The best boy on campus

Chapter 15 High 2 Giants

The toilet in the school has always been a gathering place for unscrupulous students. Many small-scale fights took place here. Of course, it serves as the smoking room of the students in normal times, and the teachers generally will not find out. Here comes the *bubble! book*

Liu Boyang led Hou Qiang and others into the toilet. Hou Qiang was smarter and took out a pack of cigarettes to light for Liu Boyang. Talking, squatting inside and sucking up

Not long after, a few more shady people came in outside, Liu Boyang raised his head and took a look, only to see that group of people walked up to him respectfully, nodded and bowed together and said: "Brother Yang"

Liu Boyang nodded with a smile, he recognized most of the people here were a few guys who had followed Zhang Qiang, and of course there were a few unfamiliar faces, who should have just made up their minds to talk to him

Gently waving his hands, Liu Boyang smiled and said, "Do you all smoke?"

"Brother Huiqiang, you will be in the fifth grade." A loud voice shouted

This kid was a straightforward type at first glance, Liu Boyang admired him a little bit, and asked, "What's your name?"

"Brother Qiang, my name is Niu, and they all call me Da Zhuang." Seeing Brother Yang asking himself something, he replied excitedly

"Hehe, Da Zhuang, keep your voice down, don't call the grade master any idiot, Old Bear." Hou Qiang naturally knew this guy a long time ago, and said while giving cigarettes to him and other brothers who just arrived

"Fuck, so what if he's here, the mouth is on our body, can't we smoke a cigarette? Which law stipulates that students are not allowed to smoke?" In front of Liu Boyang, Niu didn't want to be timid and fearful, so he said carelessly

"Haha, stop bragging, didn't you get caught by that guy when you were reading pornographic novels in class last time? I heard that your ass is blown out, right? Haha" Hou emphasized with a smile

After hearing this, Niu couldn't help blushing, and said in a muffled voice, "Don't talk nonsense, he's just looking for me... Can't you go to his office for tea?..."

Seeing Niu's embarrassment, the other people also booed and laughed non-stop.

Seeing that his group of younger brothers completely abandoned the previous estrangement and blended together talking and laughing, Liu Boyang was also very satisfied, but when he heard the name He Juxiong, he couldn't help but frown, that bastard had better not Go and harass the beautiful teacher you're looking for, otherwise, I don't mind serving him with three knives and six holes

There are these evil stars talking and laughing and smoking in the toilet. How can other students dare to go to the toilet?All of them carefully stared at Liu Boyang and the others, and some hurriedly tied up their pants and ran out before they finished peeing.

But just when the last person was wearing his trouser belt and was about to go out, a group of figures suddenly walked in from outside the toilet door. A pair of black leather trousers, a pair of leather shoes, he walked straight towards Liu Boyang and the others while smoking his cigarette butts and stomping his waist

"Look at you, get out!" A bald man next to the bancun man patted the back of the head of the man who had just tied up his trouser belt, and there was a clear and crisp applause, which forced the innocent guy a few times. Slapped out of the toilet

On Liu Boyang's side, a group of juniors stood up involuntarily, Hou Qiang whispered to Liu Boyang, "Brother Yang, this person is one of the three giants in the second year of high school, Xin Baokai"

Liu Boyang narrowed his eyes and nodded lightly, but he didn't even stand up

Xin Baokai went straight to Liu Boyang's side, took a puff of cigarette, exhaled the smoke ring curlingly, squinted half his eyes and said, "Brother is Liu Boyang?"

Liu Boyang looked up at him lightly, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and nodded

"***, brother Kai is talking to you, what attitude do you have to stand up?" the bald man next to Xin Baokai scolded

"What the hell are you talking about, how old are you if you dare to talk to our Brother Yang like that?" the thick-lined cow cursed back

That bald head immediately went into a rage, you, a first-year brat, dare to yell in front of me, without saying a word, you will slap the cow in the face with your slap

But suddenly, his hand was caught, and his bald head was a little stunned. Turning his head, Liu Boyang stood up at some point, grabbed his wrist, and said coldly: "This bald senior, hello!" You are so angry, my brother Liu Boyang, when is it your turn to teach me a lesson?"

"Your mother dares to call me bald? You are fucking looking for death." The bald head was furious when he saw that this Liu surnamed Liu dared to stop him and save himself in front of his boss. Liu Boyang's face

Liu Boyang sneered, blocked the guy with a backhand punch, grabbed the guy's fist, and punched down hard, digging into his own stomach, which immediately caused the bald head to suffer severe pain, the boss with staring eyes, he Looking at Liu Boyang in disbelief, this guy's speed is too fast and his strength is too great

It's a pity that Liu Boyang didn't intend to let him go like this. Insulting his little brother is the same as insulting himself. He didn't fall until he hit the door of the stool compartment closest to the door, and he fell to the ground, and the door was smashed and "cracked" and rotted away.

Xin Baokai narrowed his eyes, it seems that the rumors are not false, this kid really has two skills

The younger brothers behind Liu Boyang saw the boss showing off his tricks, and they were all eye-opening. They were so excited, their boss is awesome!

"Damn you, a first-year brat, how dare you do something?" the younger brothers behind Xin Baokai shouted.

"Grass, are sophomores awesome? How dare you talk to our Brother Yang like that, who the hell do you think is afraid of you?" Hou Qiang and others rushed forward and confronted each other.

"Fuck, I've turned against you. If you don't clean up today, you really don't know what your last name is." The sophomore group shouted and prepared to rush forward

"Damn it, I can't stand you guys for a long time, come on, let's see who is afraid of whom today." Freshman Hou Qiang and the others said without showing any weakness

Seeing that the two groups of people were about to start fighting, Xin Baokai suddenly shouted: "Stop!"

Note to readers:

Collection, smashing bricks...

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