The best boy on campus

Chapter 1116 Abrupt Change!

Seeing the girl approaching him pretty and lively, the meaning of voluntary devotion is self-evident, but Liu Boyang suddenly put away the provocative smile on his face, and said lightly: "Who is Miss Shen? You don't need to use this... I I think you might have underestimated me, Yang, although you are pretty, but I have no shortage of women around me, and beauty tricks are useless to me."

Shen Mange was stunned for a moment, then stopped suddenly, her face turned red and turned pale, and she stood there awkwardly, not understanding why Liu Boyang changed his face so quickly.

"Now let me tell you solemnly, regarding this star-making competition, we are absolutely fair, just and open, and it is impossible to let anyone down. If you want to be a star, you have to rely on your true ability to qualify and win others. Relying on your approval, and relying on these sneaky tricks, you will not succeed."

The expression on Shen Mange's face suddenly became uglier. Liu Boyang's ruthless words broke all her confidence and illusions in an instant, making her feel like standing here is a joke.

"But you don't have to worry too much. I will treat it as if you came to me today. I can understand the fanaticism of your girls eager to become famous, but I also advise you. It is best to put away all these unscrupulous thoughts in the future. Cancel it for me, or I will disqualify you from the competition." Liu Boyang said lightly.

Shen Mange stood there blushing, not daring to look up at Liu Boyang, feeling ashamed and resentful in her heart!She felt worse than being slapped!

"My wife is coming out soon. If you have nothing else to do, you can leave now." Liu Boyang waved his hands and said mercilessly.

Shen Mange gritted her teeth, after all, she turned around and left angrily without saying a word.But looking at her embarrassed back, no one knew what she was thinking.

Soon, the noble concubine Diao Chan came down from the upstairs together with Tian Hezhen, whom she knew well. After careful persuasion and encouragement from her idol Tian Hezhen, Diao Chan finally let go of all her mental burdens and was full of confidence in tomorrow's game.Liu Boyang gave Hebe Hebe a thankful look, and Hebe Tian had a vague smile on his lips.


The next day, the much-anticipated star-making competition in City G was finally held, and more than a dozen TV stations across the country broadcast it live, especially the National Entertainment Channel, whose influence is naturally beyond doubt.Hundreds of millions of spectators across the country followed the stage in various ways, but the most popular ones were those in the competition venue, who were going crazy!

For today's game, they didn't know how long they had been looking forward to, and today they finally got to see it quickly, and they felt very refreshed.On the nine stages of the preliminary competition, countless preliminary contestants appeared in turn, shining brilliantly on the stage, competing to compete, the atmosphere and degree of shock, how exciting!

Liu Boyang also personally brought the high-level executives and daughters-in-law of the War Soul Hall to the sixth venue of the preliminary competition. It is located in the VIP card room on the second floor. Both sides are closed, only the front has a row of guardrails. Watching the talent shows of the contestants can avoid noisy, and you can drink high-quality tea, which is of course not only a higher grade than the public seats below.

Diao Chan is No.60 among the number six contestants. Her lucky number is very auspicious, six six, and she is in the sixth venue. Does it mean that today's results will also be smooth sailing?


It is no exaggeration to say that everyone who participated in the star-making competition this time has two brushes.So every contestant's performance on the stage is very exciting. Girls like Ning Yeqi, Song Jiayao, and Ma Keer have just watched a few games, and they are already very excited. Their little hands are red with applause. The audience below They were all shouting at the top of their lungs.Although Liu Boyang and the hall masters of the Battle Soul Hall were also very happy, they were not as excited as the girls. He held the little hands of the daughters-in-law with a smile, just watching a game, why bother? Excited?

Under normal circumstances, with Diao Chan's level, there is absolutely no problem for her to qualify for the preliminary stage, and she did not really disappoint everyone. When she stepped onto the stage under the spotlight, the audience's mood It was ignited, and it was so frantic that it was about to explode!

Diao Chan was raised flat on the stage elevator in the center of the stage. Under the dreamy light blue lights, she was dressed like a dream girl in a fairy tale, wearing a pure and elegant pink princess dress, and wearing a pair of crystal shoes on her feet. , her shoulders are covered with supple hair like a black waterfall, and she exudes a delicate and pure smell, and she herself is extremely beautiful, so when she appeared, she instantly amazed the audience, and countless people were stunned. Hold your breath!

Diao Chan's on-stage attire and stage effects were all given to her by Hebe Tien personally yesterday. Hebe Tien has been there and knows that in the preliminary stage of the competition, the focus of all female contestants is sensationalism, so they will definitely do their best. It is possible to turn your performance image into a sexy show or a popular show. In many cases, once you attract male audiences, it means that you are not far from qualifying.It is inappropriate for Diao Chan to do this. With her strength, she doesn't need to intentionally appeal to the male audience's preferences in this regard, and even if she does, it won't be too brilliant. Gives a refreshing feeling.

Facts have proved that Diao Chan really succeeded. Her stunning appearance made her impression score much higher than other contestants. Immediately after the smart melody was played, the girl in the fairy tale stepped down from the stage lift lightly, holding her hand. Picking up Mike, she began to sing the mysterious melody like an oriole out of the valley. From the moment her red lips parted, the audience was stunned by this kind of music that reached the soul. Shouting, there was no more discussion, all focused their eyes on the stage, like a fool, looking at the dreamy girl and listening to the unprecedented and unprecedented sound of nature!

Even Tian Fuzhen in the judges' seat was slightly stunned, but soon, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, knowing that there was no suspense for Diao Chan to qualify ㊣(5).

The song Diao Chan sang was called "Dream Chasing Girl", and it became popular all over the country for a long time in the future. In the radiant blue stage light and shadow, two young people, a man and a woman, danced for Diao Chan. Also wearing snow-white princess costumes, the man is wearing a prince-like dress. Following Diao Chan's ethereal singing, they performed a love story between the princess and the prince on stage. When Diao Chan sang, with her as the center, the stage As well as all the walls and domes of the entire venue, countless butterflies flew out of light and shadow in an instant, chasing after each other, gorgeous and colorful, like a frolicking scene in the Valley of Flowers, which aroused the audience's passion to the peak!

And at this moment, the two supporting dancers "Prince" and "Princess", the "Princess" was lightly pushed by the "Prince" to swing on the swing, suddenly the "Prince" increased the strength of the swing, and then " "Princess" was thrown into the air directly, drew a sharp white arc, and then flew straight towards the auditorium!

Countless audiences exclaimed, this is too exciting! !Is this a trapeze show? !

But at the same time, the faces of Liu Boyang and others in the card room on the second floor suddenly changed, and Yang Lin shouted anxiously: "Brother Yang, be careful!!"

It turned out that the "princess" in the white princess costume was flying directly towards them!In an instant, all the brothers in the War Soul Hall stood up, the whole situation changed too quickly, only the girls Ning Yeqi, Song Jiayao, Ma Keer, and the imperial concubine could not react, and saw the "princess" flying towards them. "Ling Kong clapped his hands, then pushed forward, and in an instant, countless black needle shadows shot over. Liu Boyang yanked Song Jiayao violently, and with a sound of "swish", a needle shadow passed by her ear, Take a strand of show and plug it directly into the back wall!

ps: I know that everyone is tired of watching the star-making contest, so I will finish it right away. I wrote so much just to highlight a very important role, and you will know after reading it patiently.

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