The best boy on campus

Chapter 1102 Star-making Project!

{shu}Ju & "Cultural industry?" Liu Boyang was taken aback. The word "culture" is very knowledgeable, especially when it is put on a gangster like Liu Boyang. "Be more specific. {shu}ju&"

"Hehe, Emperor Yang Qing, don't overthink it. The 'culture' I'm talking about is not the same thing as what you think. To put it simply, our city G doesn't lack anything now, except for our own celebrities and stars. You have to know , when the major cities in a country are generally developed, the economic competition between them is not much different, and the gdp does not show a big advantage, so what can help them increase their popularity the most, on the contrary, are some Popular rookie celebrity! Do you know what I mean?" Zhao Shuangmei asked with a smile.

Liu Boyang nodded: "Mayor Zhao, can you talk to me without being bureaucratic? Let's be simple and straightforward, shall we?"

Zhao Shuangmei chuckled, with an expression of "I really can't stand you": "That's fine, then I'll tell you in plain language, anyway, you don't need money now, why don't you build a media company? Our city G is outstanding, isn't it?" Can't find any real performers and singers, mainly because the environment in S province is more conservative and agricultural, so it hasn't been able to produce a national sensation star for so many years, and no one is willing to take the risk to do one An unsure thing."

"But you are different. You can get what you want now. Everything you do is going smoothly, and you have a lot of money and nowhere to invest. Why don't you give it a try? With us as your backing, you Are you afraid that you won’t be able to make a name for yourself?”

Faced with Zhao Shuangmei's provocative and seductive words, Liu Boyang was immediately interested. To be honest, Liu Boyang himself had long been interested in opening a performing arts company and a record company, and the original daughters-in-law didn't mention it to him in good faith. ever?Xiao Rou naively fantasizes about being a star, while Diao Chan has a beautiful voice like heaven. If he can single-handedly make them popular, it will be equivalent to having two celebrities as wives!

Of course, we have to return to reality. Many things are not as simple as Liu Boyang imagined, but it is better to have ideas than no ideas. Who doesn’t know that in today’s era, the most playful man is to keep some starlets?Just imagine, those pure and charming girls who are popular on TV, but in reality they moan softly and charmingly under your crotch, how would it feel?

"How is it? Your heart is moved? Hehe, don't use your brains. {shu}_" Zhao Shuangmei looked at Liu Boyang's wicked smile unconsciously, and said with an annoyed smile: "I mentioned this idea to you, it is not groundless, I I am really optimistic about the prospects in this area. Emperor Yang Qing, I am not only here to help you, but also to gain some political achievements for myself. There are a total of [-] cities in Province S, and I am not the only mayor who dares to make a big splash in the media One? We are taking the lead of other cities, as long as we do it well, the future will be mutually beneficial and win-win!"

Liu Boyang nodded, and said with a smile: "It makes sense to hear what you said, but how feasible do you think this matter is?"

Zhao Shuangmei said with a smile: "Then I can't promise. We have to take a step forward. No matter how much I promise you now, it's just rhetoric. We have to let the facts speak for themselves. You have to believe that there are not a few talented people in S Province , what they lack is just an opportunity. And you can just give them a stage to display their talents. Just imagine, you come to be the boss, and you can control the big and small stars who are flocking to the public, isn't it very comfortable?"

The more Liu Boyang thought about it, the more he felt that this was feasible, but before he could speak, Diao Chan, who was next to him, had already walked up to him with twinkling eyes and grabbed the corner of his clothes: "Husband, I also think this idea is feasible..."

Looking at her excited eyes like a child seeing candy, Liu Boyang could not help but smile slightly, pinched her delicate Qiong nose with his hands, "Do you want to sing?"

"Yeah!" Diao Chan nodded obediently, and the imperial concubine also walked up and smiled: "Husband, this is not empty talk. Sister Diao Chan sings really well. I think it is much more beautiful than many stars on TV. She really It’s a lack of an opportunity to express yourself.”

"Look, let me tell you, as long as you are willing to do it, the result will definitely not disappoint you. What we need most in S Province are beautiful girls and handsome boys." Zhao Shuangmei laughed.

Liu Boyang smiled and said: "Well, don't tempt me, this matter is still a big deal anyway, I can't just settle it on my own when I'm hotheaded, or I have to go back and gather my brothers to plan in detail. Do it!"

Looking at Zhao Shuangmei's slightly disappointed expression, Liu Boyang comforted him again: "But Mayor Zhao, don't worry. For now, I think it is feasible to start this media company, so it is very likely. You now Just help me clear all the companies in the 'International Trade Building' first, if we really want to put it into practice, everything will start here!"

Zhao Shuangmei said happily: "Okay! Then it's settled. I'll call a meeting of the municipal committee later, and I hope you can give me an answer as soon as possible!"


Everything was actually much simpler than Liu Boyang imagined. After Zhao Shuangmei went back, she decisively called a meeting of the leadership team and told everyone about her thoughts and the imagination reached with Liu Boyang. All the big and small companies in the city moved to the west of the city to make room for Zhanhuntang to serve as the commercial headquarters—now the city goes up to the mayor, down to the chief of the bureau, which one has nothing to do with Liu Boyang?Who doesn't know how powerful the Battle Soul Hall is?It was too late for them to curry favor with Liu Boyang, who would dare to trip him up?Liu Bo Yangguang had invited them several times when he held a big banquet, who doesn't know how to flatter them?

After the city's decision came out, Zhao Shuangmei quickly cut through the mess in a short period of time, adhering to the intention of the municipal party committee to hold a meeting with the representatives of the major companies in the "Guomao Building" to implement the matter of letting them move out.Unexpectedly, the resistance encountered was less than expected. Although some of the company representatives disagreed, Zhao Shuangmei gave some preferential policies appropriately, and they accepted it as soon as they saw it.

㊣(5) The main reason is that they finally knew that it was Zhanhuntang who wanted to occupy the "Guomao Building", so they didn't have the guts to keep it. br>

Therefore, in just two days, the affairs of the "International Trade Building" were finalized, and everything was ready, only Fang's novel style was owed!


After Liu Boyang went back, taking advantage of the excitement, he immediately called all the senior members of the gang to have a meeting together, and the approval rate passed with 100% votes.To be honest, in the gang, how can the brothers not listen to whatever Liu Boyang decides?Besides, what kind of man wouldn't be "excited" about making a star?

So this matter is settled.

Starting a media company is Liu Boyang's first step in expanding his business, but it will have an immeasurable effect on the future expansion of his business empire. It means that Liu Boyang has gradually transformed from a leading crocodile in the underworld to a king in the business world. Step forward.And for Liu Boyang to touch other industries in the future and spread the economic net to the whole country, he also accumulated the initial valuable experience.


Four days later, the companies in the "International Trade Building" were finally completely removed, and the "Fang Xiaoxing Media" company created by Liu Boyang in the name of Zhanhuntang finally settled here. Although the whole process was a bit immature and hasty, but Everything was in order. While applying for various company licenses and building relationships, Liu Boyang made new acquaintances with some dignitaries in the city, and at the same time deepened his acquaintance with some leaders he had known for a long time.

The "Fang Xiaoxing Media" company was established faster than any company in the city, and it did not encounter any difficulties or obstacles. Everything went smoothly. Even the final approval documents were sent to Liu Boyang's home by the director of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. of.

Fang novel star Fang novel star, new star, one day, this impromptu name will be famous throughout the land of China!

ps: Brothers, Liu Boyang has finally made waves in more than one field, wow, please count the votes for support!

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