The best boy on campus

Chapter 1385 Beat Alonso violently!

Alonso saw Liu Boyang and Gao Zhenfei rushing towards him recklessly, he raised the wolf-toothed scimitar sharply, and a series of sword lights slashed out. Gao Zhenfei tried his best to parry with the parting hook, and was sent flying in the air , and fell back to the ground, both jaws were numb!

Liu Boyang charged in front of Alonso alone like a swimming dragon, and the split knife flew up and down to attack Alonso's vital points, but Alonso blocked them all with a sneer, and raised his hand to grab Liu Boyang's face, A gust of wind came from the cuffs, Liu Boyang retreated instinctively, but the split knife was entangled by Alonso's cuffs, Alonso pulled Liu Boyang back, and hit his chest with his palm, Liu Boyang felt a pain in his chest, and his throat Heat almost spurted blood, staggered and flew out, and wiped the ground for a long time before stopping, dizzy and blood churning!

"Brother Yang, are you okay?" Cui Guodong ran over and asked. "". Followed by Pei San, Guo Yongsheng and Christina, the three of them are also full of worry.

Liu Boyang wiped the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, and said lightly: "It's okay!"

"Hahahaha! Boy, take your life!" Alonso laughed wildly, spread his huge bat wings, and quickly swooped towards Liu Boyang. Flying normally, he immediately blocked Alonso's attack. Alonso raised his mace scimitar and slashed in the air. Cui Guodong was chopped off and fell to the ground a long way.

Cristina made an urgent shot, and the two throwing knives were accurately shot at Alonso's eyes. Alonso blocked them with his wide robe, confiscated both throwing knives, and then threw them in the opposite direction, a streamer flashed in the darkness , Christina hid in time enough, but a strand of hair was still cut off by a flying knife, and the flying knife stuck upside down on the road!

"It's too embarrassing to show such a trivial skill! I'll suck your blood first!" Alonso grinned grinningly and "flyed" over. It was as if Christina was imprisoned in some invisible air prison, unable to move, she was about to be dismembered alive, suddenly a figure flashed, Liu Boyang squinted his eyes and blocked Alonso's body All the blades were chopped off, Liu Boyang said coldly: "You take old Li Peisan and Guo Yongsheng and go first, you will be useless if you stay here, don't sacrifice yourself in vain!"

"What about you?" Christina asked nervously.

"I joined forces with Dafei Guodong, and try to fight him! Don't dawdle, let's go!" Liu Boyang shouted angrily!

Christina's face was pale, she finally bit her lip and nodded, she turned her head and pulled Pei San and Guo Yongsheng away, even she was not Alonso's general, let alone Pei and Guo, these two also Fighting is better than ordinary people. In front of these world-famous killers, there is no resistance at all!

"Quack, don't even think about leaving!!" Alonso yelled loudly, grabbed the air with both hands, and then slammed it violently. The horrifying thing happened again. A big piece was lifted and smashed towards Christina!

How on earth did he do it?This is the same as fetching things from the air. You can lift a stone slab from the air without touching the ground with your hand!These world-famous masters are indeed more than human!

Seeing a stone slab the size of a car hit, Christina had no way to resist it, and Pei San and Guo Yongsheng were even more helpless. At the critical moment, Gao Zhenfei stepped forward, hooked the slate with a parting hook, and dragged it to the ground, "Go quickly!" Ah" Gao Zhenfei also said coldly.

Kristina, Pei San and Guo Yongsheng didn't dare to waste any more time, and retreated in a hurry. After Gao Zhenfei's words, a strong wind suddenly wiped behind him, and Alonso appeared behind him with huge bat wings, his fangs curved Slash with a knife!

But all of a sudden, a beam of dazzling searchlights shot over, right on Gao Zhenfei's body. Alonso behind him screamed, shielded his face with his hands, and sternly shouted: "Who?"

