The best boy on campus

Chapter 137 Dangerous things abound!

At this time, the driver didn't have much strength to grab the knife, so Liu Boyang snatched the knife in his hand. Liu Boyang knew in his heart that killing this bastard is secondary, the key is to keep his wife first, if killing him is delayed Kung fu, it's not worth it

"You...dream...dream" The driver spit out the pinched eyeballs, still gritted his teeth and refused to give in. Dao Pao-书_)

"**Your mother, you asked for it yourself." Liu Boyang was furious, and he didn't give this bastard any color to see if he didn't know how to be afraid. He screamed like a pig

"This is the first knife. If you dare to delay for a second, I will stab you again. Let's see how long you can last." Liu Boyang was really angry and shouted

"Hmph you...that's" The driver Yintang was already purple from holding back, and Liu Boyang's powerful palms like steel pliers grabbed his neck fiercely , has almost let him die, but this guy is obviously also a ruthless character, the type who is not afraid of death, he just ignored Liu Boyang's words, and put on a posture that I will drag you to hell with me when I die. With the last strength, he stomped on the accelerator, and the car rushed out like a stiff horse. Because no one was driving, it went on a rampage. Fortunately, there were not many people around at this time, otherwise, it would not know how to make a fuss how many lives

Liu Boyang was also a little shocked by this guy's not afraid of death, what kind of force is he under, and why is he so cunning?

The car was getting faster and faster, and the eyeballs of the driver next to him who had already been pinched by him were all staring out. Liu Boyang felt resentful and said, fuck, strangling this guy to death is useless now, and it's too late at this critical juncture , the car crashed directly towards a utility pole on the side of the road.

At the moment when the car was about to hit the electric pole, Liu Boyang immediately leaned over, he must not be killed by it at this time, and the driver seemed to have expected that Liu Boyang would not choose to die with him, so Liu Boyang let go of his throat At that moment, he spun the steering wheel violently. At the last moment, the car was in a dangerous situation. It rubbed its head directly past the electric pole. The harsh sound was enough to prove that the car had scratched the leather on half of the door.

With a bang, after avoiding the electric poles, the taxi ran directly into the iron fence around a fitness center in the community where Liu Boyang lived. With the violent sway of the taxi, the car immediately turned off, and Liu Boyang and the driver followed the inertia. Bounced up from the car seat, hit the windshield in front of the car, immediately hit Liu Boyang's head, and his whole body was in pain, his chest was suppressed, his throat was hot, and he almost vomited blood. Liu Boyang immediately hugged his body instinctively. Buckled on the car seat, in order to recover sanity in the shortest possible time

And the driver was hit badly too, his head was smashed directly, his forehead was bloody and bloody, but he still retained his sanity. After he slowed down a little, he opened the car door and wanted to run with his bloody thighs limping. If you don't run away, it will be over when Liu Boyang slows down. After all, the knife is under Liu Boyang's body.

But as soon as he opened the car door, he hysterically felt a murderous aura coming from behind him, like a bloody demon in Jiuyou Hell, enveloping him with a boundless cold breath. Although Liu Boyang has not fully recovered his blood, his mouth His throat was full of bloody smell, and his bones seemed to be falling apart, but as long as Liu Boyang still had a sliver of sanity, he would never let this bastard go.

It was him who caused his two daughter-in-laws to be followed and lost. I don't know where they were abducted by that car.

The knife in his hand raised violently, aimed at the driver's back and stabbed it, Liu Boyang felt so hateful at the moment, why can't his own hands use much strength now, if only he could stab this bastard to death with one knife

Because his hands and feet were not in control, he was one step slower than the driver. When the knife in his hand was about to stab his back, he had already opened the door and ran out, but Liu Boyang gritted his teeth and held his strength, and refused to let go. Passed him, leaped up and rushed up with all his might

With the strength of rushing out of the car door and half falling to the ground, Liu Boyang stabbed forward mercilessly, and forced it into the driver's other thigh. The white knife went in and the red knife came out, directly piercing his thigh. The driver suddenly let out a scream like crying father and mother

But this time, Liu Boyang also suddenly caught a few traces of extremely dangerous aura, and saw two vans without a license plate suddenly rushing over on the road over there, stopped abruptly and braked not far from the two of them, and then the two The door of the car suddenly opened, and no less than a dozen fierce-looking guys with machetes rushed down. A strange face in the front car poked its head out and pointed at Liu Boyang who was rushing up to him. Guys yelling "hack him"

After the group of people heard the words, they continued to speed up their steps without stopping. They rushed to Liu Boyang in a few steps in the blink of an eye, and swung them up to chop Liu Boyang's body. It's a pity that Liu Boyang's body is sore and weak now. He didn't even have the strength to stand up and fight, so he could only turn sideways in a very embarrassing way, and rolled on the ground on the spot. With a sound of "Zeng Clang", the sharp machete smashed on the ground, directly smashing the hard stone slab. A cut was made, and the word "Mars" splashed everywhere, which shows how hard the opponent's knife was cut.

The knife was so fierce that Liu Boyang still didn't completely dodge it. Although he tried to dodge his body, a big gash was stabbed in his arm, and blood rushed out. The burning pain stimulated Liu Boyang's sensory nerves, and suddenly A desperate sense of fear pierced Liu Boyang's bone marrow

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