn't do it. Why should I admit it? Grandpa, you beat me to death! I want to see if you will regret it if you kill me unjustly." !"

At this time, He Xiaobin was also betting. He didn't believe that his grandfather could really kill him, and if he refused to admit it, He Jiuxiao would doubt the correctness of what Yang Lin said. More importantly, in the current situation, no matter what Whether he admits it or not, he doesn't even have the face to face his brother, so he might as well save himself some last face!

"Don't dare to talk hard!" He Jiuxiao kicked He Xiaobin's feet again. The grandpa and grandson beat one violently and the other stubbornly. Apart from the real fists and kicks, there were also elements of farce.

Liu Tianlong, Yang Tinglei, Cui Bajuan and the others held their arms indifferently from beginning to end. Don't they know He Jiuxiao's good intentions?The more viciously he hit, the more he wanted to excuse He Xiaobin indirectly. If Liu Tianlong and others went up to stop him at this time, it would prove that He Xiaobin was forgiven for what he did in a certain sense!

He Jiuxiao saw that none of the three of Liu Tianlong came up to hold him back, and felt distressed in his heart. After all, they were all his own grandsons. Even if he made a big mistake, he was still caring about him. How could he really be willing to beat him to death?He is deeply aware of Liu Tianlong's weakness, since Yang Lin refuses to speak, he can only try to make Liu Tianlong>

"Bastard! Do you really think I dare not beat you to death?! It's just that killing you is meaningless! Can killing you get forgiveness from your brothers? Get out of here and apologize to your grandpa Liu!" He Jiuxiao couldn't help saying, grabbed He Xiaobin's scalp and pulled him up, and slammed him down in front of Liu Tianlong, cursing angrily!

The old cat, Cui Guodong, and others finally understood the situation before them, and asked Yang Lin in a low voice, "Second brother, third brother, what happened? Could it be that group of men in black last night..."

Yang Lin nodded without waiting for him to finish speaking.

Immediately, Lao Mao and the others were stunned for a moment, and then became furious, glaring at He Xiaobin on the ground, without the slightest sympathy!

"Say it! Tell me all your plots, and ask your grandfather Liu for forgiveness, hurry up!" He Jiuxiao slapped He Xiaobin on the back of the head, and slapped the brother who is known as the most handsome guy in the Kowloon Club. His head was in a mess, and he lay on the ground with his teeth gritted!

No one noticed that when He Xiaobin was staring at his grandfather, the look of resentment in his eyes, from this moment on, He Xiaobin, who was already hopeless, once again had a murderous intention!

"Say it quickly!!" He Jiuxiao kicked again, He Xiaobin was full of resentment, got up on his hands and said, "Grandpa Liu, I..."

Liu Tianlong waved his hand and said, "Okay, Xiaobin, you don't need to say anything." He turned his head and looked at He Jiuxiao: "Old Jiu, forget it, young people always do wrong things, Xiaobin must be a temporary He went astray because he was confused, and I believe he can change his self-confidence, so we will give him another chance."

As soon as these words came out, Yang Lin instantly looked at Liu Tianlong in disbelief!What does the old man mean by this sentence? Could it be that Xiaobin conspired to kill so many people, and more than 1000 people in the Jiulong Club died tragically under his hands, so forget it?

"Grandpa Liu..." Yang Lin was about to speak when Yang Tinglei suddenly gave him a wink. Yang Lin's face turned bitter, but he didn't say anything.

Cui Bajuan shook his head secretly. He understood Liu Tianlong's difficulties. If Liu Tianlong didn't make a statement, it would really push He Jiuxiao into a hurry. Everyone has a bottom line, and He Jiuxiao also wants face. With such great sincerity, if Liu Tianlong turns a blind eye to it, there will be no brotherhood to talk about in the future.

"Did you hear that! Although you are unkind, your grandpa Liu and the others are not unrighteous! Hurry up and thank him!" He Jiuxiao finally breathed a sigh of relief, but still kicked He Xiaobin with a stern face.

"Thank you, Grandpa Liu..." He Xiaobin also felt a kind of secret joy in his heart, and hurriedly said.

Liu Tianlong said lightly: "Excuse me, Xiaobin, I can give you one chance, but I won't give you twice! This time it's for your grandpa's face, and for how many years of our old brother's friendship. Make an exception! I hope you can understand this truth! There are many things in this world, if people don’t know about them, unless you can’t do it yourself, you have to remember clearly when you do things and behave yourself in the future!”

"I remember!" He Xiaobin hurriedly responded, Liu Tianlong pointed to Yang Lin and the others and said: "Furthermore, for what you did, it's not us old people who are sorry, but you, your sworn brothers! I agree to give you a chance, but if you brothers agree or not, you can only ask them to forgive you!"

He Xiaobin nodded when he heard this, and finally straightened up, then looked at Yang Lin Laomao and others, knelt down directly, put his hands on the ground and said: "Second brother, brothers, I was wrong! Look at our brothers For the sake of many years, I beg you to forgive my momentary confusion!" After speaking, he kowtowed three times to Yang Lin!

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