Li Wanhao, who was sitting in the car, smiled coldly, and slowly adjusted the angle of the front of the car so that the headlights could shine on Alonso in a wider area... Although Li Wanhao was seriously injured in the explosion just now, he did not Seeing that Liu Boyang, Gao Zhenfei and Cui Guodong had suffered from Alonso one after another, he quickly got into a nearby car and spent a long time waiting for such an opportunity to shine fiercely on Alonso with the headlights!

Through his fingers, Alonso squinted his teeth and saw that it was Li Wanhao who was looking at him!He was careless, thinking that the explosion just now would make this kid unable to get up, and screamed angrily: "If you dare to shine a light on me, you will all die!!"

As soon as he finished yelling, another scream came from his mouth. Liu Boyang's stern figure appeared behind him, and the Rifting Knife mercilessly slashed on his back, creating a shocking scar in an instant!

"Ahhhhhhh!" Alonso slashed back with the mace scimitar, but Liu Boyang retreated quickly. Liu Boyang admitted that he was not his opponent in a head-on confrontation, but he must not show any flaws. Otherwise, this is the end of negligence!

Alonso's eyes were red, and he opened his mouth to reveal his white fangs. Regardless of the severe pain in his back, he took the wolf-toothed scimitar and killed Liu Boyang. His speed was faster than Liu Boyang's, almost in the blink of an eye. Appearing in front of Liu Boyang, he chopped off the empty knife in Liu Boyang's hand with one knife, and threw away his own mace. Two "claws" grabbed Liu Boyang's shoulders, and opened his mouth to bite Liu Boyang's neck fiercely. !

Liu Boyang was stunned. He didn't think that this guy wanted to suck his own blood. He wanted to break free, but the furious Alonso was obviously much stronger than him. He was about to gnaw Liu Boyang's neck, and the hairs all over Liu Boyang's body stood up. , hurriedly grabbed Alonso's chin with his hands, but Alonso's two claws pinched hard into Liu Boyang's muscles. Liu Boyang yelled in pain, and Alonso took the opportunity to continue biting Liu Boyang's neck!

But Liu Boyang ignored the burning pain on his shoulder, and stuck to Alonso's chin firmly and did not let go. Even though Alonso gnawed and bit wildly, he still couldn't bite his neck!

Suddenly, Alonso felt a dangerous aura coming from behind him, and he turned his head sharply, only to see Cui Guodong attacking him with a half-moon scimitar ㊊(5). The ground was still rolling, and Alonso was determined to suck Liu Boyang dry. His stinking fangs pierced Liu Boyang's neck. In a rage, Liu Boyang slammed Alonso with his knee. Alonso's stomach hurt, and Alonso's whole body trembled and screamed. Liu Boyang tilted his head, clasped the back of Alonso's head with his palm, and slammed it down hard, so that Alonso's face and the ground came together. A close contact broke the bridge of Alonso's nose on the spot!

"Fuck you-Mom! Do you like to bite people? Do you like to suck human blood? I will let you taste what it is like!" Liu Boyang was really crazy at this time, and he used tooth for tooth and blood for blood. Alonso's face, bit his forehead, pressed the back of the head and gnawed hard, Alonso was in pain, trying to break free from Liu Boyang, Liu Boyang punched him hard on the temple, and then punched Alonso He was beaten and screamed, he struggled to get away from Liu Boyang, struggled to get up, Liu Boyang stumbled, and Alonso fell sideways to the ground, but Liu Boyang rushed up and kicked Alonso on the neck before he fell to the ground. Now, just kick him out!

Under everyone's shocked eyes, Alonso rolled a long way, and Liu Boyang caught up with him like a shadow, grabbed Alonso's collar from the ground and pulled him up, punched him down again, pulled him up again, hit his face again He started punching and kicking Alonso: "Bastard, aren't you good at hitting? Stand up for me! I can't kill you today!"

Poor Alonso was unstoppable and murderous just now, but now he has become a poor guy who was beaten by Liu Boyang. How could he have the strength to resist, holding his face and howling...

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