The best boy on campus

Chapter 140 Twilight of the Hero!

The group of people were stimulated by the temptation of money, and their eyes were red, one by one, they rushed up again with their knives. It depends on whether they die or enjoy the blessings. Who is the life of a man?

Liu Boyang sneered, clenched the bloody knife in his hand, and killed him when he took the turn. The two sides had just clashed and the killing was extremely horrific. The other party's neck and left arm could no longer be moved, but Liu Boyang didn't care at all. Damn there is still time to care about the pain at this time?I'm dying, but I'll kill these sons of bitches first

There are two red-eyed guys rushing up in front, one of them slashing and slicing towards Liu Boyang, Liu Boyang moved his camera and quickly backed away, turned around and ran away

The two people behind thought that Liu Boyang was trying to escape, so they ran after him, but they guessed wrong, Liu Boyang didn't run a few steps, suddenly jumped up, and kicked on the stalled taxi that hit the electric pole , and then with the help of the force of the rebound, he quickly turned around and slashed down, and one of them fell down before he could even scream.

Liu Boyang leaped up to the top of the taxi with a few steps, jumped down condescendingly and hung his legs crossed in the air, and whipped the other man hard on the cheek. The man was caught off guard and fell to the ground with a "slap", Liu Boyang After landing, he kicked the person hard in the heart, and the person let out a muffled growl, and all he could do was curl up on the ground and tremble.

five people left

Liu Boyang was so exhausted that he was about to collapse at the moment, but there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth, we men made money, and he dragged eight people to be buried with him when he died, this account is really a damn good deal

The remaining five people had to continue to weigh their guts. It turned out that the 10 yuan was so hard to get. If one could not get the money, it would fall into this kid's hands. How could he fight so hard? Can it last?

You can't kill him with a car, you can't stab him with a sneak attack, and you can't beat him with a dozen of your own people. Does he belong to Xiaoqiang?

Liu Boyang tried his best to support himself so as not to show a shaky appearance. In fact, he was so weak that he just wanted to lie down and sleep, and Liu Boyang also knew that as long as he lay down, he would never wake up again...

There are five more, and death will drag them down...

"You guys, who sent them here? Why did you deal with me?" Liu Boyang said with gritted teeth while staring at the last five people coldly.

"Hmph, I want to know? I will tell you when you die." The group of people saw that Liu Boyang was at the end of his battle, and suddenly came up with a bad idea, and they were not in a hurry to kill him. You were badly injured and bleeding. The old men are not injured. When you bleed dry and fall down, it will be too late to chop you up

"Hehe, I'm a dying person. What are you afraid of? If you come out to mess around, don't change your name or change your surname, and whoever you mess with and do things for anyone has an opinion. I didn't expect you guys to be so useless. Even You don’t dare to tell me, are you afraid that I’ll turn into a ghost and go back to seek that guy’s life?” Liu Boyang said with a sinister smile that he was using up his last rationale to try to trick out the other party’s words, just like himself As I said, you have to die to understand, and secondly, you must leave a mark before you die, so that your brothers can avenge you

A man in black with a knife said angrily: "***Your motherfucker is still so arrogant when she is dying, I will see how long you can last haha, you think I will be fooled by you, even if you die What a fool, hahaha..."

"Wang Chong, shut up for me, why are you talking nonsense to him at this time?" At this moment, the other guy in the car suddenly poked his head out and shouted loudly.

"You bunch of useless things, give it to me quickly! It's a waste of so long to chop off a little bastard. Do you want to wait for the note to come? Give me a quick fucking, chop him up and leave!"

Liu Boyang gritted his teeth with hatred, his plan didn't work out, he didn't get the words out of the mouths of these scumbags, this time he was really wronged

But at this moment, what Liu Boyang didn't expect was that the bloody taxi driver who was lying on the ground in front of the taxi behind him and twitching suddenly rushed towards him with all his strength, and suddenly Hugging Liu Boyang's two legs, Liu Boyang was caught off guard and was almost knocked down by him. When he came back to his senses, he looked at him with panic in his eyes. Why did he forget this bastard earlier? He is not dead yet

This driver is also a desperate person, he rushed up to hug Liu Boyang with his last strength, and dragged him to die with him. Five people shouted: "I hugged him, you still come over and hack him to death!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he let out a shrill scream. Liu Boyang's knife had already been inserted into the main artery in his neck, and he was stabbed to death on the spot.

And Liu Boyang also lost the opportunity, the other five people seized the opportunity and rushed up, before Liu Boyang had no time to dodge, someone had already stabbed him in the chest with a knife...

The feeling of stabbing cold and severe pain came suddenly, and the skin of Liu Boyang's whole body went numb, and a stream of blood suddenly gushed out of his throat, and he wanted to choke it out. He coughed, and blood dripped from the corner of his mouth, and his whole body suddenly seemed Like a balloon that has been drained of air, he completely lost his strength, his vision gradually turned black, his brain was dizzy for a while, and the fragments of his life experience in the past ten years flashed back in his mind, and the scenes were familiar and vivid. The warm and warm face flashed in front of him like a phantom, and the long-lost memories brought him to relive those unforgettable years again, both bitter and sweet...

At the gate of Songkou Middle School, under the brilliant sunset, he and his brothers chatted shoulder to shoulder, scolding Fang Qiu for pointing Jiang Shan...

At the entrance of the black alley, Da Fei lay on his body and blocked a dozen knives for him...

In the beautiful Liujiawan, Mr. Liu's [-]th birthday, he and his playful uncle Liu Zhenlong pointed at the people who came to celebrate his birthday and commented on them while scrambling to eat...

The betrayal of the youngest He Xiaobin...

The girl I loved deeply for the first time, Zhao Jiayi, became He Xiaobin's daughter-in-law. She pretended to be fat with a swollen face, and said her blessings with a smile...

The two daughters-in-law who were still tender in his arms just now, the innocent Song Qianxia, ​​and the well-behaved and sensible Sun Xiaorou...

And, Ning Yeqi, who always rejects people thousands of miles away, is actually more vulnerable than anyone else in her heart and needs protection more than anyone else...

The beautiful teacher, grandpa, little follower Liu Xiaoying, and the beautiful teacher Fang Yuyan...

Liu Boyang suddenly felt that he was so tired, and he just wanted to fall down and have a good sleep for a while. To be honest, he really couldn’t let go of those people who missed him, especially those who he felt owed to some of them...

Is this what it feels like to die?Liu Boyang laughed, and he was stabbed twice, but he didn't feel any pain anymore, probably the blood had drained out and his body was already cold

For the first time in my life, I want to apologize to whom, brothers, younger brothers, Mr. Fang, old man Zheng, Xiao Rou, Qian Xia, I'm sorry... we guys broke our promise... what we promised you... can't be done ...

At this moment, I really want to see your faces again...

Liu Boyang was always smiling, and fell down in response.

We men should be satisfied, we have cut so many people before, and we have received retribution today, we dare not blame others, people like us, if we die, we should go to hell...

But our surname Liu, even if we get to the Palace of the King of Hell, we will make a fuss, which makes the King of Hell not stop, haha

At the moment Liu Boyang fell to the ground, he could vaguely hear a heart-piercing cry: "Brother!"

Liu Boyang was a little surprised. This voice...was so familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was. He didn't even have the strength to lift his eyelids. He tilted his head and closed his eyes...

ps: I recommend the books of the two good brothers, "Hell Hunter" by Bad Kobayashi, "Swallowing the Universe" by the mother-in-law, if you are in a book shortage, you can read it

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