The best boy on campus

Chapter 133 Raise a glass and drink!

"Qianxia, ​​don't cry, hehe, the three of us will be together in the future, this is something to be happy about. Wait a minute, I'll look for a drink, let's have a toast," Sun Xiaorou said with a smile, then turned and walked into the kitchen Looking for a drink_Bubble&Book&

Liu Boyang stared at her back in a daze, what virtue did he accumulate in his previous life to have such an angelic and beautiful daughter-in-law?

Thinking of all that Sun Xiaorou had done for him one after another, Liu Boyang was very moved. He really wanted to hold Sun Xiaorou in his arms forever, and hold her tightly so that she would never be separated from him.

Of course, it's the same for Song Qianxia, ​​how I treat Xiaorou, I will treat her, the two wives, love her together

Not long after, Sun Xiaorou took out two bottles of red wine from the refrigerator inside. This is probably because Liu Boyang's second aunt specially stored the house for him in the refrigerator before handing over the house to Liu Boyang. If Sun Xiaorou didn't search for it, he probably wouldn't know if the two bottles of red wine were spoiled

Sun Xiaorou graciously took three glasses and poured half a glass of wine for the two of them respectively, then poured a glass for herself, picked it up first and said: "Come on, we will be a family from now on, for our future happy life, do something a cup"

This sentence is very ambiguous, and anyone who has no ears can understand the meaning of this sentence. Three people in a family, drinking this glass of wine is equivalent to officially establishing the relationship between the two women accompanying Liu Boyang

Song Qianxia was a little shy, turned her head and gave Liu Boyang a low look, her meaning was of course very clear, she was willing to be his girlfriend and she liked him in the first place, but now he has taken advantage of all the advantages and disadvantages, so she will not be with him or anyone in this life ..., but Liu Boyang has never pursued her in a real sense, and now he has not personally said that he wants to be his girlfriend, so he just drank the wine in a daze, what if he didn't really like him in his heart ?

And Liu Boyang also realized this, he stretched out his hand lightly, and held Song Qianxia's other small white jade hand, only feeling that the tentacles were cold and extremely slippery. I heard people say that girls with cold hands fall from the sky and break their wings Angel, then this innocent little angel in front of you is worthy of caring with your heart

This is not the first time Liu Boyang has held Song Qianxia's jade hand, but this time it represents a different meaning, it represents a man's promise and oath, Liu Boyang looked at her pretty face and asked seriously: "Qianxia, ​​are you really happy?" Are you ready? Would you like to be my wife?"

Song Qianxia pursed her lips, without any hesitation, she nodded shyly

In fact, she was not sure whether she really liked Liu Boyang before, and if she did, how much could she like?

But ever since she secretly saw Liu Boyang walking away with Sun Xiaorou after playing ball in the morning, she suddenly understood that her affection for Liu Boyang could no longer be described as liking. If she had to use one word, it would be: love

No one can understand how heartbroken Song Qianxia was at the moment when she saw the two of them leave, how painful it was to die for. Looking back now, it was even more painful than being kidnapped by Hua She and others

Furthermore, upon waking up in the afternoon, Song Qianxia was shocked to find that she was completely naked, lying on a strange big bed.

The red spots on the sheets are her sign of saying goodbye to the "girl", which means that she has become a man's woman

Shocked, Song Qianxia closed her eyes and recalled carefully. Although she had short-term amnesia due to the strong drug effect, the pain that broke her body at noon still left more or less an impression in her mind.

The man with whom I had sex at that time turned out to be Liu Boyang, whom I couldn't let go of.

This is his home?

I was on this bed, occupied by him?

Under normal circumstances, if a girl encountered such a situation, she would have cried bitterly in annoyance. But at that moment, Song Qianxia recalled these trivial fragments, and she didn't feel much grievance in her heart. She felt so much, it turned out to be a kind of grievance. Unspeakable happiness and contentment...

