The best boy on campus

Chapter 132 Beauty!

"Hey Qianxia, ​​your hands are really skillful, let me see what delicious things you have made."

Sun Xiaorou laughed and ran towards Song Qianxia, ​​and greeted Song Qianxia first.

Song Qianxia's pretty face flushed, and she felt sorry

To put it bluntly, I was robbing Sun Xiaorou's husband

Unexpectedly, not only did she not care about it, but she tolerated herself generously, which really made her feel so embarrassing

At that moment, she bit her lip shyly, and said: "I just made a few side dishes at random. I'm stupid, and I don't know if they are good or not. I hope you will get used to eating..."

Sun Xiaorou frantically picked up a pair of chopsticks, picked up a small piece from a plate of candied sweet potatoes, put it in her mouth, tasted it, and praised: "Qianxia, ​​it's delicious, hehe, your craftsmanship is better than I imagined." It’s much better, I’ll learn more from you in the future, I’ll wash my hands first.”

After finishing talking, he turned his head and made a face to Liu Boyang, then walked into the kitchen, leaving a separate space for the two of them to get along with each other

As soon as Sun Xiaorou left, Song Qianxia felt even more embarrassed. She tightly grabbed her little pink apron with both hands, her face was flushed to the base of her neck, her head was lowered, her teeth were in her lips, and she looked shy and embarrassed.

"Hehe, really? Then I'll come and taste the beauty class leader's craft." Seeing this, Liu Boyang couldn't let the little beauty continue to be embarrassed, so he had to bite the bullet and walked up, deliberately pretending to be indifferent, Roll up your sleeves and grab a piece of sweet potato

Suddenly Song Qianxia came up, stretched out her tender little hand and patted his big hand lightly, and said angrily with flushed pink cheeks, "Don't use your hands, why don't you wash your hands first?"

This meal can be said to be the happiest meal Liu Boyang has ever eaten. Not only can he eat delicious dishes, I have to admit that Song Qianxia's craftsmanship is indeed very good. She has been independent since she was a child, and she cooks good dishes. It can be compared with a second-level chef, and at the same time, I can see the stunning beauty of the two beauties. It really is beautiful and delicious.

At the dining table, the three of them were deliberately avoiding the sensitive topic of being together in the future. The two beauties were sitting on each side, with Liu Boyang in the middle

Sun Xiaorou kept adding vegetables to Liu Boyang's bowl. She knew that Liu Boyang loved meat, so she put almost all the meat into Liu Boyang's bowl, and quickly piled up Liu Boyang's rice bowls as high as a hill

Song Qianxia looked at it with envy, she also wanted to take care of Liu Boyang, but unfortunately she felt that she had no position, no identity, and it was difficult to do it

What's more, now Xiaorou is opposite, how can she be embarrassed?

Even if I become Liu Boyang's wife with Xiaorou in the future, it will take an adaptation process.

She is thin-skinned, and in front of Xiao Rou, she does not dare to be too ambiguous towards Liu Boyang

Even if they are all wives, she is the second one. If in ancient times, Xiao Rou was a wife, then she would be a concubine...

Of course Liu Boyang can understand what Xiao Nizi is thinking at this moment, seeing her sitting there obediently and silently, only knowing how to fiddle with the few vegetables in her small bowl, the heart of love and distress suddenly arouses

He didn't have any prejudice against her as Qian Xia thought.

Although the two of them follow him in a different order, but he absolutely treats her equally, and the two of them love each other, and they will never neglect one and lose the other, and treat her badly

Liu Boyang was in a bit of a dilemma, he really wanted to order some food for the two girls, to show his considerate side besides domineering, but now he was not sure who should be the first...

It stands to reason that Xiaorou should be clipped first, after all, she is his eldest wife, but when he sees Qianxia like that, he can't move his chopsticks, the little girl is already so pitiful, will it irritate her by doing this?

What if I clip Qian Xia first? ... What if Xiaorou is jealous? ...Don't let her think that she likes and hates the old so quickly.



On the other hand, Sun Xiaorou seemed to see Liu Boyang's inner struggle at the moment, and felt very satisfied

My husband is indeed a considerate person, he has to think for a long time about who to serve first, for fear of hurting either of them

Don't look at this as a trivial matter, but it actually explains the problem

This proves that Brother Yang really has the two of himself in his heart, can really be considerate, can really put himself in his wife's position and think about problems

At that moment, Xiaorou couldn't bear to see him in trouble anymore, so she jumped out to help him out, put a chopstick full of vegetables into Song Qianxia's bowl, and said with a smile: "Qianxia, ​​eat quickly, what do you think? If you don't eat vegetables, they should be cold." up"

Song Qianxia came back to her senses, pursed her lips, nodded to her with a smile, turned her head slightly to look at Liu Boyang, then bent down and opened her small mouth to eat

Liu Boyang was very moved. Sun Xiaorou is so considerate. She can guess what she is thinking without saying anything. She really deserves to be a good and virtuous daughter-in-law.

Immediately, he picked up a chopstick dish and put it in Song Qianxia's bowl, and said with a smile, "Qianxia, ​​eat more."

Now that Sun Xiaorou has given her the first chopsticks, then Liu Boyang doesn't have to be so entangled. This shows that Sun Xiaorou has already encouraged herself to pick up vegetables for Song Qianxia first. She understands Qianxia's cramped heart at the moment better than herself.

This is the first time Liu Boyang called her "Qian Xia". Although the former has always been called "Beauty Squad Leader" before, although he called her by her first name, she seemed a lot closer, while the latter was teasing.

The change of address proves that Liu Boyang is completely ready to accept Song Qianxia as his wife

Song Qianxia is not an idiot either, of course she can hear the trick, she lowered her head and replied shyly: "Yes" after finishing speaking, she secretly glanced at Liu Boyang, with a happy smile on the corner of her mouth

"Come on, Xiaorou will eat too." Liu Boyang immediately picked up another chopsticks dish and put it in Sun Xiaorou's bowl. He couldn't take care of one and lose the other, he had to take care of both sides, otherwise it would be troublesome if it really made Sun Xiaorou sad

Sun Xiaorou smiled sweetly at him, showing a satisfied look in his eyes, as if to say: "This is more or less the same."

The three of them continued to eat in silence, and the awkward atmosphere was much more relaxed than before. Suddenly, Sun Xiaorou stretched out her hand, gently held Song Qianxia's hand, and said with a gentle smile, "Qianxia, ​​don't think Embarrassed, don't be afraid, we will be the best sisters from now on"

Song Qianxia was taken aback when she heard the words. She, who is ice-snow and smart, immediately understood the meaning of Sun Xiaorou's words. She was expressly expressing herself that she was willing to share Liu Boyang with her, and it was the kind of person who worked together as equals regardless of their status. share

At this moment, Song Qianxia was also moved, and even had tears in her eyes. Sun Xiaorou's gentleness and generosity really caught her by surprise. No wonder Liu Boyang would find her to be his wife first.

How could there be such a good girl in the world?

really let myself sigh

Such a girl shared Liu Boyang with herself, Song Qianxia asked herself, she had nothing to say

At that moment, she held Sun Xiaorou's hand tightly, choked up and said, "Mmm."

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