The best boy on campus

Chapter 121 Slashing Plum Wind with a Knife!

Cao Huabin turned pale when he heard the words, and shouted, "Do you know who I am?"

With a sound of "shua", Cui Guodong didn't talk nonsense with him directly, pointed the straight point of the knife at his nose, and said lightly: "I don't like to say the same thing twice, if it's not your business, get the fuck out, I don't care Who are you, dishonesty even cleans up with you"

Cao Huabin's body trembled for a moment. He has lived under the halo of his father since he was a child. Anyone who knows his family background in school will be servile and respectful to him. Even Peng Yousheng dare not offend him easily. Today this kid dared to point a knife at him

However, at this moment, the sharp tip of the knife is less than one centimeter away from his nose. No matter how daring a person is, he has to be afraid, not to mention that this is the first time Cao Huabin has been threatened by others.

Sweat slowly leaked from the tip of his nose, and Cao Huabin was terrified in his heart. As the saying goes, the soft ones are afraid of the hard ones, and the hard ones are afraid of death. The kid in front of him probably doesn't know his own details, otherwise he would definitely Not daring to treat himself like this, so it is really possible for him to do something to himself

We know that there are a lot of students in a school, and some of them are from very powerful families, but they are very low-key. If they don't come out to hang out, it doesn't mean that they are easy to mess with. Maybe they can cut you down even if they recruit people. There are no bones left, and Cao Huabin is a typical example of this

It's a pity that Cao Huabin guessed wrong. Even if Cui Guodong knew his details, he would never think differently of him. In Cui's eyes, except for his five elder brothers and a group of brothers, everyone else It's no different, it's not that you are not a human if you have the surname Cao, don't you also have two eyes, a nose and a mouth?If I annoy you, I will still kill you

The students in Class 37 were stunned. They stared at Cui Guodong in disbelief. Doesn't he know who Cao Binhuang is?How dare you do this to his son

In front of his classmates and daughter-in-law, Cao Huabin couldn't retreat even if he wanted to, so he could only pretend to be calm and ask coldly, "What do you want?"

Before he finished speaking, there was a "bang" from behind him, the back door was opened, and then Li Zifeng rushed out. He saw that even Cao Huabin couldn't cover his feelings, and he would only die if he stayed here.

Cui Guodong no longer looked at Cao Huabin. He never wasted time with people who had nothing to do with him. He stepped on a stool and flew up. After a few quick steps, he chased after him, and disappeared through the back door in a flash.

After a while, there was a buzzing sound in the classroom of Class 37. Both boys and girls were whispering to Cui Guodong just now. Who is that?Why haven't I seen it before?Is it a freshman in high school?

He actually chased Li Zifeng, the famous boss in the second year of high school, like a bereaved dog, and dared to ignore Cao Huabin in person.

Fortunately, all this happened in the classroom of senior three students. They are relatively mature, and they have seen and heard a lot of things, so everything just now is within the acceptable range. If the scene just now It happened in the first year of high school, it would definitely cause a quarrel, the nymphomaniacs stared at the stars in their unexcited eyes, no wonder this is the Prince Charming in their hearts

Cao Huabin's wife, the tall, long-haired beauty, saw that Cui Guodong had left, but Cao Huabin stood there silently. She was gentle and considerate, and gently took out a tissue to wipe the sweat from her boyfriend's nose. She knew that her husband, who has always been low-key but proud in heart, was bumped into by a newcomer this time, and he must have been greatly stimulated.

Feeling the softness of his nose, the thin Cao Huabin stretched out his hand, and gently grasped his daughter-in-law's nephrite-like tender hand, turned his head to look at the back door, thinking in his heart: Who the hell was that kid just now?So domineering, so courageous

At this moment, I suddenly heard a heart-piercing scream from the other side of the floor——

It turned out that after Li Zifeng escaped from the classroom of Class 37, he ran non-stop along the middle floor of the corridor and wanted to rush down. Unexpectedly, Cui Guodong had already chased him out. Cui Guodong had already played enough of the game of cat and mouse, and he couldn't waste any more time

Li Zifeng just rushed down a flight of stairs, but Cui Guodong didn't take the stairs at all, and jumped directly from the upper floor, seeing the entire twenty steps as flat ground

Moreover, in mid-air, Cui Guodong grabbed the "eight volumes" and chopped it down. With the momentum from top to bottom, he slashed fiercely. In an instant, a burning pain came from Li Zifeng's back. From the shoulder to the waist, an extremely long gash was torn open, and the blood overflowed all at once. Cui Guodong struck with great measure. A layer of skin and flesh, but it can't hurt the internal organs and bones, but the pain is definitely not covered

Li Zifeng uttered a miserable cry immediately, and fell down when he tilted his body. Cui Guodong still refused to let him go, and said with a cold smile: "Run? I told you to fucking run again." He stabbed forward with a knife , pierced the entire calf of Li Zifeng's right leg in one fell swoop, and now Li Zifeng couldn't even crawl, all he could do was cry and curse

"I care about your mother"

Many people around heard the sound and rushed out of the classroom. Cao Huabin and his girlfriend were also among them. Walked two more steps to Li Zifeng's side, pointed the tip of the knife at his eyes and said, "Call me again, believe it or not, I stabbed your eyes with a knife?"

The blood dripping from the tip of the knife is Li Zifeng's own blood.

Li Zifeng has no doubts that Cui Guodong will really attack him. Although his face is pale from the pain, he gritted his teeth and nodded, not daring to make a sound anymore.

The people around looked at this scene in shock, their faces were terrified, and they didn't dare to say a word. Even Cao Huabin stood in the crowd without saying a word. It's not that he has never seen someone who is cruel and merciless. It was the first time he saw a few confidantes who crawled out from the pile of dead people take it so seriously to stab someone with a knife.

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