The best boy on campus

Chapter 126 Daughter-in-law and wife are different!

Liu Boyang pursed his lips and smiled, of course he knew that Song Qianxia said that because of shyness, that little cabbage was thinner than water, she would not admit that the rice was specially made for herself, especially in front of Xiaorou bubble-book_)

In the car, Liu Boyang gently pulled Sun Xiaorou into his arms, and asked softly: "Daughter-in-law, are you not angry with Qian Xia for treating me like this?"

Sun Xiaorou raised her pretty face, blinked and asked with a smile, "How did she treat you?"

Liu Boyang curled his lips, smiled faintly, and didn't say anything that he wanted to get out of his own mouth?Daughter-in-law, you are really tender...

Sun Xiaorou pinched his abdominal muscles angrily, pouted and said, "It's not fun, you don't cooperate with him." Then she smiled charmingly, "Why would I be angry? I told you I don't care if you have other girls Well, as long as you don't be promiscuous and flirtatious, Qian Xia is good to you, of course I am also happy."

"What are you happy about?" Liu Boyang asked, holding her tightly in his arms

"Qianxia treats you well, you will naturally be very happy and happy, and if you are happy and happy, of course I will be very happy too." Sun Xiaorou laughed

Sun Xiaorou's words were originally sincere, but when he heard Liu Boyang's ears, he suddenly felt a strong sense of distress, and gently pressed his chin on Sun Xiaorou's forehead, and said in a low voice: "Daughter-in-law, forgive me for being selfish... "

"Brother Yang, why are you saying this again? If you say that again, I'll be really angry. If you are selfish, if you ignore Qianxia now, you are really selfish. You take it You took advantage of others, and even let them fall in love with you, can you ignore them?" Sun Xiaorou said seriously

Liu Boyang smiled, stroked her little face, and said: "Daughter-in-law, don't say anything, having you is the blessing I have cultivated in eight lifetimes."

"Hey," Sun Xiaorou smiled with her eyes bent, and retracted her delicate body into Liu Boyang's arms

"By the way, daughter-in-law, tell me, what did that little girl Song Qianxia say on the phone?" Liu Boyang straightened his body suddenly, and asked with strong curiosity

That little girl didn't call herself, but called Sun Xiaorou, what does that mean?Does this mean that she has acquiesced in her heart that the three of them will get along together in the future, and she is willing to be her wife like Xiao Rou?

Liu Boyang was very moved by his bold idea, nervously waiting for his daughter-in-law Sun Xiaorou's answer

"Just let the two of us go home for dinner." Sun Xiaorou knew that Liu Boyang was trying to make a routine out of her mouth, but she refused to be honest, and said with a wicked smile

"Nothing else?" Liu Boyang asked her with narrowed eyes, his hand had already reached her armpit

"No." Sun Xiaorou twisted her body and smiled.

"Really? If you don't tell me, I can do it." Liu Boyang threatened with a smile

"It's really not..." Liu Boyang attacked suddenly, attacking his daughter-in-law's itching point, causing Sun Xiaorou to twist her body and dodge non-stop, with a coquettish smile like a silver bell in her mouth, trying to escape Liu Boyang's clutches, but Liu Boyang hugged her very tightly. She couldn't run away at all, so she just had to beg for mercy after holding on for a while

The driver in the front row occasionally turned his head to look at the two of them, feeling a little envious in his heart. Now this young man is really inseparable...

"Say it or not?" Liu Boyang asked Sun Xiaorou panting heavily. There was a commotion just now, and in such a narrow space, Liu Boyang felt that he had spent a lot of energy

"What do you want me to say?" Sun Xiaorou sat obediently in his arms and asked with a smile

"Nonsense, of course she said something to you on the phone," Liu Boyang said

"What else are you talking about? Brother Yang, why don't you know?" Sun Xiaorou stretched out her light white fingers and tapped Liu Boyang's nose, and said playfully

"How would I know? Let me guess. Could it be that she agreed to be my wife with you?" Liu Boyang asked with a smile

Sun Xiaorou shook her head

Liu Boyang was stunned for a moment, his heart turned cold, could it be that he was acting affectionate?

Suddenly Sun Xiaorou giggled again, stretched out her small pink fist and lightly hit Liu Boyang's chest, and said with a smile: "Look at your silly appearance, why, are you disappointed?"

Liu Boyang was speechless, curled his lips and said nothing

Sun Xiaorou couldn't bear to tease him any more, turned around, hugged Liu Boyang, and said in his ear: "Qianxia didn't say it clearly, but I heard his tone, it's almost the same, my husband, I really have you."

After hearing this, Liu Boyang was overjoyed, straightened Sun Xiaorou's body, and asked, "Are you serious? Did you lie to me?" He was very excited. Although he used to say that he wanted to beat the harem, three wives and four concubines, but this Xia really has two wives at the same time, and they are all super beauties, which still makes Liu Boyang feel very comfortable

If Xiaorou didn't lie to herself, then she would really be able to experience the enjoyment of the ancient emperor's left and right embrace in the future. As for playing double P or something, it will be a matter of time...

You know, sleeping with your two wives and sleeping with women outside are two completely different feelings. If you spend money to find seven or eight beautiful prostitutes to serve you, it is better to sleep with two completely belonging Satisfied by the intimacy of my own woman, after all, the latter is not purely sexual contact, but emotional

As soon as he imagined that he could spend day and night with two beauties at the same time, with their beautiful faces, perfect figures, and considerate personalities, they would accompany him every day and share the same bed... Liu Boyang felt that he was really the happiest in the world man

"Why should I lie to you? Hehe, Brother Yang, are you happy now?" Sun Xiaorou buried her head in his arms and said softly

"Huh heh" Liu Boyang smiled sincerely

"Hmph, don't be complacent, Brother Yang, I have a request, you have to agree to me" Sun Xiaoju said

"Say" Liu Boyang is in a good mood

Sun Xiaorou said with a smile: "From now on, you will continue to call me 'daughter-in-law', but you must call Qianxia 'wife'. You can't confuse them, and you can't confuse them, you understand?"

After hearing this sentence, Liu Boyang's head was filled with black lines. What does this mean?What is the difference between a wife and a daughter-in-law?Aren't they all their own women?

"Daughter-in-law, what do you mean by that?" Liu Boyang asked depressedly

"Don't change the subject, first answer me if you can do it?" Sun Xiaorou asked with her mouth pouted

"This?...Of course it's okay." Liu Boyang nodded, what kind of big deal is this, isn't it just a title?I believe Song Qianxia won't care

"But daughter-in-law, can I ask why you do this?" Liu Boyang still asked suspiciously

"I won't tell you, it's a secret." Seeing Liu Boyang agreed, Sun Xiaorou sweetly snuggled into his arms, and said softly

Liu Boyang couldn't help being speechless, why couldn't he understand this woman's logic...

Note to readers:

Now there is only one chapter left for the ticket to be full of [-], and there are still eight gold bricks, please give me some strength

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