The best boy on campus

Chapter 114 I Came to Stand Up!

The two sides quickly fought into one group, but the boys in the second and fourth classes of high school were outnumbered after all, and they didn't have any weapons, so they quickly lost the upper hand

You must know that the group of freshmen in high school have been eager to try since Liu Boyang finished his training in the afternoon. What they have been waiting for is this magnificent scene of violent beating. Now I am holding a dick in my hand, I am calling you to death, I have the guts to bite me

In fact, many of the sophomores who were beaten so badly were innocent, even many good students. They were not on the same level as Li Zifeng at all. Liu Boyang asked the younger brothers to overthrow the innocent ones together. , the method seems to be a bit ruthless, but it is not

Not to mention that this group of people was actually implicated by those guys who had the guts to admit to beating people at noon, even if Liu Boyang didn't beat them at this moment and brought someone to copy the shift, they would definitely feel extremely angry. A big battle is inevitable, since this is the case, it is better to have a clean one, whether you are innocent or the troublemaker, I am here to stand up today

This is what happened to the people who messed with my Jiulong Club

If you can't afford it, don't provoke it. If you don't like it, just turn your head away.

Liu Boyang is also completely tired of this group of sophomores, a group of bastards who are always looking for troubles for themselves one after another, I will wash you all today, and see who dares to point and make irresponsible remarks in the future.

The class was full of screams, and soon, the boys in the second and fourth classes of senior high were all knocked over, and they were trampled on the ground by Lu Dong and others in the first grade, unable to move.

"Where is the booing just now?" Liu Boyang asked lightly. The booing he said was the one who first took the lead in calling the boys in Class [-] to rise up and resist.

"Brother Yang, here it is" Cui Guodong said, directly lifted a man by his collar, and threw him in front of Brother Yang, while he squatted on the table and squinted at the guy on the ground ——Cui Guodong stepped on the table and stepped on the addiction

"You are very kind." Liu Boyang smiled lightly, raised his chin with a steel pipe and said that the man's eyelids were swollen, and the corners of his mouth, lips and nose were covered with blood.

He was trembling and dared not say a word.

"Will you be the one who beat my brother at noon?" Liu Boyang continued to ask

That person knew that the consequences of lying would be serious, so he nodded honestly: "Yes, yes..."

"Very good, I admit it this time." Without waiting for him to finish speaking, Liu Boyang let go of the steel pipe and let his head stick back to the ground

"You are very good at instigating people's hearts, but you made your classmates miserable." Liu Boyang said with a light smile

Indeed, if this person hadn't taken the lead to call out just now, then the boys in his class would not be able to unite even if they wanted to resist together. look the same

But we also know that those who dare to stand up and take the lead generally have two fates. One is to become a big brother or a leader, to be admired and stand above ten thousand people, and the other is to be abused miserably and die without a burial. place

"This is your reward for the heroic act just now." Liu Boyang finished with a light smile, and slammed the steel pipe in his hand, directly into the back of the man's hand on the ground, nailing him to the ground , blood spurted out all of a sudden, the man let out a heart-piercing scream, then rolled his eyes and passed out

Those female students in the corner of the podium screamed in fright, trembling and moaning uncontrollably, turning their heads to one side, unable to bear to watch

Liu Boyang stopped looking at the person on the ground and kicked him aside. It was this bastard who made him waste so much time

He took a step forward, clapped his hands, and said calmly, "This class is over, which class is covered by Li Zifeng? Next."

At this moment, it was already the end of the school day, and many classes around heard the violent noises and the heart-piercing screams from the second and fourth classes of high school, so many people ran out without class. Onlookers, now that school is over, there are more people running over to watch the fun

Not only the students, but even the teachers ran over, wanting to see what happened here

The group of younger brothers brought by Liu Boyang just now, due to the large number of people, only about 30 to [-] people could squeeze in at most, and most of them stayed outside, playing the role of chasing people outside. Curiosity is very big, so I just don’t leave, I have to poke my neck out to see what’s going on, and finally angered this group of evil stars, and they were beaten by a group of evil stars when they were pressed to the ground. There is no way, you asked for it

The teachers in Classes [-], [-] and [-] heard the movement from the very beginning, and they were busy comforting the students at that time, but the noise next door was too loud, and they couldn't restrain their curiosity. They knew it was not a good thing, but they still endured it. Come and see

But when they went out the door and saw so many evil stars at once, they were immediately frightened. Dozens of Liu Boyang's younger brothers stood guard outside the door of Class [-], preventing anyone from outside from entering, and people from inside from coming out. One by one is holding steel pipes fiercely, the two teachers know what happened no matter how slow their brains are, it's unfortunate that Class [-] was copied by someone

The two teachers were terrified, they exchanged winks, and secretly sent students to the principal's office to inform the principal

It's a pity that we know that the school's top management at the principal and director level usually leave school early, there is no way, and there are more entertainments, so when they hear Xin'er rushing over, they don't know that it is the year of the monkey...

With a "bang", the door of Class [-] and [-] of Senior High was opened, and then Liu Boyang led the people out with an indifferent face, behind him were all blood dripping on their bodies, but they had excited smiles on their faces

It's really cool, this shit is called fighting, so the feeling of beating others in groups is so cool, no wonder the bastards in the second grade have always enjoyed it

Note to readers:

collection, smashing bricks, tickets

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