The best boy on campus

Chapter 120: The Cat Plays With the Mouse!

This "Juanba" sword was bought by Mr. Cui from a famous black market in the underground world. It has been kept with him for many years as a self-defense tool. I don’t know how many times it saved his life. Later, the old man retired from the world and returned to H County to enjoy his old age. Naturally, this knife would no longer be needed, so he passed it on to his precious grandson Cui Guodong**bubble! Once the book* comes, it can be regarded as making the best use of it , let it give full play to its value. Second, he wants his grandson to keep it with him at all times. When he thinks of "Juan [-]", he will think of Juan [-]. No matter when and where, he must be worthy of these two words, and don't fall into the trap. Cui family's prestige

"Since the old man bought this knife, he hasn't killed a dog. You are the first." Cui Guodong said to Li Zifeng with a smile while shaking the "eight volumes"

Li Zifeng was frightened. He opened his eyes and saw that the two knives in his hands combined were not as long as other knives. It would be a fart. It would be strange if he didn't cut him in half.

At this moment, he just wanted to scold his mother, and finally realized that Cui Guodong was playing tricks on him on purpose to embarrass him, so he didn't care to say anything else at the moment. , turned around and ran away, the two knives were no longer his reliance on self-defense, but a burden to his escape

Cui Guodong narrowed his eyes, she knew she had run away now, didn't she just smile very proudly?How can a duck with its beak let you fly?Without further ado, just chase after me

One of the two ran in front and the other chased after them. Everyone around watched with wide eyes. The old cat spat angrily and said, "Don't be stupid, I haven't seen you for two days. If anyone can run past Lao Liu, hurry up and bring that bastard surnamed Li back, Brother Yang will personally send him down."

His tone was so indifferent, as if he had already seen Li Zifeng being chopped down by Cui Guodong

"Yes" a group of younger brothers responded loudly, then shouted and chased after him

At the back, Liu Boyang and Yang Lin, who had been standing far away watching this scene at the end, frowned and shook their heads. Liu Boyang said: "Guodong is good at everything, but two things are not good. He is too playful and too Lustful, don't say that monkeys are quick to do things, they always make troubles, this problem must be corrected by him."

Yang Lin replied: "Brother Yang, don't worry, I'll talk about him later"

"Go away, get the hell out of here!" Over there, Li Zifeng, who was running in front of him, slammed away the crowd of onlookers on the side of the playground like a wild horse, and rushed towards the No. [-] teaching building. the door went in

Cui Guodong looked at his back and smiled coldly. He really liked the thrill of a cat chasing a mouse. No wonder Tathagata likes to play Monkey King in the palm of his hand. It’s really cool.

From the beginning to the end, he kept a certain distance and chased after Li Zifeng, and he didn't seem to be in a hurry

Li Zifeng rushed all the way into the No. 37 teaching building, and then rushed up to the fifth floor without stopping, and ran directly towards Class [-]. He was exhausted now, and he didn't even have a trace of strength in his body, but he still Running desperately, as if trying to squeeze out all my potential, if I can't run anymore, the only thing waiting for me is death

Class 27 in high school, there is his savior there, God bless Cao Huabin, Brother Bin has not left yet, as long as he is still in the classroom and I can find him, then everything will be saved

"Boom" knocked open the door of Senior Class 27. Li Zifeng didn't know who was inside, so he came up and shouted: "Brother Bin!"

All of a sudden, all the people in Class 37 who didn't go out to eat after school or those who had already come back from eating immediately looked at him, shocked, isn't this Li Zifeng?How did he become so virtuous?

Li Zifeng wiped the sweat off his forehead and glanced nervously. Suddenly, his eyes brightened, and he saw two people in the back of this classroom looking at him with the same surprise.

The two looked like a couple. The man was relatively thin, only about 1.6 meters tall at most, sitting behind the table, looking more inconspicuous, with the most ordinary crew cut, wearing a white spotless shirt, his face He is also wearing a pair of myopia glasses, he belongs to the kind of good student who looks the most ordinary, but it turns out that his academic performance is indeed very good

But, just like Liu Boyang, if you judge a person only by their appearance, it is a big mistake

It can be seen from the appearance of the girl next to him at this moment - ordinary boys can't get such a girlfriend who looks like a fairy

The girl has long hair reaching her waist, her face is as soft and smooth as a porcelain doll, her facial features are flawless, she looks quiet and eye-catching, her figure is nothing to say about, about 1.7 meters tall, slender and slender , the figure is extremely devilish, with lordosis and back curl, even if you go to participate in the model competition, you can rank no.1

Right now, the girl is gently picking up a pair of instant noodles with chopsticks, trying to deliver them to Cao Huabin's mouth, but at this moment Li Zifeng rushed in, so the action is halfway through

"Li Zifeng?" Cao Huabin asked in surprise

"Brother Bin, save me!" Li Zifeng cried and ran towards this life-saving straw in a hurry

Cao Huabin stood up in surprise, and asked, "What's wrong with you? What happened?"

At this moment, the door was kicked open again with a "bang", and then Cui Guodong came in shaking the knife in his hand, and said with a smile: "Little girl, do you still have the strength? You keep running."

Li Zifeng was terrified, and hurriedly hid behind Cao Huabin, faltering and daring not to say a word

Cao Huabin looked back at Li Zifeng, who was frightened, and then at Cui Guodong. He frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

"Today I'm here to settle accounts with Li Zifeng. It has nothing to do with other people. Boy, just leave it alone if you shouldn't. Be careful not to get angry." Cui Guodong said lightly, waving his knife and walking over

All the students in Class 37 looked at him in horror. They didn't dare to say a word, and they didn't dare to breathe. That guy came in with such a long knife. This is the first time I've seen him in school. Speaking of high school sophomores and three giants, even Peng Yousheng is not so fierce

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