The best boy on campus

Chapter 127: Rabbit Dead Fox Sadness!

As the saying goes, some families are happy and some are sad. Liu Boyang is here, full of beauty and happiness, while someone is squatting in the toilet with a mournful face and worrying.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Xin Baokai stood by the window feeling very disappointed, took a puff from time to time, and exhaled deeply the curling smoke ring, then looked dully at the school outside through the window, and said no to it in his heart. helpless and sad

Once upon a time, one-third of this school belonged to him, but now...

Since that Liu Boyang came, in just three days, with his bloody wrists, he actually wiped out his two rivals who were as famous as him, and even unified the entire first year of high school. Even if he didn't want to admit it, he couldn't Don't face reality: the current self has no strength to compete with Liu Boyang

I can only watch helplessly as his fame rises, his popularity soars, and his reputation shakes the whole school.

but I can't do anything

It is even very possible that his power will be taken over by him in a short time, and then his name, Xin Baokai, will retreat from the power of the school and disappear forever

Although Xin Baokai was ten thousand unwilling, but there was nothing he could do. His status, his power, his woman, his younger brother, and the reputation he earned through hard work will all be gone forever. return

Xin Baokai was so angry that he wanted to grit his teeth, wishing he could kill Liu Boyang with his own hands, that bastard deprived him of everything, but he didn't have the courage, because he knew that once he touched Liu Boyang, he would die a miserable death


Xin Baokai stared out of the window with a bitter face in a daze, he didn't even notice that the cigarette butt in his hand was almost burnt

What happened just now that Li Zifeng's influence was taken away by Liu Boyang's Kowloon Association, although it has not spread to the whole school in a very short period of time, it cannot escape the ears of some caring people. Looking at the fight between two tigers, I thought to myself, it would be the best if the two could lose both. The mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind, and the biggest beneficiary is myself

However, what he didn't expect was that Liu Boyang was so fierce and easily killed Li Zifeng

And Li Zifeng is so useless, not only the class under his hands has been copied upside down, but he himself has been taken care of by Liu Boyang.

From the moment he was cut down by Cui Guodong, the name Li Zifeng became a legend in the second year of high school, and he became the stepping stone for Liu Boyang to rise up in S

useless stuff waste

Xin Baokai had no choice but to vent all his anger on Li Zifeng. If he could win some gas, he wouldn't be so passive like he is now.

With a sound of "Boom", Xin Baokai kicked the wall hard, he can't do anything except vent to the wall

Of course, from the perspective of an outsider, Xin Baokai's current situation is all caused by himself, and no one can blame him.

At the beginning Li Zifeng wanted to bring someone to trouble Liu Boyang, he didn't know it, but because he had too many worries, he tore up the alliance without authorization, making Li Zifeng fight alone, and finally lost

This is not the most important thing. The last thing he should do is that just now he clearly knew that Liu Boyang defeated Li Zifeng with an absolutely overwhelming advantage, but he has been watching from afar without bringing anyone down to help. If he At that time, even if Liu Boyang could win, it would never be so easy. After all, he had more than 100 people under his command

The opportunity has already been missed, he has only now realized the desolation of the death of the rabbit and the fox, isn't it too late?

That's good, Li Zifeng is broken, not only has he become Liu Boyang's next target, but he has also left a desperate curse in the whole school - he and Li Zifeng are both in the second grade, even if they don't get along, one side It's difficult, he was beaten so badly, no matter what, he should come forward. This is not just a contest between several forces, but the counterattack of the entire first grade against the second grade. As the boss of the second grade, he should take the lead in righteousness.

Losing his wife and losing his army, Xin Baokai has fought a war that he lost before even launching an army. Even his younger brothers complained about him. His boss is cunning, cowardly, timid, and fearful , no moral

The more Xin Baokai thought about it, the angrier he became, he cursed loudly, threw the cigarette butt in his hand on the ground, crushed it with his feet, and said through gritted teeth: "Liu Boyang, you little bastard..."

At this moment, the door of the toilet was opened, and then his confidant walked in with a bald head, his eyes lit up as soon as he came up and said: "Brother Kai, you have done what you told me, haha"

Hearing this, Xin Baokai's expression finally eased a lot, he nodded lightly, and said again: "The kid won't confess us? If the surname Liu finds out, we will be in big trouble."

The bald head said in a deep voice: "Brother Kai, don't worry, I've already handled it neatly. I told him that we must not be exposed, otherwise he will be at his own risk."

"What did he say?" Xin Baokai asked

"He said he understood, and he promised me that he would not tell us what we ordered him to do. In fact, we don't need to worry at all. That kid is the most loyal to Li Zifeng. Now his boss is being treated so badly. He I really want to avenge him, we just took care of him, he is grateful to us before it's too late." The bald head said with a smile

"Hmm" Xin Baokai hummed, took a deep breath, turned his head and went to the window again, looked at the sky outside which was gradually turning from yellow to black, and murmured: "This is the only thing we can think of in the end." There is a way to deal with Liu Boyang, if that kid manages it well, the Liu surname will never stay in S, but if he doesn’t manage it well..."

He didn't say anything later, he understood that if things were not done properly, Li Zifeng's current appearance would be his future fate

The self-study in the evening starts at [-]:[-], and it was almost [-]:[-], the sky had already been covered like a big wax cloth, and the sky and the earth were covered in darkness. He walked out with a smile, still talking about the big event that he did in the afternoon——Brother Yang led himself to do so beautifully in that battle. s, delist

Before following Liu Boyang, they never dreamed that they would have such a day. In just three days, they would even shovel the four major forces, and put Ning Gaoning and Li Zifeng, who are well-known throughout the school, at the head of the Jiulong Society in Liu Boyang. Under the leadership, he rose like a rocket, and now the whole school is frightened. Who would dare to say no to the people from the Jiulong Club?

A group of people were talking and laughing as they walked towards the teaching building. Suddenly, there was a piercing police car bell in front of them, and three or four red and blue flashing lights were particularly eye-catching in such a dark night.

Guo Xiao and the others were taken aback, screaming inwardly that it was not good, they all had an intuition that those cars were all coming towards them

Damn, who is such a brat who called the police for a fight in school, can't your mother be confused?

"Brothers, I think that the car is probably coming towards us. We all run separately. If you can run one by one, call Yang if you don't get caught!" Guo Xiao shouted, and those behind him The brothers in the first year of high school immediately responded. They saw that the opportunity was not good, and they had already planned to flee in all directions. After Guo Xiao shouted this sentence, they immediately flew away in all directions

This is the most sensible approach at this moment, if you can get away with one, you are still running.

Note to readers:

Collection, smashing bricks, votes, hehe

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