The best boy on campus

Chapter 1148 Great chaos breaks out!

As the saying goes, if you spend dozens of days in a few mountains, you don't realize that there are thousands of years in the world!

This poem says that people are in the deep mountains, out of touch with the outside world, and can't feel the rush of time. (.Most stable,)

This statement is indeed true, ever since Liu Boyang learned the sword with his master Lan Fengtu, it feels like time has passed surprisingly quickly, and a month has passed without knowing it, this may be the result of painstakingly learning the sword.However, in the past month or so, Liu Boyang's growth has indeed improved a lot. Not only has he become proficient in foreign boxing, but he has also achieved a little success in "cracking the air knife technique". Compared with him two months ago, he is basically Completely changed a person, even reborn is not enough to describe his change.

But in the past month or so, a lot of things have happened outside, let's not talk about S province, even in this novel north, the people of J country finally started to act.Liu Boyang clearly remembers that on June 14th, the biggest turmoil broke out in city Q in province h. A [-]-story office building was burned to ashes by a fire, and several heavyweights from province h inside The characters and the employees of the entire building were burned to nothing.

You must know that the owner of that office building is not someone else, it is the property controlled by Lord Nachuan behind the scenes!Don't look at the fact that Lord Nachuan is living in the deep mountains and intends to provide for the elderly, but his tentacles and "claws" have never let go of the outside world. He is equivalent to the brain giving orders, and there are countless confidantes outside. He works.

The nominal chairman who was burned to death in the office building was actually a confidant cultivated by Prince Nachuan for many years. On the surface, he helped Prince Nachuan in the real estate business, but he was secretly in charge of car smuggling. We have cooperated for many years, but I never expected that on the day of NO. It's gone!

To the prince of Nachuan, who has a big family and a great career, this matter seems insignificant, but it is not. The old prince lost a loyal subordinate and lost more than 7000 million property, which is not the most important thing. The important thing is that the reputation of the old prince has been damaged, and his majesty has been provoked by others!In addition, it was impossible to find out who did it, the old Maozi of country E is not willing, either let the prince Nachuan give an explanation, or they will turn their anger on the old prince!

It's not that the old prince is afraid of the old man, he just can't swallow this fuss!Anyone with a discerning eye can see it. It is obvious that someone is secretly sowing dissension and destroying the relationship between Lord Nachuan and the gangsters of country E!And who has been plotting against the law during this period of time to start a war, you can imagine it with a little use of your brain!

After this incident happened, Lord Nachuan was furious, people from country J wanted to stir up trouble!So on the same day, he brought the gangsters from the deep mountains to Q city to check the situation. Of course, Liu Boyang and all the brothers who had accomplished their studies also came, but when everyone was standing in that building that had been burnt to ruins When I was under the building, the anger buried in my heart suddenly rose!

There is only one feeling in my heart, and that is hatred!

Although the people and properties burned were not his own, Liu Boyang still felt an insult!

Fuck, the little bitch has been hiding in secret for so long, has she finally started to act? !

But the people of country J are always treacherous, even if they do damage, they dare not reveal their identities openly. The police searched for a long time, but failed to find out the cause of the fire. This made the old prince angry. Under the persuasion of many big bosses, they finally restrained themselves, but a group of tough generals under them couldn't take it anymore. They were tough guys who were born and bred in Fang Xiaobei, tough men who were used to the majesty of the old prince. Bad breath?

Resolutely took retaliatory measures, smashing, smashing, burning and killing all the j-invested enterprises and j-country cooperative enterprises in the entire q city!A bandit is a bandit, they dare to take care of what the police can't do!Anyone who is from the J country on the street will be beaten violently if they are pressed to the ground. I don't believe that they can't force out those nasty pheasant gang members and red flower ninjas!

But in this way, they vented their anger, but it led to even more irreversible consequences!Countless people from country j who have been violated have filed complaints, and the head of the embassy of country j in country z is also angry, and sternly reprimands the government of country z for an explanation!


So far, many people have seen that, in fact, the old prince was tricked by the enemy when his temper was out of control, to expand the conflict, and finally forced the people of Z country to send troops to arrest all the troublemakers , The old prince has lost a large number of loyal subordinates again!

But the people of country j still insist on it. If the government of country z can't justly and openly sentence those gangsters according to the law, they will never let it go. They will publicize this matter to the world and let the government of country z be black forever !

The high-level government can't do anything about it, it's like a fig leaf in someone else's hands, if you don't obey, you have to bear the irreparable consequences, so you can only deal with it strictly to the end, and judge all the people of Lord Nachuan according to the law in the shortest possible time. It was Lord Nachuan, who was as powerful as the sky, but he couldn't save a single person. In the end, the white people sent the black people away. He watched as several of his confidantes who were handpicked by him were executed by shooting!

Prince Nachuan used to run and run for these people for a long time, but the bamboo basket was empty. At the moment when they finally walked to the execution ground, the old prince didn't go to see them, but he bought the corpses of those people afterwards. , Bury them generously, after all, most of these people are some tyrannical people, it is really useless to die like this, it is really a pity!


After this disturbance, the old prince seemed to have aged many years all of a sudden, and Liu Boyang would never see him laughing outright as before, even though the bosses around him were trying to comfort him, it was better to think about everything. The bill will always be recovered!It's just that the turmoil is on the cusp now, the timing is wrong, and it's not easy to do it!

But whenever he heard these words, the old prince would sigh and shake his head, and sometimes his eyes would be filled with confusion when drinking. Liu Boyang once overheard a conversation between him and his grandfather Liu Tianlong: "People When I am old, I can’t accept my old age. Thinking about me, Na Chuanjie, I have been fighting eagles all my life, and finally let the eagle peck me blind! Now I can’t even fight a little bitch!" Then there was a long sigh, And the voice of grandpa comforting him. (!. Win call credit)

It seems that the blow this time is a huge blow to the old prince, he has already doubted his leadership ability and handling skills, what Liu Boyang is worried about is that if the little bastard makes trouble like this a few more times, the old prince will die if he is not angry !At that time, the plan of the j people will just come true, and Fang Xiaohua will be in chaos in the north. They will disintegrate the huge underworld empire controlled by the old prince without fighting!

No wonder it's been so long.The Pheasant Gang has been standing still, and it turns out that this is the kind of trick they are secretly brewing!


However, for Liu Boyang now, even if he wanted to help the old man solve his problems, he couldn't get in at all. There are many big men in Fang's novel, and basically everyone has more weight than his own words, and he is completely powerless!Now he really wanted to find some words to comfort the old man, but he couldn't say anything, after all, he and Lord Nachuan were separated by four generations, and they were not on the same level at all.

The long-planned conspiracy of the people of country j finally kicked off, but their purpose, is it really as simple as defeating Prince Nachuan and occupying Fang Xiaobei? -

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