The best boy on campus

Chapter 130 Furious Zheng Yuanlong!

"What's the matter?" Squad Chen frowned, opened the car door and got out very unhappy, and asked

"Chen team, come here." The police officer took a few steps back and pulled Chen team aside, as if he was afraid that his words would be heard by the people in the car

"If you have something to say, just say it, what's the matter with being so mother-in-law?" Team Chen reprimanded very annoyed

"Captain Chen, do you know that the boys we caught just now have backgrounds?" the policeman said in a low voice.

"Background?...What background?" Team Chen asked suspiciously

"Team Chen, you don't know that these boys had trouble yesterday, and it was Team Wang who brought us to arrest them, but after they were caught in the car, Team Wang went around and released them again with a smile on their faces." I said a lot of good things, it seems that these guys are not easy to mess with," said the policeman.

"What? Turned around and let it go again? Are you still smiling?" When the police were dispatched yesterday, the Chen squad didn't come over, so they didn't understand the situation at the time. Hearing this, he was immediately taken aback.

"Yes, and it can be seen that the Wang team was still very afraid of that kid at that time."

"Afraid? I'm stupid, there is such a thing. Which kid is it? Is it in the car? Take me to see it." The first and two older members of the Chen team said

"It doesn't seem to be there. That kid is in charge. The few we are arresting now are all his younger brothers." It was dark outside just now, when the police officers arrested Guo Xiao and others, they didn't see their faces clearly. , and now they are escorted to the car, and just about to beat them up, they suddenly found that these guys looked a little familiar, and immediately recognized them - aren't these the guys that Wang Daduan took the lead in arresting yesterday?

"That kid?" Team Chen pondered in his heart, and then asked, "Didn't Team Wang say who he is?"

"I didn't say anything, just said we can't afford to offend you," the policeman answered honestly, feeling a little uneasy in his heart. Thinking of the scene when Commander Wang talked with Liu Boyang that day, he was afraid for a while. Even Captain Wang was afraid of that man. , I caught his little brother by myself, wouldn't he come looking for him?

"Can't afford it?" Team Chen narrowed his eyes, and said harshly: "Huh, if you can't afford to be provoked, you have to be provoked. Everyone has been arrested, can you still put them back?" Suddenly, he was also very annoyed, which could make Team Wang pay attention Such a character is definitely not an ordinary person, but now that people beat him up and catch him, and he even boasted in front of his sweetheart, how could he lose face?

"Then what should we do?" the policeman asked hesitantly.

"What are you afraid of if you don't catch it by mistake? Take it back first and then tell me what happened. I will bear it. I don't believe how big a wave can be made by a few brats." Team Chen said with a straight face

"Yes Yes"

"What are you still doing, hurry up!"


The alarm bell rang again, and the sound resounded throughout the campus. The police lights were turned on, and the four police cars were driven out of the school gate by the car in front of Chen Squad.

At this time, the students who had been standing in the distance and discussing all this time withdrew their gazes, whispered, and walked towards their classrooms. They probably witnessed such a thing tonight. Would they want to study at ease at night? possible

In front of the principal's office

In the evening, Zheng Yuanlong, who had just come back from a party with the leaders of the Municipal Bureau, had just gone upstairs when he suddenly saw a large group of students standing in front of his office.

Immediately a bad premonition came to his mind, Zheng Yuanlong walked over and asked the students, "Why don't you go to class? What are you doing here?"

This group of students are the students who witnessed the scene that happened in the afternoon in each class and were sent by the teacher to complain. Of course, many of them came here spontaneously.

When the principal asked, they all immediately gathered around, twittering and rushing to report to him the incident that Liu Boyang led people to make trouble in the afternoon. Many of the students were innocent victims when Liu Boyang led people to copy classes. They didn't have the slightest affection for Liu Boyang, and wished they could persuade the principal to expel him immediately.

Zheng Yuanlong's face became more and more serious the more he listened, and said: "Don't worry about talking one by one, it's so noisy that I can't understand what's going on, you should talk about it first." Zheng Yuanlong pointed to the student standing at the front and said

The student immediately stood up and called Qu: "Principal, we were having a good class this afternoon, but Liu Boyang brought people in to copy the class, beat us up, and threatened Teacher Jia not to let him come out to report to the school. Report it to you to see, I was beaten by them." This student is unfortunately from the 24th class of senior high school. The group of younger brothers stomped on the ground with their hands covering their heads and dodged on the ground, so it became like this

Zheng Yuanlong glanced at his arm, his face became even more ugly, and he asked, "Why did they beat you?"

"Isn't it because he had an affair with Li Zifeng, the principal, even if they have personal grievances, they shouldn't involve us, and we didn't recruit them or provoke them, so why should we beat us too? You're still so ruthless , look at my belly" A student said while pulling up his shirt, there were several bright red footprints on it

"And me and me, principal, look at me being beaten by them." The rest of the students also spoke while showing their wounds to Zheng Yuanlong

Zheng Yuanlong's face turned green when he saw so many people were injured, and asked angrily, "How many people did he bring to beat you?"

"At least a few hundred boys from the first year of senior high school are almost here," a student exaggerated.

Zheng Yuanlong's lungs were about to explode, that boy Liu Boyang really didn't give him face, he tried to tell him not to cause trouble for him, but he didn't listen, yesterday's matter hadn't been completely dealt with, and today he made such a big mess, unexpectedly Take someone to copy classes and pretend that there is no one in your school?

"Principal, you can decide for us, we are all innocent."

"Principal, people like Liu Boyang can't be allowed to stay in the school. Who can learn with him?"

"It's the principal, we strongly demand that he be expelled and the brothers he brought along should also be expelled. It's best not to let him affect the atmosphere of our school."

"Principal, this kind of person can't be kept, then Liu Boyang is a villain, bully and rascal."


A group of elementary school students complained one after another, and Zheng Yuanlong's ears were almost blown out by fighting over each other.

"That's enough, you come in with me one by one, and you all make your words clear. When I understand the situation clearly, I will naturally not favor him. The school has rules and systems. If you don't say anything, you can do whatever you want. Go to the high school Check to see if Liu Boyang is here, and call him over if he comes." The headmaster finished speaking with a livid face, and walked over to open the office door first.

Note to readers:

Thank you love brother under the eaves for being the first landlord of the book hehe

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