The best boy on campus

Chapter 1149 Competition before graduation!

Since the No.14 incident, the group of bigwigs gathered in the deep mountains, headed by the old prince, changed their happy and happy life some time ago, and gathered together every day to discuss strategies to deal with the people of country j. (!. Win q coins) In fact, don’t look at the fact that the people of country j ran to the land of people of country Z to make trouble, but they are very smart, they are not fooling around, and they know how to seize some tricks to let the people of country Z deal with themselves, such as forcing the government to shoot the most troublemakers The men of the serious old prince are a good example.

The little bastards are full of tricks, and they are hard to guard against. If you look at them with old eyes, you will suffer a big loss.Now the disadvantage of the old prince's side is that there is still the government on the white road holding him back, and those quack tricks of revenge and complaints can't be used at all!Relatively speaking, it would be easy to say that the battlefield was on the land of the people of country J at this time. With the violent temper of Lord Nachuan and his group, there is no need to be timid and just run rampant and start killing!

Liu Boyang has now fully felt the threat of the j people. Fang Xiaoxiaobei's land can't speak for himself, so he doesn't want to worry about it, but now he is very worried about his province S. If there is a surprise attack on the site, I am in the north of Fang Xiaoxiao, and I will be beaten by them without thinking about my tail!

So Liu Boyang's mood is not as bottlenecked and comfortable as before, he is already returning to his heart.It's been two months since I've been away, and there are many big and small things at home, and I don't know how many troubles have accumulated.

Fortunately, Liu Boyang has already achieved some success in his art, and his master Lan Fengtu has taught him everything he should, except for sword techniques and boxing techniques, he even taught him some secret recipes for making herbal medicines and the nine needles against the sky!Liu Boyang is indeed not what it used to be. After returning, he will definitely impress all the brothers who stayed at home!

At the end of June, the weather in the mountains finally became warmer. In addition to studying hard with their masters, all the brothers went to the deep mountain streams to take a shower every day as usual.Now the old cat has been able to pull the log upside down and stand in the rapids for twelve hours. Even if he doesn't eat or drink, he can stand for a whole day without moving a muscle!

And now the old cat finally stopped complaining that what Zhang Ba first asked him to do was useless, he had personally experienced the benefits of infinite strength, not to mention, who wouldn't be envious of that solid lumpy flesh?Now the place where the old cat's shoulders connect to the biceps is thicker than the thighs of ordinary people, a real giant monster!It may be exaggerated to say that he is asked to lift a car with both hands, but it is not a problem to uproot a big tree and play like a tiger when he has nothing to do!

Now it is approaching the day of apprenticeship, as the so-called master guides the door, and the cultivation depends on the individual, it is impossible for these strange people like Lanfengtu to stay by the side of Liu Boyang and his brothers for many years, teaching them Kung Fu hand in hand, and Liu Boyang will leave soon Fang Xiaoxiao went north and returned to S province. (!. Win call credit)


It was another dusk filled with sunset, Liu Boyang was taking a few brothers to take a shower in the deep mountain stream, suddenly nine strange people came out of the forest together with the blue phoenix picture smiling Buddha, everyone in Liu Boyang was surprised, Quickly put on clothes and go ashore.

It turns out that these nine strange people themselves also know that they have taught everything that should be taught, and it is time for these nine people to become apprentices. However, before officially letting them out, they want to see what their apprentices have grown up to be. And the best way is to let them have a simple competition.

——To be honest, the two-month deadline has come. The matter of letting Liu Boyang, the nine "senior brothers" compete in martial arts, was first proposed by Yuan Guoqun, a big boss in the southern province Z. He promised to come over to be a judge and witness when the time comes, but unfortunately the situation in Fang Xiaobei is not peaceful now, those bigwigs don't have the time to pay attention to the growth of young people like Liu Boyang, they have long forgotten about it.

But they ignored this, which doesn't mean that Lan Fengtu Smiling Buddha and the others didn't take it to heart, and they came here today to let their apprentices have a competition here.

Originally, in the rivalry between "senior brothers" of the same school, losing is not good, and winning is nothing to be proud of. The fewer the audience, the better.


"Master, you have already decided? Let us become apprentices so soon? But I feel that I still have a lot to learn from you!" Yang Lin was obviously not mentally prepared, and said to the smiling Buddha.

The Laughing Buddha waved his hands and said, "You made the way yourself. After all, I'm just a guide. You've already learned my skills, and you still want to rely on me for the rest of your life? Besides, I'm the one who will teach you the way today." The last day of the novel West, I will go back to the South tomorrow, there are things waiting for me to solve."

——In addition to Liu Boyang, the other brothers have also learned a lot of unique skills from their masters, so I won’t introduce them one by one here, but the Laughing Buddha will leave tomorrow, and they haven’t told Yang Lin before, so Yang Lin was even more shocked!

"Master, you are leaving tomorrow? Why are you rushing back to the south? Did something happen?" Yang Lin asked.After two months of getting along day and night, it would be a lie to say that there is no relationship with these masters. Brothers like Liu Boyang are all emotional people. Now when I hear that the Laughing Buddha is leaving tomorrow , Yang Lin suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Liu Boyang felt sorry for Qi Ran, so he turned his head to look at his master Lan Fengtu, but he saw Lan Fengtu's expression was plain, no different from the past.So Liu Boyang understood that these nine strange people should not have moved at the same time. The Laughing Buddha was going back to the south, but Lan Fengtu might not have left here.

"Okay! Don't say these things are useless." The smiling Buddha smiled and waved his hands: "It's not that we won't see each other in the future. I just went to the south to do some errands, and I will be back soon. Maybe one day I have a whim, just Go to S Province to see you, and if you have a conscience and miss me, you can come to me at any time. Your master, I don’t have as much money as you, but it’s not a problem to solve the problem of eating and staying for you. "

Yang Lin said gratefully: "Well! Master, don't worry, I will not let you teach me Fang Xiaoxi, and I will make them great. If you get tired of staying in the south one day, you can really come to S Province to find me , I will take care of you ㊣(5) old age!"

Hearing the words "retirement", several juniors of the Laughing Buddha couldn't help laughing, even Murong Yanqing, who is beautiful and beautiful, laughed out loud. What this senior senior "dislikes" the most is when others say that he Old man, this kid Yang Lin really can't open any pot and carry a lot of pots, and even breaks his taboo before parting!

Sure enough, the smiling Buddha immediately put away the smile on his face, and said viciously: "You bastard! How many times have I told you that I don't care about old age? I'm still very young! If you dare to say such a thing, I will beat your ass to pieces!"

Knowing that he lost his words, Yang Lin quickly scratched his head in embarrassment and stopped talking.

I only heard the Laughing Buddha said again: "Okay, don't talk about unnecessary things, start now. I have nine sticks here, of different lengths. There are four pairs of the same length, but there is one that is the same as the other four sticks." Yes, they are different, whoever grabs the most special pick will have a bye in the first round, and whoever grabs two sticks of the same length will show us a round!"

"During this period of time, each of us has taught you a lot of Fang Xiaoxi? How many unique skills, let me use them! The goal is to win, except for not hurting others, there are no other restrictions!"

After the Laughing Buddha finished speaking, he stretched out his hand, and sure enough, he was holding nine sticks. He held the ends of different lengths, and the exposed nine sticks were all the same length.

Liu Boyang's nine people stretched out their hands and pulled out one of them.

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