The best boy on campus

Chapter 1117 Scary female killer!

"Ah!!" Song Jiayao screamed instinctively in fright. Fortunately, the strength of every hall master in the Battle Soul Hall can't be underestimated, and the speed of responding to danger is extremely fast, so even if the black needles flying towards you are like a torrential rain As dense and mixed as pear blossoms, but still did not hurt anyone, Yang Lin protected Ning Yeqi, Gao Zhenfei protected Ma Keer and the imperial concubine, Lao Mao and Guodong Huzi protected Ma Xiaoyu, Mu Xiaoli, and Mu Xiaoyu. Yu and the others made those flying needles empty and nailed them to the wall behind!

"Who is it!" Yang Lin stepped forward and shouted coldly!

And the beauty in the "princess outfit" who was wearing heavy makeup and couldn't see her face clearly saw that she couldn't get dressed, so she didn't answer, a sinister smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, she turned over in the air, jumped down nimbly, and stepped on the bottom The face of a male spectator who was looking up and watching stupidly took advantage of the momentum and jumped up again, but this time the kite turned over not with a flying needle, but with a small knife slipped out of his sleeve, ready to Shooting towards Liu Boyang, her purpose is also very simple, today is to take Liu Boyang's life!

Liu Boyang's complexion changed, and he grabbed the teacup and moved it in front of him. There was a sound of lightning "Crack!!", and the teacup was smashed to pieces, but Liu Boyang also put the throwing knife in his hand. Liu Boyang had sharp eyesight and quick hands. The series of movements are so sharp, after the flying knife shoots him, he can even conjure up a pistol, and hit Liu Boyang with a "bang" shot!

"Brother Yang, be careful with his gun!!" The old cat Cui Guodong and the others couldn't touch the female killer who was far away from the railing at this time, so they could only stare anxiously. The throwing knife was thrown back, just hitting the bullet fired by the gun, with a sound of "Dang!!", sparks exploded, the bullet was blocked, and the throwing knife was also knocked down by the volley!

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Gao Zhenfei quickly grabbed the teacup on the table next to him, and shot it like a shooting star, but the female killer turned around with a spinning top and avoided them all, only to fall down again!

But I have to admit that this female killer's method is really amazing. After falling down twice in a row, she can still step on other people's heads and fly up with lightning. It's almost like rushing in front of Liu Boyang and others all at once, and blasting out his palms through the guardrail. Since Gao Zhenfei was standing in the front, he couldn't dodge, so he could only resist her attack, and also blasted out his palms. As a result, after the four palms collided, it was Gao Zhenfei who flew upside down!

——It’s not that Gao Zhenfei can’t beat her, it’s because the old injury on his back is not healed at all, and Gao Zhenfei’s skin will be torn apart if he uses a little force, so he didn’t dare to use force at all, so he was blown away by the female killer in a very embarrassing situation, and hit him On the red wall, Gao Zhenfei felt a sharp pain in his back on the spot, and blood came out from the corner of his mouth!

"Fourth brother!!" Huzi shouted in shock, but when he turned his head and looked again, he saw that the female killer had charged up like a ghost. Yes, Liu Boyang jumped out at the first moment, taking advantage of her unsteady footing to attack with all her strength, her two fists brushed against the wind, flashing and heavy, and the thing about that female killer was that she could completely block Liu Boyang's attack Offensive, although he took a few punches at the beginning, but once his footsteps were steady, he immediately saw his moves, and his attack was almost as fast as Liu Boyang's!

The more Liu Boyang fought, the more frightened he became. Not only could this woman fly Gao Zhenfei with one palm, but she could also fly a gun and shoot knives three times in a row. !What is her identity?

Red flower ninja?Not like it! !Ninjas don't use guns!And the speed is definitely faster than this, but she is very good at both long-range and close-combat, where did she come from? !

Ning Yeqi, Song Jiayao and other girls were all terrified. They looked in horror at Liu Boyang and the female killer who were fighting fiercely like bursting beans. In this game, there will be a killer? !

