Hmph, are you begging yourself?Why don't you ask Teacher Fang for help?Know me now?Didn't you have a very warm relationship with Teacher Fang just now?[-] words are omitted here, we know that it would be fatal for a girl to think carefully...

However, for Liu Boyang not forgetting herself at the critical moment, the little beauty felt very proud. She finally decided to punish the villain, so she couldn't just take him so cheaply. I wrote a few words on the note and threw it back

Liu Boyang hurriedly opened it and saw that the beautiful handwriting on the note read: "Do you want me to pass the answer? No way, do it yourself"

This scene, of course, was also seen by the "serious" classmate Ning Yeqi. The beauty of Bingshan couldn't help feeling sour anymore. Does that frivolous guy only flirt with girls all day long?I don't want to be attracted to him.

But the more she thought about it in her heart, the more she couldn't control herself, the shadow of Liu Boyang always appeared in her mind, and she was so angry that she repeatedly scolded herself for being a nympho

If you want to say who in the class attracts the boys' attention the most, of course it is the class flower Liu Boyang, Song Qianxia, ​​and Ning Yeqi whose every move has not escaped the "eyes" of Hou Qiang and others. They really admired it in their hearts ah

Brother Yang is Brother Yang. Not only does he fight fiercely, but also the method of picking up girls is worth learning from. In the past, it was difficult to get their attention, not to mention being close to each other in the class, but Brother Yang was able to get their attention in just one day. The "fierce" fight with Song Qianxia, ​​and successfully tugged at the heartstrings of Bingshan beauty, this realm, this ability, is so admirable that it is like a torrent of rivers...

Of course Li Gui is not blind, it's just that at this moment, the teeth are clenched...

Soon, the bell rang for the end of class, and Liu Boyang didn't write a single word on the paper. Of course, Fang Yuyan would not really make things difficult for him, but when he calmly handed in the blank paper, the beautiful teacher was not stingy with her eyes, and gave it directly. He has big white eyes, but there is a smug smile on the corner of his mouth that no one can tell

"Ah, Liu Boyang, you really didn't write anything?"

Song Qianxia saw "all four are empty" on Liu Boyang's paper, and asked in surprise. She thought Liu Boyang was just teasing her in class, but he really didn't know anything.

"Are you still asking me? Whose credit is this? Who told the squad leader to help you when you saw injustice at a critical moment?" Liu Boyang said with a naughty smile. He has a really thick skin. He can't write anything. Responsibility rests on the beauty's head

But the little beauty who was in a mess couldn't think so much at this moment. She had an extremely absurd idea in her heart, and she even thought that she had harmed Liu Boyang. After all, the first thing he thought of at that time was herself, and she but did not give him an answer

Song Qianxia couldn't bear it, she pouted her lips and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't know that you really can't write anything..."

The little beauty has been used to innocence since she was a child, and she doesn't understand many things. The more she thinks about it, the more wronged she feels. I don't really want to see death, but I blame my little girl for having a bad temper, and I didn't help Liu Boyang. Thinking about it The eye circles are slowly turning red...

When Liu Boyang saw that the little beauty was about to cry, he really couldn't laugh or cry in his heart, she was too honest, so he didn't mean to blame her, it was just a few casual jokes

"Hey, beauty, aren't you? Didn't I say nothing? Don't cry." Liu Boyang said with a wry smile. Such a girl really has to be pitied. She is a man who wants to protect her.

"If you don't do it again in the future... I'll just write the answer to you..." Song Qianxia said softly like a mosquito

"Okay, this is what you said yourself, the monitor, I didn't force you, but this time, you can't let it go like this, I will be painted as a duck's egg by the teacher." Of course Liu Boyang understands the truth of picking up girls.

"Then what else do you want? The papers have already been handed in?" Song Qianxia said aggrievedly

"In order to make you apologize, you can treat me to dinner at noon tomorrow." Liu Boyang said cheekily

Song Qianxia blushed pretty, and wanted to refute, but seeing Liu Boyang's smiling eyes, she suddenly lost her mind, and nodded unexpectedly, "Please just please."

Liu Boyang didn't expect the beauty to agree so easily. Seeing her honest look, he couldn't bear to tease her anymore, and nodded seriously: "Okay, at noon tomorrow, 'Jinhua Restaurant', you treat me to dinner, I will pay"

"Ah? Jinhua Hotel?" Song Qianxia was stunned for a moment. It was a famous five-star hotel in the city. How could she have so much money? Later, when Liu Boyang said that he would pay for it, the beauty was moved a little bit, and she didn't say anything. Convinced: "No, I invite you, how can I ask you to pay?"

"I said that I pay, that is, it is my honor to let the big beauty treat me to dinner." Liu Boyang laughed.

Song Qianxia pouted, knowing that the other party wanted to be a gentleman, and she couldn't argue with him anymore, so she said instead, "Then there's no need to go to a place as good as Jinhua Hotel?"

"Want to save money for me?" Liu Boyang asked with a smile

Song Qianxia nodded honestly

"That will have to wait until you become my daughter-in-law." Liu Boyang laughed loudly.

Song Qianxia's face turned as red as an apple. The villain knew he shouldn't be taken care of after molesting her again, and ran back to her seat. My friend is here

Liu Boyang didn't intend to be relentless towards beautiful women, after all, enough is enough to pick up girls, but when he looked back, he found that Hou Qiang and others were looking at him with admiration

"Brother Yang, cow"

"Brother Yang, when the brothers serve, teach the brothers as well."

Liu Boyang was a little surprised, and asked, "What do you teach?"

"Of course it's a way to pick up girls, Brother Yang, you're so good, you've only been here for a long time, and you're about to get the squad leader," Guo Xiao said winkingly

Liu Boyang couldn't help smiling when he heard this, and one of them kicked them on the back of the buttocks, "You bastards, just follow me and go out with me for a cigarette."

"Completely obey Brother Yang's orders," a group of younger brothers saluted like soldiers

Liu Boyang couldn't help laughing. He didn't expect that when his younger brothers came to the door, they happened to meet Ning Yeqi, a beautiful woman from Bingshan. Men can be awesome in front of the same sex, but when it comes to women, especially beauties At that time, pleasing became an instinct, so Hou Qiang and others "consciously" stepped aside

The road had already moved out of the way, but Ning Yeqi didn't walk past the place where they left, but came straight to Liu Boyang, and said calmly and confidently: "Please get out of the way!"

Liu Boyang was slightly surprised, but he still smiled and said: "I always listen to beautiful women" and stepped aside

Ning Yeqi blushed, left a sentence, "Huh, I'm being passionate" and walked away

Hou Qiang and the others looked at Miss Ning's expression in a daze. Although it has not been a day or two since Beauty Bingshan has died, why is her face so pale today?Was it offended by someone or what?

"What are you looking at?" Liu Boyang knew in his heart that the beauty of Ning was probably angry because of his own reasons. He was not narcissistic, but self-confident. Sometimes a man's sixth sense is also very accurate.

Because of this, he is not in a hurry to get close to Bingshan beauty. The more you stick to her, the more it will be counterproductive. Only by keeping a proper distance, or even pretending to ignore her, can she attract her attention

"Ah, it's okay, brother Yang, let's go, we usually smoke in the toilet, there are all smokers." Hou Qiang said, leading the way, leading Liu Boyang out of the classroom

Ning Yeqi, who returned to her seat, was also uneasy. No one could explain why she let Liu Boyang make way for her instead of going the other way. Maybe she just wanted to find an excuse to talk to Liu Boyang.

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