The best boy on campus

Chapter 128 Big trouble!

"Officer Chen is the ones who beat us this afternoon." In the front row of a police car, a boy with a half-swollen face sat in the second row, pointing at Guo Xiao and the others who fled in front of him and shouted. )

The boy's name is Su Kang, and he is one of Li Zifeng's most loyal younger brothers in the school. When Liu Boyang copied his class in the afternoon, he personally experienced the beatings of Liu Boyang's younger brothers, and then witnessed his brother Feng being beaten by Liu Boyang's group During the whole process of the beating, I was so angry that my teeth were itchy. In the end, after being instigated by Xin Baokai and others, I resolutely made my own decision and called the police. I didn't want to let Liu Boyang's people take advantage of it.

But he didn't know that if his respected elder brother Li Zifeng hadn't been lying unconscious in the school infirmary, he would be the first person to come here to clean him up

This bastard, if you want to get revenge, you have to use your brains. You don't even know how to get out after being tricked by others. If other people find out, you have suffered a loss and even relied on a note to get the place back. Who will care about it in the future? you?I don't blame you for pointing your nose in the face

Li Zifeng used to be the overlord of one party anyway, and there is still a sense of pride in his bones. If he loses, he will not lose to others.

However, Su Kang is not the boss, how can he think so much, he only knows to take revenge on Liu Boyang as soon as possible, so he can't stand the instigation of Xin Baokai and others, so he calls the police, and Da Ma is the first to get into the police car, The policeman surnamed Chen who took the lead wandered around the school looking for Liu Boyang, but he didn't expect that Liu Boyang didn't find him, but he saw Guo Xiao and the others. When the enemies met, they were extremely jealous, and immediately bit them and wouldn't let them go, shouting desperately go after them

He doesn't know if it's right to call someone "Officer Chen".

In fact, this policeman surnamed Chen is just a sub-captain of the nearby subdivisional police station. Officially, he is subordinate to Captain Wang. Today, Captain Wang is not on duty. When he received a call and heard that there was a large-scale student brawl in the school, he said nothing. Said that he brought almost all the people in the institute and rushed over, worrying that he had nothing to do at night, so it would be good to clean up these unlearned little bastards to relieve the itching

After Su Kang finished yelling, Team Chen didn't say much. He narrowed his eyes and said to the driver in the driver's seat in front, "Old horse, chase after me!"

Hearing this, the driver, Lao Ma, immediately stepped up the gas pedal, raised the volume of the alarm bell again, and instantly rang through the entire campus. He led the three police cars behind and flew directly towards Guo Xiao and the others to chase after them.

The police are like this. They are more arrogant than anyone else. This is a show off and a demonstration. They just want everyone in the school to see that the fathers are here to arrest people. Those who did not learn well at a young age, The little bastards who make trouble everywhere can never escape from the palm of their own hands. I am here to clean up you.

Justice can also be domineering

Of course, Officer Chen is also a little selfish at the moment. He has just been promoted to the position of team leader not long ago, and today is the first time he has brought so many people out to arrest people. Yang Wanru, a female police officer, now is the time for her to show the charm and arrogance of a man in front of her. How can she miss this opportunity?It would be great if it could attract her mind and win her heart

Yang Wanru was sitting in the front passenger seat at the moment, with a cold face, watching the sharp searchlights in front penetrate the darkness, tightly locked on the handsome white jade faces of the students fleeing in embarrassment, her eyebrows slightly Well, there are two reasons. First, she really feels sad for these so-called bad students who have sunk; The service is not like you, a tool to control violence with violence

But her identity at the moment is just a young policeman who has just graduated from the police academy and has just come to work in the police station. She has not yet criticized the qualifications and seniority of the Chen squad.

"Wanru, this is the first time you have come out with us to catch these students who are not doing their jobs all day and making troubles everywhere in the school. Today I will show you how we deal with these scum in the school." Team Chen decisively seized the opportunity to flatter road

It's ridiculous, he didn't notice Yang Wanru's disgusted eyes towards him at all...

But Yang Wanru didn't say anything, she's not a fool, it's not worth arguing with Team Chen for these "bad students"

Outside, Guo Xiao and the others were terrified at the moment, they only knew how to run as hard as they could, not even daring to turn their heads, for fear that if they paused for a moment, the policemen behind might catch up, and they would all be finished. Don't read it anymore, it's not easy to explain to my parents

But no matter how fast they ran, they couldn't outrun the car. In a short while, their embarrassed figures were overtaken by police cars. The police were not stupid. Quickly caught up with a few relatively slow runners

"You all stop here, don't run, just stand there and don't move, if you run away, you won't have any good fruit to eat." In the police car, Team Chen shouted to Guo Xiao and the others in front of him with a special loudspeaker

Damn it, after listening to your calculations, Guo Xiao and the others are not fools, how can they believe his words?Running down through the night may still have a glimmer of hope of escape. If you stand still, you will be completely ruined. If you don't clean up, you can't tell the difference between east and west, north and south.

Guo Xiao didn't stop on his feet, and continued to run towards the darkest place, surrounded by many students who were rushing to class, it was really rare for such a thrilling police car chase to happen in school

"Damn it, the old horse would pick up a baton and rush down to chase and catch these dishonest bastards before we talk." Seeing Guo Xiao and others disrespecting themselves in front of beautiful women, they took their own words as their own. Fart, Team Chen was also in a hurry, and directly ordered to his subordinates:

"Yes" those policemen stopped chasing after seeing that they couldn't catch up. They stopped one after another, and then all the policemen immediately picked up their batons and rushed out

Team Chen got out of the car, and said to Yang Wanru who was about to rush down, "Xiaoru, you don't have to go, we can just deal with these bastards, you don't need to do this kind of 'rough work', you sit Just wait in the car"

Yang Wanru frowned and said: "Team Chen, please pay attention to your words. Even if they don't learn well, they are still students. In other words, they all have personalities. As public servants of the people, we must respect them, not You can insult them with your mouth.”

Chen Squad was stunned for a moment, the expression on his face was uncertain. If someone else spoke to him face to face, as long as the official position was not as good as him, he would have blown up a long time ago. But facing his beloved beauty, he could only swallow his anger and said with a smile : "Hehe, what Xiao Ru said is that the high-achieving students in the police academy are different. I have learned my lesson, haha, it seems that I will spend more time studying with you in the future." , take advantage of it

Yang Wanru nodded expressionlessly, and said: "Team Chen is too modest, you go and restrain those students first, and you can't let them run away no matter what."

"Hehe, okay, I'll listen to Xiaoru." After saying that with a smile, he turned around and looked at Guo Xiao and the others. His face suddenly changed, and his face was full of gloomyness. Damn it, I was full of evil fire after being taught by her just now , I'll have to clean up a few little bastards later, and let this breath out

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