But the old cat, Cui Guodong, had recovered immediately. Seeing that the female killer and Liu Boyang were at loggerheads, they all rushed forward to help, followed by Wan Ziliang, Long Tianyang, Li Wanhao, Ren Xiaotian, Lai Bingwen, Zhang Xiangdong and others. Come up and help!

But to be honest, the more people there are in such a narrow space, the more unfavorable it is. Besides, there are so many girls trapped here and unable to get out. Let go of your hands and feet, after all, it is not good to accidentally injure your sister-in-law. Cui Guodong and Lao Mao didn't even dare to draw their knives, so they could only bite the bullet and fight!

With so many brothers attacking together, no matter how strong the female killer was, she couldn't stand it anymore, but she was really sinister. Seeing that she couldn't kill Liu Boyang, she resolutely attacked Liu Boyang's wife. , and she can also look for opportunities to slip away!

Liu Boyang saw that every move she made was falsely hitting him, but he took advantage of the loopholes to attack his daughters-in-law, so he became even more angry. Taking advantage of the old cat's lightning punch, he grabbed her wrist fiercely with both hands, and was about to attack her. A twisted hand directly twisted her arm off, but who knew that this female killer had concealed weapons all over her body, with a sound of "Shua!!", a sharp thin blade shot out from her sleeve like a poisonous snake spit out a letter. Liu Boyang was shocked and quickly avoided it. , She almost pierced her forehead directly!

At that moment, Liu Boyang had no choice but to let go of his hands, the female killer gritted her teeth, and forcefully took several fierce punches from the old cat, Cui Guodong, Huzi and others, and a bullet under her feet flew straight forward, leaping from the competition venue like a carp leaping over a dragon gate. The broken window on the dome window flew out, and as the glass exploded, the outside wind suddenly blew in!

"Chasing!!" The old cat and Cui Guodong's son came out together, and the one in the lead also jumped out of the window, followed by Wan Ziliang and others.

Liu Boyang originally wanted to rush out immediately, but after hesitating for a while, he retreated, looked at Ning Yeqi and others who were just in shock, and said, "Are you all right?"

The girls quickly shook their heads, and Ning Yeqi stood up holding back her fear and asked Liu Boyang, "Boyang, who is she? Are you not injured?"

"I don't know!" Liu Boyang (5) said in a serious tone, "Don't worry, I'm not injured. When Yang Lin comes back later, you can ask him to take you home first. As long as you are safe, I'll be fine." It's a matter of concern!"

Concubine Song Jiayao, Ma Ke'er and others also gathered around, everyone's face was full of apology, if they hadn't been in the way here, holding the elbow of her husband and brothers, they wouldn't have let that killer run away!

Liu Boyang didn't have time to comfort them for the time being, so he walked to the railing and said loudly to the dumbfounded audience below: "There was a small accident, but it didn't affect the progress of the game. Don't let your interest be affected, you can continue to watch the game!"

Liu Boyang said this because he had to worry about it. He had been preparing for the star-making competition for so long. Today is only the first day of the competition. This kind of thing happened. If the news is not covered up, it will definitely cause an uproar. It's a shame!

Fortunately, the current situation is not too bad. First, when the game is in progress, for the sake of lighting effects, the lights in the venue have to be turned off. It is pitch black, especially on the second floor. They can see the bottom, but they may not be able to see the bottom After getting them, they happened to be in a state of backlight and occlusion. In addition, although the female killer rose and fell three times, her movements were extremely fast each time. Many viewers couldn't figure out what happened, and they didn't have time Seeing what happened above, even the gunshot was less frightening by the buzzing noise.

Now the only thing that worries Liu Boyang is Diao Chan, will she be in danger?At the moment when the raid started just now, Yang Lin, who had an extraordinary brain, flew downstairs and rushed to the stage at the first time. The "princess" who accompanied the dancer was a long-planned killer. Who can guarantee that the "prince" is not the same? party? ! !

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