The best boy on campus

Chapter 129 Something is wrong!

Just now when Team Chen and Yang Wanru were close, Guo Xiao and the others had already run far away, and the policemen who got off from other police cars also chased after them with their batons. I ran out of strength, how could I run past these policemen at this moment?

In a short while, many people were caught by the police who were chasing up. They clasped their hands and immediately pressed them to the ground. Those who were dishonest immediately swung a baton and beat several people to the ground on the spot. **Bubble! Book*

Normally these policemen would not dare to beat people up in broad daylight. It would be very detrimental to the image of the masses to do it under the noses of the masses, but the situation is different now. People can see it clearly, I wish I could beat it a few more times to get rid of the fire

Lu Dong and Guo Xiao were the first to get along with Liu Boyang, and they were considered to be the first rank among this group of younger brothers. They were smarter than the others, so they were the most difficult to catch.

But the hardest thing to catch does not mean that you can't catch it. Lu Dong ran to the end, and finally couldn't run anymore. He was kicked in the lower back by a policeman who was chasing him, and then a stick was wheeled on his back, which immediately made his spine hurt. His eyes were numb, his eyes were dark, and he fell to the ground with a slumped step. The policeman behind him tore him up, pressed his back with one hand, pressed his head with the other, and cursed: "F*ck, you are so stupid!" If you can run, you run again——you, mother, ask for trouble."

Before Lu Dong woke up, he staggered and escorted him all the way to the police car, and then kicked him into the car mercilessly.

Over there, Guo Xiao has already run to the playground, the place is dark, and the police acted recklessly. Two policemen rushed up to catch him, one left and one right, and one of them stretched out his foot and tripped him. Fei, while the other one rushed up and kicked him several times like lightning, the painful Guo Xiao rolled on the ground, and finally the two beat Guo Xiao violently on the ground, then pulled him up violently, clasped his hands and back to the police car

At this moment, Team Chen came over, took a look at Guo Xiao, and felt ruthless in his heart. It was this kid who ran the most fiercely, causing him to waste so much time. The loud ear scraping, with all the strength, directly slapped Guo Xiao's face with burning pain, as if his flesh had been gouged out by a knife

"Little bastard, didn't you just talk about you? Why are you running?" Team Chen scolded

Guo Xiao was dazed from being slapped, but he had already firmly established an obsession in his heart: his elder brother Liu Boyang would bring him back sooner or later for all the grievances he suffered at this moment. The bastard pretends to be selfish and bullies others, I remember you, and I won’t let you go”

"Ha, you little bastard, you dare to threaten me, who do you think you are? I'll do something your mother doesn't know how to do." Team Chen yelled regardless of his image

Guo Xiao actually dared to scold him in front of his two subordinates, did he really want to die?He immediately stabbed Guo Xiao's stomach fiercely with the baton in his hand, causing Guo Xiao to bend down in pain, and the veins on his forehead protruded, but Guo Xiao didn't cry out, he I will never give in to this ****

"Why, stop talking? Who did you say you won't let go? Let me see if you're more aggressive?" Team Chen grabbed Guo Xiao's hair, forcing him to raise his face to face himself, and smiled triumphantly.

"Bah..." Guo Xiao spat a mouthful of saliva on his face, and said bitterly, "A person like you deserves to be a policeman..."

Team Chen was obviously stunned for a moment, and his face was as cold as a layer of frost. After a few seconds, he smiled angrily, and said sinisterly: "Okay, boy, you don't want to live anymore, you two, put your life on the line." Take this bastard back to the car for me, and I will train him myself when I get back."

"No problem, captain." The two policemen laughed, and they couldn't help but show sympathy for Guo Xiao. The Chen squad has always been known for its vengeance in the police station. When they go back, this kid will inevitably be unable to eat.

Team Chen narrowed his eyes and watched Guo Xiao being escorted back into the car by the two men, took out a face towel from his pocket, wiped his face clean bitterly, and then walked back into the car

"Hehe, Xiaoru, I'm sorry to keep you waiting, those boys are not very obedient." Squad Chen said with a smile as he sat back in the car. In front of Yang Wanru, he always showed his most gentlemanly side.

"You...did you really hit them just now?" Yang Wanru frowned and asked. She had been sitting in the car before, not doing nothing. She asked Su Kang about the whole thing in the afternoon. know what's on your mind

She doesn't like interrogating Team Chen very much. Apart from using violence, that guy just asks some irrelevant questions. Not to mention the low efficiency, he often makes people afraid to tell the truth

"No, hehe, how can I, I have listened to your words, and I am very friendly to them." Team Chen said incredulously

Yang Wanru curled her lips lightly, turned her head away, and said nothing. For some reason, she always had a feeling of mistrust towards this Chen, and she always felt that he was a fake person.

"Old horse, drive," Team Chen ordered.

"Wait a minute, Police Officer Chen, I don't have anything to do now? I have to go back to class." Su Kang exclaimed

"Go back? How can you go back? You have to go back and record a statement with me. You are a witness. Without you, it would be illegal for us to arrest people. We will make you come back after we finish the record," Team Chen said lightly.

"If you don't want me, I just call the police. If you let me go, I really have to go back to class." When Su Kang heard that the Chen team was going to take him back, he was frightened

Not to mention that people are born with a sense of fear of places like the police station, if Su Kang follows them back at this moment, it will be harmful but not beneficial.

If Su Kang didn't go back with them, it would be difficult for Liu Boyang to find out who called the police, but once Su Kang went back with them, wouldn't he have completely exposed himself?

It is true that Su Kang wants to avenge his boss Li Zifeng, but he is not stupid enough to expose himself. He has also seen how fierce Liu Boyang is. live?

"What are you afraid of? With our police protecting you, who can eat you up? Besides, you just went to make a statement, it won't take long, don't worry," Team Chen said to him with narrowed eyes

"I, I don't want to, I want to go down" Su Kang didn't listen to anything, opened the car door and insisted on running down, but suddenly he was grabbed by Team Chen and dragged him back

"Why are you so hot-tempered, kid? Didn't you understand what I said? Let you go back and make a statement. Look at you, don't you want to be left or right? Didn't you call the police?" Team Chen was furious, showing a fierce look said

Yang Wanru in the front row frowned and looked back at him. Team Chen realized that she had lost her words. She immediately changed her expression and said with a smile, "Boy, let me tell you, just keep your heart in your stomach, and you will be fine with me around." of"

"But..." Su Kang didn't believe what he said. You said it nicely. After the matter is over, you just let it go. I have to come to school every day to face Liu Boyang.

He also blamed himself, when he saw Guo Xiao and others, he yelled that they beat someone, but he forgot to mention Liu Boyang and others, it seems that it is inappropriate to say it now...

"No but..." Team Chen got a little impatient, and urged the old horse in front, "Hurry up and drive!"

The driver, Lao Ma, responded and rang the alarm. Just as he was about to start the car, a policeman hurried over and knocked on the window, and said anxiously: "Chen team, come out, I have something to tell you."

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