The best boy on campus

Chapter 113 Resistance!

The gentle man's whole face was distorted from the pain. Although he was unwilling, he had no other choice at this moment, so he nodded dryly *bubble! book*

"Who is Wang Long? Stand up." Liu Boyang said lightly

"You, you are Liu Boyang?" In the middle row, a very dark and thin boy stood up tremblingly, pointing to Liu Boyang and asked

"It seems to be you." Liu Boyang smiled coldly

"Your mother also has two legs. I thought you were so awesome that you were not human anymore. I'm so stupid that you dare to beat me. I'll destroy you." The old cat yelled, holding the steel pipe and directly rushed over

Wang Long was shocked, and his thoughts turned. As one of Li Zifeng's little bosses, he certainly has some skills. At the moment when the calcium carbide sparked, he could even pick up his stool to try to block, but he It's okay to use a little trick to deal with kindergarten children, but it's really a mouse licking the cat's tongue when dealing with old cats--it's deadly

The old cat's huge body rushed over like an erupting volcano, and grabbed the stool that Wang Lung had lifted up. The legendary "sure-for-all" describes his relaxation at the moment, but Wang Lung over there was suffering, and he tugged desperately. Hand, the stool just won't move at all, his mother, ten of us are not as strong as this guy

Wang Lung was frightened. It’s barbaric to have strength but no speed. It’s sharp to have strength without strength. If it has both strength and speed, it’s abnormal.

The fat man in front of me is a pervert, with such a big body, he can move so fast. The stool I lifted was already in his hands before I smashed it. In the end, I was empty-handed and faced him directly.

"Heibi, you like to play with the stool, I'll give it back to you" the old cat sneered, and suddenly let go of his hand, which made Wang Long, who was just trying to drag the stool back desperately, fall backwards with his hands on the stool , the person stumbled with the stool and knocked over several tables behind him

The old cat stopped talking nonsense, stepped forward, picked up the steel pipe in his hand, and slammed it hard on the guy's forehead. With a "boom", the steel pipe was bent, and Wang Long let out a tearing sound. Heart-piercing howls, the pain at this moment only regrets why my old mother gave birth to me, I wish I could find a place to crawl back

so fucking suffer

Fortunately, the steel pipe is hollow and made of a not-so-thick layer of steel skin. Otherwise, the old cat would have smashed Wang Long's head into his chest all at once.

Wang Long was in so much pain that he hugged his head with both hands and squatted down. Blood was seen on his forehead immediately. He couldn't stand the burning pain when he squatted on the ground, so he just imitated rolling his eyes from the ground and howling all the time.

Hurry up, stop the pain, let me die

The girls in the second and fourth classes of senior high school were so frightened that they didn't even scream back. They had never seen such bloody and brutal scenes except on TV since they were young. They turned their heads away and didn't dare to look at them, but couldn't help but continue to look at them. After all, Wang Long and Siyan were their classmates, and they were still very worried about them.

"Who else made a move this morning?" Liu Boyang asked coldly, staring at the rest of the boys in Class [-] and [-] of Senior High

stay silent

With a sound of "bang", the boys were startled. When they looked up, they found that Yang Lin had actually closed the door. At this time, some of the boys behind Liu Boyang had already rushed in, staring at them, when will they do it? , just wait for Brother Yang to say something

"Don't say yes? You want to implicate your classmates to die together?" Liu Boyang continued to ask coldly

Still no one says anything below

"Hehe, it's a shame that you are still here to mess around. It's so immoral. Since you come out to mess around, you have to admit your mistakes, and you have to stand firm when you are beaten. If you are so courageous, I can't help it. Other friends who have nothing to do with this matter don't blame me. If you want to blame, blame your own classmates for not being righteous, not taking responsibility for trouble, and implicating you too," Liu Boyang said with a smile

Suddenly his complexion changed, and he shouted: "Brothers, do it, don't let me let go of any of the men in this class, they will all be overthrown!"

"Yes..." A group of younger brothers couldn't wait a long time ago. When they heard Brother Yang give an order, they rushed forward one by one howling.

"Liu Boyang, I'm so stupid, how about I beat you? Brothers, don't be afraid, aren't they just relying on their numbers? Let's fight him today, and the big deal is that Brother Feng will avenge us in the future" suddenly said The boy stood up and shouted

"It's just fighting with them. In my day, your ancestors in freshman year bullied you into the class and treated us as unbred, didn't you? Damn it, brothers, let's go!" Another boy also howled.

It seems that the boys in the second and fourth classes of high school are also completely enraged. At this moment, they will die if they are subdued, and they will die if they resist. It is better to resist the men. All of them rushed up with red eyes, yelling, looking at that posture, it seemed that they really came here desperately.

It’s time for Lu Dong and other younger brothers to make meritorious deeds. I’m so stupid. How dare you be so awesome when you have so many people? Knowing that madness is crazy, why didn't you say it when you guys bullied me?

Lu Dong and other freshmen have long had a feud with their sophomores. At this moment, they are settling old scores together. They all took up the steel pipes in their hands and smashed them over. like no money

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