Liu Boyang was stunned for a moment, and when he looked back, he saw a thin-looking boy with his hands in his pockets, and came out of the building with a smile on his face. He was only wearing a simple white shirt, and he looked very unremarkable. _)

"It's you?" Cui Guodong recognized Cao Huabin at a glance, and said lightly

"That's right, I think this brother is your boss?" Cao Huabin still smiled, turned his head to look at Liu Boyang and asked

Liu Boyang frowned slightly, turned to look at Cui Guodong, Cui Guodong had no choice but to tell him roughly what happened just now

Liu Boyang nodded, this kid also said that he didn't create any troubles for himself, wouldn't this attract someone?I really don't know what to say about him. Looking at Cao Huabin, he asked, "My friend stopped me, what can I say?"

Cao Huabin chuckled, and said, "Brother is Liu Boyang? I heard what you said to the younger brothers just now, the Nine Dragons Club? Hearing this name is enough for the domineering brother to be the leader at a young age, and he still has so many subordinates. Little brother, I really envy and admire you."

Liu Boyang became more and more confused about the reason for this person's visit, but seeing that the other party was not malicious, he smiled and asked: "Senior stopped me, it seems that it is not just to praise me? Could it be the same as Li Zifeng, who can't see Get used to me?"

The last sentence is obviously a joke. If the other party really can't understand me, he won't come alone, not to mention his attitude, he is very friendly to me

For some reason, the person in front of him gave Liu Boyang a feeling that he should not be underestimated. His background is definitely not as ordinary as his appearance. Maybe he is also a character who likes to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger

"Hehe, brother, don't get me wrong, I'm here just to make friends with brothers, and I don't have any other malicious intentions," Cao Huabin laughed.

"Befriend?" Liu Boyang was a little surprised

"That's right. Although I don't have the status of my brother, but to be honest, I have a little reputation in this school. If Brother Liu wants to unify the middle schools in the future, maybe I can help you." He really said He is very friendly and does not show off his status as a senior high school student at all. Instead, he modestly calls Liu Boyang "Brother Liu"

Liu Boyang became suspicious now, what kind of medicine was sold in this kid's gourd, he had never met him before, why did he suddenly say such a thing?Since he said that he is also very prestigious in school, why would he let himself stand up?

"Brother Liu, don't doubt it. Everything I said is true. Nice to meet you. My name is Cao Huabin." He extended his hand friendly and said with a smile

Seeing this, Liu Boyang didn't hesitate too much, stretched out his hand and held it together with him, and said with a smile: "Brother Cao is serious, Liu Boyang."

In this way, with a simple handshake, Liu Boyang's first alliance to rule the roost in City W in the future was established like this

"Well, hehe, brother Liu is not bad. In today's world, heroes are born in large numbers. Heroes produce youths. I am optimistic about you." Cao Huabin praised with a smile

His father and elder brother are now brewing a big "movement", and a revolution will break out in City W in the near future. Now is the time to recruit talents. Cao Huabin, as the second heir of the Cao family in the future, of course He wanted to do something for his father and elder brother. From the moment he saw Liu Boyang for the first time, he felt that this person was not simple. This feeling was very abstract, and he couldn't explain the exact reason. Just like when you see a tiger, you think it is ferocious

In short, the kid in front of me doesn't look like a gangster, but a complete underworld member, and he is also a member of the underworld who will make great achievements in the future. I should win him over because of my feelings and reason.

"Brother Cao is too polite, but I'm ashamed to say that I, Liu Boyang, have just arrived in W City, and I don't know many things about it. Dare I ask who is Brother Cao's father, and which 'Qiumen' is listed on the road?" Ming Ming People don't speak secretly, the polite words have already been finished, Liu Boyang doesn't think that Cao Huabin really has nothing to say when he calls him to stop, if it's really just for making friends as he said, then he is simply full and has nothing to do

"Hehe, Brother Liu's gaze is like a torch, I'm ashamed of you, brother. Since Brother Liu is so frank, I don't need to hold back. To tell the truth, I called Brother Liu rashly. I really need to discuss something with you. I think Brother Liu is a good-looking person. , the appearance is extraordinary, and there are so many loyal younger brothers and brothers under him, sharing and assisting, they will definitely be the golden scales of one party in the future. It's too inferior, even I feel sorry for you." Cao Huabin said regretfully

"Oh? Brother Cao, what advice do you have?" Liu Boyang asked with a light smile, already anticipating Cao Huabin's intention in his heart

"If I can point out the way for my brother, my old man is now in the time to 'recruit talents'. Since I have discovered a talent like you, brother, it would be a pity if I don't recommend it to him. I don't know Brother Liu. No intention to cooperate with our Cao family? If so, I can assure you that my father and elder brother will never treat you badly," Cao Huabin said frankly

As expected, the other party came here with the purpose of soliciting him, Liu Boyang smiled slightly in his heart, why are the people in City W so nice, it seems that if there are fewer people, nothing can be done, we men always look at Unconvinced by this point, people live in the world, stand upright, play big if they want to play, play with their own if they want to mess around, fight their own country, make their own emperor, always thinking about getting together and sending others under the fence, what is the skill?

But Cao Huabin is much more polite than Xin Baokai and Ning Gaoning, and Liu Boyang couldn't refuse forcefully, so he could only smile lightly: "Thank you Brother Cao for your love, but if I really join your Cao family, let's not talk about it." How about me, Liu Boyang, I can’t even pass the test of my brothers. They joined the ‘Jiulong Society’ because of me. I, Liu Boyang, can’t do two things in this world: [-]. I’m sorry and love me The woman, two, I'm sorry for trusting my brother, so I thought, Brother Cao, you'd better find someone else"

Yang Lin nodded secretly while listening. Brother Yang's words are really level. He rejected Cao Huabin forcefully, but he was not so direct, and he gave enough face to the surname Cao. People" don't do it right

As for the old cat and Cui Guodong, how can they understand this meaning? Looking at this sickly little boy is not happy. Damn, he is not bold, but he dared to come here alone to try to recruit brothers, surname Is Cao's really awesome?

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