The best boy on campus

Chapter 122 Brothers Stay!

"Get out of the way!" Suddenly, a group of people rushed in from behind the crowd, pushed aside the onlookers, and hurried to Cui Guodong and Li Zifeng.

One of the younger brothers shouted: "Brother Guodong, Brother Mao told us to drag Li Zifeng back, and Brother Yang and the others have already arrived."

Cui Guodong nodded, glanced at Li Zifeng on the ground, and ordered: "Take him away."

"Yes" a group of younger brothers immediately responded, then picked up Li Zifeng, who was almost unconscious, and rushed towards Liu Boyang

Cui Guodong shook his shoulders, took out a piece of paper from his pocket, and wiped off all the blood on the blade immediately. as ever

"It was a personal grievance just now, if you see it, you don't see it." Cui Guodong left a faint sentence, put away "Juan [-]", turned around and left, without paying any more attention to the group of people

What he said was crazy, and he didn't name names, but everyone heard it. It was a kind of domineering and domineering. However, no one present dared to refute him, because his sharp and cold eyes, has stunned everyone present

Cao Huabin looked at his leaving back lightly, and suddenly had an idea in his heart. He never wanted to participate in the affairs of the gangsters in school before, and he wanted to ignore them. After all, compared with his father's power, those people are too childish However, at this time, he became very interested in Cui Guodong and the forces behind him.

"Guodong, that old problem has happened again, old cat, from now on you will be responsible for watching him, and you have to be clean and neat when doing things, don't always think about playing." Liu Boyang took the lead, followed by a group of younger brothers, and moved towards No. [-] Walking to the teaching building, Yang Lin confessed to Lao Maodao

"No problem, second brother, I wrote it down." The old cat curled his lips, feeling very helpless towards that kid, and the mother agreed for a minute, but until now I don't know if it's settled or not.

A group of people had just walked to the gate of Building No. [-] when they suddenly saw a group of younger brothers carrying Li Zifeng out. Behind them was a trail of blood. Now Li Zifeng was on the verge of collapse, and the blood in his body was about to flow dry. His face was pale, his blue lips were trembling

"Brother Yang, Brother Guodong asked us to hand over Li Zifeng to you." The younger brothers put Li Zifeng on the ground and said to Liu Boyang

Liu Boyang stepped forward to take a look at Li Zifeng, his face was so ugly that he was already disfigured, he couldn't help feeling helpless again, waved his hands and said: "Forget it, let's send him to the infirmary first, he is about to die and send him to the hospital." fart"

"Yes..." The group of younger brothers didn't dare to say anything, so they had to pick up Li Zifeng who was in shock and rushed towards the infirmary

Not long after, Cui Guodong came out with an embarrassed expression on his face, grabbing his hair, and laughed when he met him: "Brother Yang, hehe, I'm sorry, I seem to have overplayed it again."

"You" Yang Lin pointed at him with a bit of hatred

"Brother Yang, second brother, don't talk about me, I know I was wrong, it won't be like this in the future, I promise, I won't be an example." Before Liu Boyang could open his mouth, Cui Guodong took the initiative to ask for mercy with a smile

Liu Boyang looked at this brother very speechlessly. This kid used to be a typical troublemaker when he was in County H. He had a playful smile all day without a serious look, poking hornet's nests everywhere. There is no way, who told him to be one year younger?He's too playful, I've told him countless times, but this kid just can't change, but he really has nothing to say, he's always been loyal to himself, he's always at the forefront of the battle, so every time Liu Boyang can't bear to go too far blame him

"You boy, how many times do I have to tell you to remember?" Liu Boyang smiled wryly and said that this kid is good at everything except playfulness and lust, so even if Liu Boyang wanted to reprimand him, he couldn't say anything

"Hey." Cui Guodong scratched his head in embarrassment and smirked, "Brother Yang, don't scold me, I will just listen to you honestly from now on."

"Did you cause me more trouble this time?" Liu Boyang asked him

"No, absolutely, really, nothing." Cui Guodong patted his chest and assured

"Brother Yang, forget it. It's not that you don't know Guodong's personality. This kid doesn't look like he's grown up. Don't be as knowledgeable as him. Fortunately, nothing major happened this time. Let him go again. Let the old cat take good care of him." Yang Lin came up to speak for Cui Guodong

"What? Let Brother Cat take care of me?" Cui Guodong pointed to the old cat and asked Liu Boyang and Yang Lin

"Why? Sixth, do you have an opinion?" The old cat clenched his fists and said fiercely. In fact, his face was full of smug smiles.

Cui Guodong looked at the old cat's appearance, and curled his lips helplessly, thinking to himself, second brother, you are too good at finding someone, brother cat should take care of himself first...

Liu Boyang smiled faintly at Yang Lin, and said, "Second brother, who do you think I am? When did I become so petty? But then again, Guodong, I have my second son to intercede for you today, so I won't say much. , but I'll tell you again, don't play with me in the future, if you cause me trouble because of this again, I won't forgive you, do you hear me?"

"Hey, I heard that, I knew that Brother Yang and Second Brother treated me the best." Cui Guodong smiled, ran over and grabbed Liu Boyang's arm like a child and said

Haha, this kid is actually acting coquettish

At this moment, Cui Guodong's demeanor and movements are completely different from those when he chopped down Li Zifeng just now. It is estimated that many people who have seen his bloody methods just now have no idea that this god of death has such a side

Liu Boyang gave this kid a helpless look, and then said to the boys: "Okay, that's all for today, and you've also seen that from today on, Li Zifeng, a sophomore in high school, will be removed from the S. Other people in the school also put on a show, whoever provokes my Jiulong Club will be punished, and anyone who offends the dignity of my Jiulong Club will be killed. Let the banner of the Nine Dragons Society be planted in every corner of the city, have you heard it?"

"I heard Brother Yang is mighty"

"Brother Yang, we swear to follow you to the death." A group of younger brothers howled excitedly. They were so excited by Liu Boyang's words. They really like this feeling of turning over and feeling proud

They know that Liu Boyang gave all of this, so now they all have a heart of worship and loyalty to Liu Boyang, and look forward to him

Many students passing by saw so many people surrounded by three or four people, and shouted so loudly as if they were swearing, they were all frightened, hurriedly quickened their pace and walked away

Is this going to be a gangster movie?

"It's getting late, you go to eat," Liu Boyang said with a light smile

A group of younger brothers responded one after another, said goodbye to Liu Boyang, and then dispersed in groups of seven or eight, talking and laughing

The four of Liu Boyang were also leaving, when suddenly a voice came from the door of Building No. [-]: "Brother, stay here!"

Note to readers:

Favorite, recommend, smash bricks

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