The best boy on campus

Chapter 1384 The beast king is here too!

?The sky was filled with black bats covering the sky, swooping down like a rainstorm. No matter how fast Liu Boyang and the others moved around, they couldn't avoid so many bats. Those bats were screaming strangely while swooping down and biting. , Liu Boyang slashed vertically and horizontally with a cracking knife, while being careful not to show any flaws and be bitten, but there was a gap under the hundred secrets, and suddenly he felt a stabbing pain from the back of his hand, and a fat bat was lying there. Biting his own flesh, Liu Boyang slapped it down, but the fat bat was still so fleshy that it couldn't die, fluttering its wings and trying to fly, Liu Boyang cut it in half with a knife, and the blood that burst out was stinky !

People like Liu Boyang who were only injured on the back of their hands were few. If it wasn't for Pei San and Guo Yongsheng's help, Christina would have been haunted by nightmares by now!

In the "corroding blood mist" just now, there were quite a few younger brothers who ran out with Liu Boyang and others. They thought they had escaped a catastrophe, but they would still suffer. Their skills were not as fast as Liu Boyang's. After the swarm of bats rushed up, they screamed and fell to the ground. Countless bats fell on them to suck blood. The most frightening thing was that one boy's face was covered with bats, and his eyeballs were sucked dry. , howling hysterically, was sucked into a mummy in less than half a minute!

"Da Fei! Guodong! You two get rid of these bats, and I'll deal with Alonso!" Liu Boyang said angrily. "".

"Okay! Brother Yang, you have to be careful!" Gao Zhenfei and Cui Guodong responded, and they each showed their real skills, playing vigorously with the parting hook and the two scimitars, chopping all the bats close to them into pieces, blood without knowing it I feel that I have already dyed it all over, but both of them know that cutting it down like this will not solve the fundamental problem. There are too many bats, when will the cutting be finished?

So Cui Guodong took cover, Gao Zhenfei rolled back on the spot, hooked up a certain car part that was still burning on the ground with a parting hook, and flew directly into the bat swarm in the sky, and the bats were burned to death several times in an instant. Only, but more of them flew away in fright!

"Where did that kid Huzi go? It would be easy if he was here!" Gao Zhenfei said angrily.

Huzi has learned the unpredictable ability from Murong Yanqing, he can breathe fire, if he is here, he can indeed be regarded as the "natural enemy" of these bats!It's strange to say that Huzi and the old cat Wan Ziliang and Zhang Xiangdong rushed into the opposite building together, and they should come out now. It is impossible for them not to hear such a big movement on the road, but they haven't come out until now. Didn't something happen in the building?

When Christina heard Gao Zhenfei talking to herself, her eyes suddenly lit up, yes!There is also the trick of breathing fire!In a hurry, she took out a special small tube from her clothes, pinched her two fingers to her mouth, pointed it at the bat in the sky and blew it out with a "sudden" sound, and instantly a fiery fire dragon shot out into the air, killing a bat on the spot. A large group of bats were burned, squeaked and fell, turning into sparks.

"When will you know how to do this?" Cui Guodong asked in surprise!

"Wang Tianhai taught me! He asked me to use it to save my life!" Christina continued to breathe fire into the sky while explaining, and fire dragons shot out, countless bats couldn't dodge, were burned by the fire, rolled down and died Death, the situation reversed in an instant, and Christina, who was in power, took advantage of the victory and pursued, spraying wherever there were more bats, and the remaining bats knew how powerful they were, so they all flapped their wings and flew back. Burned alive!

Christina has now completely belonged to Huzi's woman, and it is understandable that Huzi taught her the ability to guard the house with two hands. It was just that she was too nervous just now, so Christina neglected that she still has this killer move!

The trouble of vampire bats all over the sky is solved, but the real trouble has just arrived. In the darkness, he suddenly heard "Dang!!" Gao Zhenfei and Cui Guodong, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head and saw that Liu Boyang had already met with Alonso In a head-to-head confrontation, the Cracking Knife and the Wolf Fang Scimitar clashed together, and Liu Boyang was crazily retreated by Alonso. Not only would Alonso be able to trick bats and sprinkle blood mist, but his own combat power was also amazing. Strong and powerful, not at all inferior to Liu Boyang, the two only fought three moves, Liu Boyang showed signs of losing the wind, was hit by Alonso and retreated all the way, Liu Boyang's feet wiped the ground without moving, and two marks were worn on the road , the soles of Liu Boyang's shoes were almost worn out, he suddenly let out a shout, and the Knife turned to kill, swinging Alonso in the air, and Alonso's two huge bat wings fluttered back to the ground with a ferocious expression on his face. sneer!

Liu Boyang's palms were sweating, and he held the Lie Kong Dao tightly. Alonso's Spike Scimitar must also be a world-famous precious sword. When he slashed against the Lie Kong Dao, there was not even a cut!

Gao Zhenfei, Cui Guodong, Pei San, Guo Yongsheng, and Christina stood behind Liu Boyang with a stern expression. To deal with such a master, everyone must join forces to have a chance of winning!

Alonso licked his tongue, and was about to continue to attack, when suddenly far away from them, on another empty street, there was also the sound of fighting, a roar of a tiger came from an old cat, followed by another Huzi and Zhang Xiangdong shouted angrily. It was obvious that they were also entangled, so they didn't come to rescue until now!

Didn't Alonso come alone?He has accomplices? !

Surprisingly, there was not only people's cursing from the old cat's side, but also a lot of dogs barking and cats barking. Many ferocious big dogs were barking. Christina suddenly thought of a possibility Xing, blurted out: "Could it be that the beast king is here too?"

Alonso laughed: "Unexpectedly, you know quite a lot. That's right, Celtic and I took the order together! Those few friends of yours will soon become the dinner of beasts!"

Liu Boyang frowned and said, "What is the beast king?"

Christina said in a deep voice: "The Beastmaster is the same as Alonso. They are both ㊣(5) on the silver list of world masters. One is eighth and the other is tenth! He has the unique ability to communicate with beasts, and he can call wild beasts from all directions to help him fight! His own combat power is amazing, and with those wild beasts, he is like a tiger with wings added!"

Cui Guodong asked in disbelief: "Are you joking? I've only seen this kind of thing in movies, does it really exist in reality? How lucky are we today to meet two such weird characters at once?"

Christina smiled wryly and said, "Many movies are based on reality. Do you think it's lucky? I think it's our bad luck and great misfortune! So far, I haven't heard of anyone being able to play in 'Blood Night Bat ' and the 'Beastmaster' double siege, can still survive!"

"Haha, that guy from Celtic sounds very hardworking, poor scumbags, now I'm going to do my best, and I'm going to send you to hell before Celtic ends the battle! I want to Use the facts to prove that I am better than him!" Alonso spread his wings again and laughed wildly while holding a mace.

"Laugh at your mother-force! The ghost knows what you are talking about, Brother Yang, let's go together! I don't believe that this bastard is capable of dealing with the six of us at once!" After Cui Guodong finished his anger, Liu Boyang and Gao Zhenfei had already taken the lead , The Splitting Knife Parting Hook kills in two directions, extremely fast!

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