The best boy on campus

Chapter 124 Young Master Cao!

For Liu Boyang's on-the-spot veto, Cao Huabin was also very surprised. Although the old man in his family is not as famous as the four major gangs in the underground world today, he is also a figure that cannot be underestimated. This Liu Boyang vetoed himself without even asking his name. ?

This is the first time he has seen that someone doesn't take his father seriously

However, Cao Huabin is certainly not an ordinary person, so his thoughts changed immediately, and he said with a smile: "Hehe, Brother Liu is really extraordinary. As the saying goes, everyone has their own aspirations, Brother Liu, you have your own ideas, so naturally I don't dare to force them. I am sorry for my offensive words just now, I hope Brother Liu will not be offended."

Liu Boyang smiled lightly and said: "No"

Cao Huabin paused, and then said: "However, Brother Liu, forgive me for saying a few more words. If Brother Liu is not willing to 'cooperate', we can still 'unite'. As I said, I am optimistic about Brother Liu's future. Brother Liu's ability will inevitably lead to the rise of a force in this W city in the future, and in that case, it will be necessary to deal with my Cao family."

"Brother Liu, you have to know that today's City W has complicated forces and complicated and chaotic relationships. It has long been divided into countless large and small camps, and my Cao family is one of them. An olive branch, if one day in the future, Brother Liu, when your forces are faced with the choice of faction, you can give priority to my Cao family, I believe that you and my two families will be connected, it will be mutually beneficial and win-win."

Hearing what Cao Huabin said, Liu Boyang pondered for a moment, then smiled and agreed. After all, it is not a bad thing to have an ally. In the future, when he is alone in City W, it is not bad to find a helper. It does not violate the principle Under the circumstances, Liu Boyang has always liked to pursue the maximization of interests

"Brother Liu is interesting, hehe, it is my luck to make friends with Brother Liu Of course, let's not take such a long-term view now, let's talk about the present, if Brother Liu needs help in school in the future, feel free to come to class 37 to find me , I’ll put the words here, Brother Liu, I will take care of your business to the end.” Cao Huabin laughed

"Hehe, thank you Brother Cao," Liu Boyang said with a smile

The two said a few more polite words, and then they separated.

When Cao Huabin entered the building, the smile on Liu Boyang's face faded away, and he turned to Yang Lin and asked, "Second brother, can you guess the origin of this kid? Is there anyone with the surname Cao among the big forces in City W?"

Yang Lin thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "I can't guess it either. Like Brother Yang, it's the first time I've seen this kid. This guy's appearance isn't surprising, and the name Cao Huabin is very familiar. I really don't know..." At this point, Yang Lin's eyes suddenly lit up, and a thought suddenly came to his mind, and he changed his mind and said: "Wait a minute, I seem to have some clues. From my point of view, this kid is probably Cao Binhuang's son."

"Cao Binhuang?" Liu Boyang asked with a frown

"That's right, Brother Yang, you may not know that in today's City W, although the underground world has been roughly divided up by the four major gangs, there are still three major forces that they are competing to win over, and that is the three most powerful big gangs in City W today." Consortium, Ning Group, Liu Group, and Cao Group"

Seeing Liu Boyang's silence, Yang Lin continued: "Although these three big groups are doing legitimate business on the surface, they are actually relying on certain underground forces to develop some underworld activities. They have strong assets and riches. It is the fat in the eyes of the four underground gangs. I heard that the Cao Group was covered by the 'Death Gang'."

After hearing what Yang Lin had said, Liu Boyang nodded clearly. For a simple example, they will definitely use means to pay taxes. If they pay taxes honestly according to national standards, then it is no wonder that they will lose their meat and want to evade taxes. Naturally, they must manage some officials. Of course, they also need the power of the underworld. Shut up other people who know the truth On the other hand, apart from the financial support of big companies, it is also necessary for the underworld to use their power to bleach their own money

In a word, the two are mostly brothers-in-law. The Liu Group mentioned by Yang Lin was founded by his uncle Liu Zhenhai, and of course Liu Boyang knew the background of his uncle's background, but he wanted to come here. No force in City W dares to trouble the uncle, unless he doesn't want to live anymore

Liu Boyang said: "It seems that over the years, this Cao Group has probably been squeezed by the 'Death Gang'. Cao Binhuang has been secretly accumulating strength, and when the time is right, he will fight against the Skull and Bones to get rid of its control. , that’s why we are looking for talents everywhere.”

"Brother Yang said that we wanted to go together, but before this, I never knew that Cao Bin had a son who went to high school in S Middle School. This Cao Huabin is really low-key." Yang Lin sighed

"By the way, I just heard what Cao Huabin said about his elder brother, and who is his elder brother?" Liu Boyang asked

"I know this," Cui Guodong suddenly interjected, "His eldest brother, named Cao Tianchen, is also a number one figure in W City. Among the four major gangs, the younger generation of hall masters should not be underestimated. If you have brains and methods, you may really be our formidable enemy in the future."

"Brother Yang, I also know Cao Tianchen. I heard from my younger brothers that he was nicknamed 'Master Tianchen'. He is indeed a man of shrewd calculations. I heard that he has taken over Cao Binhuang's class to a large extent. Many things in the company are entrusted to him. Of course, this is nothing. The most important thing is that there are rumors on the road that this person has no weaknesses." With a grinning look, he said seriously

"What do you mean no weakness?" Liu Boyang asked with a frown

"So, we men, more or less, have some shortcomings. For example, my old cat likes women, Guodong is too playful, Da Fei is not very good at dealing with strangers, etc. But Cao Tianchen, so far So far, no one has discovered any convenient bad habits in him. Money can't impress him, and women can't touch him. It's not easy to gamble if you don't play cars. He doesn't have the bad habits of many dudes and bears, so many people I can't grasp his pulse," said the old cat

Hearing this, Liu Boyang frowned slightly. If the old cat's words were true, then Cao Tianchen was indeed a terrifying person. As the youngest of the Cao family, he had nowhere to spend his money, and he didn't love money for love. It’s justifiable, it’s not easy to gamble, but it’s not easy even if you don’t pay attention to beautiful women and famous cars

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