Feelings are like poisonous vines, once entangled in your heart, it is absolutely impossible to let go

So at that moment, Song Qianxia thought about it for a long time, and finally made up her mind that she couldn't take care of so much. Now that it's done, working with Sun Xiaorou as a husband is better than losing Liu Boyang forever

Of course, I have to say one more thing, in fact, Sun Xiaorou lied to Liu Boyang just now, and it was Sun Xiaorou who took the initiative to call Song Qianxia in the afternoon call. With Song Qianxia's thin skin, how could she have the courage to take the initiative to call?

We know that as a girl, Sun Xiaorou has a sharper mind than a boy, and is more considerate of others Consolation, it's really a rough line, don't you know that girls are made of water, do you need to coax them?

He was so busy that he had no choice but to let himself be the "peacemaker"...

On the phone, it was Sun Xiaorou who expressed Liu Boyang's heart to Song Qianxia, ​​expressing that both he and Liu Boyang were willing to accept her

After listening to Sun Xiaorou's words on the phone, Song Qianxia was very moved. Her heart, which was empty before, was suddenly filled with happiness

Liu Boyang, as long as he is willing to be responsible for himself

The little beauty really has no other big wishes

So after hanging up the phone, Song Qianxia had confidence in her heart, and then mustered up the courage to cook this meal for the two of them

At this moment, Liu Boyang saw Song Qianxia nodded firmly, and an indescribable excitement and satisfaction suddenly surged in his chest. Any man has a strong desire to possess beautiful women, and he is no exception.

In the future, will I really have this little beauty?

Liu Boyang was excited for a while, and the hand holding Song Qianxia's jade hand increased his strength without knowing it, pinching Song Qianxia's little hand hurt, puffed up his cheeks and gave him a reproachful look, but the corners of his mouth twitched with shyness and happiness. smile

The little beauty thought sweetly in her heart, after Liu Boyang heard that she was willing to be with him, he became so excited that he couldn't even control the strength in his hand, which is enough to explain his excitement hehe, it turns out that he is in his heart Status is also very important

"Qianxia, ​​don't worry, I, Liu Boyang, swear to the sky that I will never disappoint your decision today. I will treat you as I did to Xiaorou. I will love and protect you two together, and I will never let anyone bully you. You and I will do our best to make you the happiest woman in the world." Liu Boyang solemnly swore

After Song Qianxia listened, her heart was full of honey, she bit her lip and nodded, "Uncle Liu... Brother Yang, I believe you..."

"Hehe, you will still call me Liu Boyang in the future, are you not used to it?" Liu Boyang laughed.

"Don't call you what Xiaorou calls you, I will call you what you want" Song Qianxia said with a smile, since the two of them have opened up their conversations, the relationship has naturally become closer, and Song Qianxia has also learned to let go of it unknowingly

It's what it is, and we will spend more time together day and night in the future, so how can we be coy all day long?

"Hehe, okay, my wife can call me whatever she wants," Liu Boyang said with a happy smile.

Seeing that the two finally put aside their embarrassment and accepted each other, Sun Xiaorou felt happy for them. If both of them were awkward, this meal would be uncomfortable.

"Hey hey, alright, Brother Yang, Qian Xia, let's have a toast together and drink this glass of wine, we're a family now" Sun Xiaorou said with a smile

"Yeah" Song Qianxia responded with a smile

The two daughters-in-law both expressed their opinions, and Liu Boyang certainly had no reason to hesitate, and the three of them picked up their cups and drank in one go.

Next, the meal was delicious. Now that the three of them have established a relationship, the atmosphere on the table is naturally harmonious. Song Qianxia no longer needs to feel embarrassed at this moment. He introduced the dishes that he made by himself, and kept putting them in his bowl. As for Sun Xiaorou, of course she would not forget, so she kept picking up dishes for her.

And Sun Xiaorou is very enthusiastic, wishing to put all the good dishes on the table into two bowls

Sitting on the sidelines, Liu Boyang felt depressed. Is he still eating this meal?You pick it and I pick it, and in the end no one can eat it. Liu Boyang was already hungry, but in order to express his love for his two wives, he still had to pretend to be garlic, so he kept putting the hills of garlic in his bowl. Gao's delicacy was shared with two wives one by one...

Liu Boyang finally understood a truth. It turns out that two wives are not so easy to bear. It is so troublesome to have a meal. It is said that there are three women in one drama, but these two women are a bit overwhelming...

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