The best boy on campus

Chapter 138 Desperate Counterattack!

When he came out to hang out, Liu Boyang had long expected that such a day would come to him, he would have put life and death aside

He is not afraid of death, but the feeling before death is too scary. This is a kind of fear instinct of human beings, and it has nothing to do with the courage

But we also know that when a person is pushed to the extreme, he will often stimulate the potential of the body. Whether it is the desire for life or the fear of death, it will hide this unknown force deep in your body. burst out of power

Once it breaks out, this power will be very terrifying

This is the first time that Liu Boyang has faced death since he was a child. Although he used to say that he did not rely on his family, but only relied on his own fists to conquer the world, in fact, others did not think so. Many people were not really afraid of him, but I am afraid that there is a very powerful old man in his family, so even if he wiped out his family in County H, he would not dare to seek revenge from him. , but it is different in city w, which is far away from county h. Even if Liu Boyang was hacked to death, the old man may not be able to find out who did it. In a word, no matter how wronged he died, it would be for nothing

Liu Boyang couldn't even figure out who sent the other party's group of people. He only saw the dozens of men in black jumping in front of him with knives in an instant, and they swung their knives at him without hesitation. hack

At this time, there were already a lot of onlookers on the highway. People opened their eyes wide and stared at the bloody scene in front of them. A dozen or so people surrounded them, and with their knives, they slashed at an unfortunate boy on the ground.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, is there any justice?Is there Wang Fa?

But they didn't dare to say anything. Anyone with a little brain knows that those people are gangsters. Who is so courageous to go to them to make things uncomfortable?At most, a few people with social morality secretly took out their phones and called the police

On the ground, Liu Boyang was kicked a few times by Bang Bang first, and then those people swung their knives and chopped wildly. When the first person's knife came down, Liu Boyang had no way to avoid it, so he had to block it with his hands. Fortunately, the other person Crowded by the brothers next to him, he couldn't stand stably, and the direction of cutting with the knife was wrong. Although the force of this knife was strong enough when it was shot, the power of the knife was greatly reduced when it fell on the blade.

It can be considered that God Blessed the surnamed Liu to survive. Liu Boyang only felt a sharp pain in his right arm, as uncomfortable as being burned by a fire, and blood gushed out all at once. Fortunately, the knife did not cut off the entire arm , but the pain is probably broken to the bone

The blood splashed out from the arm in front of his face, and sprayed on Liu Boyang's own face. The strong fishy smell directly stimulated Liu Boyang's brain, and the ruthlessness in Liu Boyang's bones burst out again. come out

Haha, ****, look at today's energy, I can't survive, no matter, I will die horizontally or vertically, I will fight with the bastards, kill one to get back the money, kill two to earn the death of the surnamed Liu You have to drag a few more, if you are easily ruined by these bastards, how can you be worthy of the old man's reputation?

Thinking of the old man, Liu Boyang suddenly remembered the promise he had made to his daughter-in-law Sun Xiaorou. He said he would take her back to meet the old man. At that time, the daughter-in-law happily promised herself that she was a man, and she must honor what she said. "I, Liu Boyang, never like Lie" is not a piece of bullshit, if we men dare to say it, we must do it

Thinking of Sun Xiaorou and Song Qianxia, ​​Liu Boyang felt a burst of sadness in his heart, where is his daughter-in-law now?I'm sorry, I agreed not to implicate you, but I still brought you into it. If we guys really have a hard time today, haha, in the future, you should find someone who is honest and friendly, and don't look for someone who is out of society again. I know you can't afford to break that heart...

In the end, for grandpa, for the father and mother who have never met, for my two daughters-in-law who are waiting for my rescue, I have to fight everything

A man surnamed Liu can be killed but not buried, a man surnamed Liu can be hacked to death but not bow his head

This time Liu Boyang was completely ruthless, he turned sharply and dodged the knife that came to his face, the cold blade directly rubbed against his ear, and almost chopped off his ear, Liu Boyang ignored the severe hysterical pain coming from his arm , holding the last obsession, backhanded out the knife that stabbed the driver earlier from the ground behind his back, and the flying hand swung it out directly. , the man let out a miserable howl, turned around and fell down, covered his face and rolled all over the ground, howling ghosts and wolves

The other people were also taken aback, they never expected that this kid could resist in this situation, they all froze for a moment when they heard the howl of their companions, Liu Boyang seized this opportunity, as if The strength of the next life was also borrowed and used. He jumped up and kicked the chest of a stunned guy in front of him. This kick was so powerful that he kicked the guy several meters away, and Liu Boyang snatched it away. He took the knife in his hand and slashed left and right with both hands. Immediately, two unfortunate guys next to him were hit by the knife. go down...

Liu Boyang is like a demon who came back from the ghost gate. He was soaked in blood and looked extremely scary. The sharp knife in his hand was dripping with blood, and the expression on his face was extremely cold, as if it had been frost for thousands of years. At this moment, he was not afraid of anything. , the man surnamed Liu is back, so why live and mourn and die?I'm going to get the fuck out of here today, even if I have my last breath left, I'll drag you bastards to be buried with me

The rest of the guys were all shocked when they saw Liu Boyang's expression. This is not a boy, this is a god of death! His blood-soaked appearance is more terrifying than his mother's hell demon, especially Coupled with the surrounding companions lying on the ground screaming and moaning, the scene is even more terrifying

Those guys were completely shocked by Liu Boyang's arrogance at the moment, the knife in his hand was trembling, and no one dared to go up and make the first cut

At this time, the leader in the car sensed that something was wrong, and he knew in his heart that he must not lose the chain at this moment, then Liu Boyang would be half dead, how could he be allowed to fight back?

"Are you idiots? Are you scared to death? What are you doing standing there? Let me beat him to death!"

That group of people suddenly came to their senses, that's right, no matter how terrifying that kid's aura is, to put it bluntly, isn't there only one person?Are you afraid that you won't be able to kill him with so many people?One by one, they encouraged themselves, and they were ready to continue rushing up and slashing Liu Boyang

But Liu Boyang seemed to have been looking forward to it for a long time. Looking at them, a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he weighed the knife in his hand, and said, "Come on, I also want to see how many people are there in the end." die with me"

Note to readers:

There is not a single brick today, it is the most lost day since I wrote a novel...

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