A group of boys followed Liu Boyang and went directly to the next class belonging to Li Zifeng. Although school is over now, it is not time to go home. There is evening self-study in the school. Although students can come voluntarily, under normal circumstances , there are still a lot of students who come to class. After all, classrooms are more suitable for learning than dormitories and homes. As long as there are no special circumstances, everyone will come

Of course, when you go to other classes, you don’t need to be as cruel as you are in Class [-]. You just need to stand upright and plant a flag. To put it bluntly, it’s just to scare them. Lao Tzu’s Kowloon Club came to the door and provoked the old men. It's the fate of copying classes

After walking a few more classes, the effect was obvious. The boys in those classes were frightened by these hundreds of people, especially after seeing the blood stars on their bodies. Don't dare to say one more nonsense, obediently give in to Liu Boyang, if you don't accept it, you can't, if you don't accept it, you can beat him

There were many people on the spot who, under pressure and admiration, expressed their willingness to leave Li Zifeng and join the Nine Dragons Club camp, while others also cautiously expressed that they would never dare to compete with the Nine Dragons Club again.

Then the next goal is very clear, since all the younger brothers have been wiped out, only Li Zifeng is left as the boss

At this time, Li Zifeng didn't know what happened, his defense had already been smashed by Liu Boyang. He was leading a group of younger brothers who followed him from outside the school to climb over the wall from behind the school playground, and there were a total of four NO.50 people , all of them are bad-looking, looking extremely vicious

As far as Li Zifeng is concerned, it is not normal for him to attend classes peacefully at school. He skips at least nine of the ten classes every day. One-third of his subordinates also have many diehards outside the school, and of course there are also many iron men, such as Hua She and others, who he knew from outside the school

"When you see that bastard named Liu Boyang later, you don't need me to say more, just rush up and say hello to him, and you won't break up if you don't hit him with hemiplegia. Do you hear me?" In front, he ordered coldly

"Brother Feng, don't worry, the brothers all understand that he dares to provoke you, you don't need to say more, the brothers will not spare him lightly." The group of gangsters behind him responded one after another.

"Speaking of which, why hasn't that bastard Hua She called me yet? He promised well yesterday." Li Zifeng frowned and said

He still doesn't know the fact that Hua Snake has been leveled by Liu Boyang, so he still has hope that that guy can come to help him

"Brother Feng, why don't you call Brother Snake?" A nondescript boy with braids came forward and said.

Li Zifeng took a puff of cigarette, squinted his eyes and nodded, took out the mobile phone with two fingers, and dialed a number with the little fingernail of the other hand, then held it to his ear and waited for the connection

But after waiting for a long time, there was no response from the other party. The devil knows where Hua She's mobile phone is now. Even if it hasn't been broken, it is probably soaking in the stinky river.

"Fuck, this scumbag, is there something serious? Do you want to fool me?" Li Zifeng became a little angry. Hua Snake has always been known for being slippery and cunning in society, but he and he are also considered friends, and he won't do it too. Play it on your own head?

Reluctantly, he dialed the number again, put it on his ear, and waited for a long time, but no one picked up Li Zifeng. This time he tried his best, gritted his teeth and said, "Damn, I fed him three women yesterday. Dare to play tricks on me today, after this trouble is over, I will find him to settle accounts sooner or later."

"Brother Feng, don't think about him. With our brother here, you can't do anything without him. Don't worry about him. Isn't he just a first-year brat? It's not like we can't deal with them, so why rely on him? "The little braid behind him continued.

Li Zifeng nodded lightly, didn't say anything, to tell the truth that Hua Snake would not come, he really didn't know much about it, after all, if there was no Hua Snake to help him punch, the manpower he brought would not be much different from that of Ning Gaoning last time, Ning Gaoning has fallen, can he handle it?

Li Zifeng is crazy, arrogant, and vicious enough, but he is not out of his mind. On the contrary, he is very shrewd. Xin Baokai that bastard saw his own joke

Since I put down my words at that time, I must not let him see my jokes

In a word, this battle can only be won, not lost.

"Pimp, it's time to ring the bell to leave school now, call Wang Long Xiaosan and the others, and ask them to bring everyone down, all of them with their guys, stop Liu Boyang first, don't let that kid leave the school gate, let's go over and clean him up together "Li Zifeng instructed the little braid behind

The little pigtail nicknamed "pimp" is a fucking ugly nickname. Hearing this, he nodded, took out his phone and called Wang Long and Xiaosan.

Xiaosan, like Wang Long, is Li Zifeng's confidant younger brother at school. Although the little bosses go to school, they are also very familiar with pimps and others. Firstly, they are all Li Zifeng's younger brothers. , That's also like-minded, a group of people who have nothing to do will gather together to make women fight and make trouble. As the saying goes: Ten years of cultivation can make a boat, a hundred years of cultivation can sleep together, and a thousand years of cultivation can make a whore, a chicken, you say this relationship, this relationship , Can it be shallow?

After the call was dialed, it took a long time, but no one answered it. The pimp was a little strange now. It's not like those bastards don't know what's going to happen in the afternoon. They should have been prepared long ago. Why didn't they answer the phone? Woolen cloth?

"Brother Feng, there is no answer," the pimp said to Li Zifeng very depressed

"What?" Li Zifeng was furious when he heard the words, what the hell happened to everyone in his family today, did they go to confinement?Drop the chain for Lao Tzu at this time

"Take it here" couldn't help breaking up, snatched the mobile phone from the pimp with one hand, dialed the number again, put it next to his ear and listened until those bastards connected, first scolded him for being a bloody sprinkler

He didn't know that Wang Long Siyan and others were already wailing and lying in the infirmary bandaged at this moment, as for Xiaosan...

In the classroom of Senior Class 24

"Third Brother, it's Brother Feng's call, you won't answer?" Hearing Xiao San's phone rang for the second time, a younger brother beside him asked suspiciously

Xiao San glanced at him indifferently, then stood up, smashed the mobile phone on the ground, stomped his feet twice, and stomped it into pieces, and said indifferently: "I lost my mobile phone a long time ago, don't you know?"

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