The best boy on campus

Chapter 1103 "East Star Media" Company Opens!

On the day when the "Fang Xiaoxing Media" company opened, City G was more lively and grand than ever before!

Not to mention the grandeur of Zhanhuntang itself, the entire 26-story "Guomao Building" belongs to one family alone. This situation has never happened since the day when the skyscrapers in the city were built. "It's not just as simple as four words. Although few people know that Liu Boyang took down this skyscraper without spending a dime at all, the grandeur and majesty it shows to the world is truly amazing. cannot be expressed in words. ()

At nine o'clock in the morning, the morning sun slanted into the sky, "Fang Xiaoxing Media" set up a huge stage in front of the "International Trade Building", and invited some natives of province S who had a high exposure rate on TV in the city and adjacent cities Little stars came to hold the lineup, singing and dancing, the atmosphere was so jubilant!The stars also passionately interacted with the audience, played games, and sang duets on the same stage, making countless star fans almost crazy!

In addition, Liu Boyang discussed with the city leaders and closed the two roads near the "International Trade Building" to prevent vehicles from passing by.In order to avoid stampede incidents caused by too many people, the armed police were directly called in to maintain order, but even these armed police with live ammunition could not stop the enthusiasm of the audience. With the sound of gongs, drums and firecrackers around the big stage, the entire city of G It was a sensation, and there was an endless stream of people who came to join in the fun, and they were on their backs, almost in time for the national-level celebration!

In addition to the crowds coming up layer upon layer, there were also countless vehicles caught in the middle of the road, extremely depressingly blocked by the crowd.These big-headed people are honking their horns. They all came here to support Liu Boyang, and many of them were specially invited by Liu Boyang to cut the ribbon. Unfortunately, I didn't expect that they couldn't even enter the "door"br>

In a huge office on the No. 12th floor of the "International Trade Building", in front of the transparent floor-to-ceiling windows, all the senior officials of the War Soul Hall are standing here, together with Ning Yeqi, Song Jiayao, Ma Keer, Ma Xiaoyu, Guifei, Diao Chan The girls, Mu Xiaoyu, Mu Xiaoli, etc., accompanied Liu Boyang to overlook the land under his feet and the sea of ​​people below. Everyone's heart was filled with excitement and excitement!

"Hehe, Brother Yang, I didn't expect that the effect of today's opening is better than what we imagined. The whole city came to support us." Yang Lin said with a smile.

Liu Boyang smiled and nodded, "Zhan Kunpeng came up with a good idea. The opening will be the first shot. The first few fires will become popular. The company's popularity will expand, and the future will be easy."

Yang Lin said with a smile: "Well, the people Shuangmei recruited for us are indeed some business talents. They have real materials. The grand occasion of the first day alone has given me hope for the future! Brother Yang, Maybe we can really build a huge business empire that only belongs to our brothers!"

"Haha! This is necessary! Brothers unite hearts, and their benefits cut through gold! Brother Lin! With the unity and forge ahead of our group of brothers, and the wise leadership of Brother Yang, why worry about not being able to rule the world in the future? I am closing my eyes now. To be able to dream that our brothers are all standing in the sky overlooking the world, that would be really cool!" Wan Ziliang exclaimed excitedly.

Hu Die next to him was unwilling, and gave him a look and said: "I don't like to hear what you say! What is brotherhood? Doesn't it count as me and Sasha? If you want to go to heaven, you will jump from here, very quickly!"

The brothers laughed, and Wan Ziliang was so embarrassing, he also smiled embarrassingly. Among the gang masters, Hu Die and Sister Sha have a special status, the only two flowers of the hall master level, who would be willing? If you mess with them, who "dare" to mess with them?

Liu Boyang also smiled, gently took Ning Yeqi's hand, and said to Yang Lin: "Today is a happy day, so many people are here, so no mistakes can happen, have you done your defense work well?"

Yang Lindao: "Brother Yang, don't worry, all the more than a thousand brothers in the hall have been dispatched, and I have arranged them in different places. They will come out in case of emergencies. Make sure everything is safe!"

Liu Boyang nodded and said: "Yes! That's fine. After the ribbon-cutting car arrives in the city, let's go down together to greet him."

Liu Boyang and Yang Lin were talking here, and Lao Mao and Cui Guodong were not idle on the other side. Cui Guodong saw Lao Mao staring straight at the huge red carpeted stage below, without even blinking. Of course, he knows what the old cat is looking at. Now the group of beautiful girls dancing hotly below are all invited by the dance department of the best art academy in the city. They wear short skirts and crop tops in the cold weather, revealing their slender The snow-white skin on the thighs and ㊣(4) is really dazzling, not to mention the old cat, a large part of the male audience below are crazy about it, this is also the idea of ​​Zhan Kunpeng, men are a very practical person What attracts them is nothing more than three things, money, women, and power!And now so many girls are dancing hot and moving, isn't this the temptation of Chi Guoguo?

Cui Guodong shook his hand in front of the old cat with a smile, and said with a smile: "Brother Cat, be careful, don't see that the eye cannot be pulled out!"

The old cat slapped his hand away: "Get out, it's the end of the show, don't disturb me!"

"Damn! Aren't you staring at grapes because you can't eat grapes? If someone really likes you, why don't you find some companions to accompany you? Anyway, they are all studying art, so it's hard to find a virgin." Cui Guodong continued laughed.

The old cat turned his head and scolded angrily: "I told you to stop arguing! Is it up to you to say that? Even if I want to look for it, I have to look for it now and then look for it!"

Because the voice was too loud, all the brothers heard this, and there was another burst of laughter. Even the girls Ning Yeqi and Song Jiayao laughed. Glancing here secretly, the old cat blushed, clenched his fists and began to loosen Guodong's>


Soon, several iconic vehicles in the city slowly drove over from a distance, including Zhao Shuangmei and Tianji's car, but they couldn't get in because they were blocked by overcrowded people, Liu Boyang resolutely faced The brothers waved and said, "Go! Go down and bring them in."

For those who came to support him, Liu Boyang was also very talkative.

And at this moment, Tian Ji, Zhao Shuangmei, and a group of leaders in the city were also frightened by the explosion in front of them!They have been leaders in City G for so many years, but they have never seen such a lineup!The only one who feels gratified is Zhao Shuangmei. "Fang Xiaoxing Media" has hit such a big hit in the first shot, so worry about not developing in the future?Her idea is indeed very feasible.

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