The best boy on campus

Chapter 112 Are You The Four Eyes?

When the gentle man heard this, he was stunned immediately, and stared dumbfounded at the group of menacing boys who barged in. This group of people interrupted his class for no reason. He wanted to get angry, but when he saw the expression of the leader , Suddenly I couldn’t swear, that student looked ordinary, but he gave people a terrifying feeling like a beast. As soon as he came in, the whole classroom seemed to be frozen, and even I felt a little suffocated

No matter how stupid the gentle man was, he knew that this was a group of gangsters in the school. He was an honest man, and he didn't dare to be careless. He stepped forward and whispered, "This classmate, what happened? You brought so many people in What are you doing? Is there something..."

"I don't like to say the same thing twice to see that you are a teacher. I will save face and repeat it again. When the teacher and the girls go out, the boys will be left behind for me." Liu Boyang gave him a faint look and said

The gentle man was speechless again, and then there was a buzz in the class. Many boys looked at Liu Boyang with complicated expressions, while the girls were all whispering to each other, guessing what happened

"Didn't hear? They are all deaf, right? Hehe, okay, don't blame me later." Liu Boyang smiled evilly and said lightly

"I'm so stupid, who are you to run wild in my class?" Suddenly a boy with black-rimmed glasses sitting in the corner stood up and pointed at Liu Boyang and cursed

If Li Gui and Hou Qiang were here, they would definitely recognize this person as the "four eyes" who beat them both at noon

"Oh, let's start with you first." Liu Boyang glanced at him, finished speaking lightly, and was about to lead someone towards him, when suddenly the window on the wall was pushed open with a "bang", and then Cui Guodong's vigorous figure It fell directly into the air, and many younger brothers followed behind and jumped onto the window

"Who said that sentence just now?" Cui Guodong stood on the table of the sophomore students, holding the steel pipe in his hand, looking left and right, and suddenly put his eyes on Siyan. All the students are sitting, and he is the only one standing, so it is difficult to be inconspicuous

"What did I say?" To be honest, Siyan is also a little scared now. He was frightened by Cui Guodong's aura of falling through the window, especially at this moment Cui Guodong is still stepping on the table, looking at him coldly he

"Oh, it's easy to admit, Brother Yang, Li Zifeng is more suitable for you if you give this kind of small shrimp to me." Cui Guodong said with a smile, and walked towards the four-eyed man on the table.

The entire students in the second and fourth classes of high school, including the gentle man who was the teacher in charge of the class, were all shocked. The boss with his mouth open looked at him, not knowing what he wanted to do.

"What are you doing? I'm a mud horse, don't come here, do you know who I am?" Four eyes were frightened, and he said while stepping back

It's not that he doesn't want to persuade the soft words, but now the whole class is looking at him, including the girl he likes, so he can't say it anyway.

Man, die on face

Cui Guodong stepped in front of him in a few short steps, smiled coldly, and without further ado, kicked Siyan's chin with a flying kick. How could Siyan think that this person's fists and feet were like the wind, and he struck out so quickly? Faster than the current, he couldn't react at all, and was kicked by Cui Guodong unexpectedly, his whole body hit the wall with a "boom", and then fell down as soon as he crooked

He tried his best to stand up and wanted to yell at him, but Cui Guodong, who descended from the sky, stomped his head on the head, making his head come into close contact with the ground. There was still a lot of bloodshots mixed in. The big bag oppressed Siyan's entire forehead, making him unable to open his eyes. The scorching pain came hysterically, and Siyan screamed, curled up on the ground and rolled on the ground with his head in his arms

At this moment, I still care about the demeanor of a fart, my head hurts so badly, I wish I could die sooner

"Too weak, boring brother, I have one, hehe" Cui Guodong turned and smiled at the old cat

The "grass" old cat pointed his middle fingers at him, and spat unconvinced

"Yeah..." the MMs of Class [-] and [-] of Senior High just realized what happened at this time, seeing the horrible look in the four eyes on the ground, they all screamed in fright, stood up and hid to the side

Liu Boyang glanced at the group of girls indifferently, and said: "The opportunity has been given to you just now, but you didn't know how to grasp it yourself. Now there is no way to go out. If you don't want to be dragged down by the boys in your class, just obediently hide aside. Otherwise, don't blame me, Liu, who doesn't know how to pity and cherish jade."

The girls looked at him in horror, and they didn't dare to take his words seriously anymore. Immediately, several girls ran out of their seats and hid in the corner of the podium. The other girls looked at him. , they all ran over

"Student, you have something to say, it's wrong for you to do this..." As a teacher, the gentle man naturally couldn't just stand by and watch his students being beaten, so he stood up and tried to comfort him.

But Yang Lin didn't wait for him to finish speaking, he stretched out his hand and grabbed his wrist in an instant, broke it down forcefully, and then slammed on his own shoulder, which made the gentle man scream out in pain Come on, kneel on the ground with a limp on your front foot

Against such an adult, Yang Lin actually subdued him with one hand

"This teacher, if you don't want your hand to be broken, just shut up honestly, do you understand?" Yang Lin said to him lightly

Note to readers:

Woooooo... Today's tickets and bricks are pitiful...

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