The best boy on campus

Chapter 141 Heartbroken!

What Liu Boyang didn't know was that not long after he lay down, and before the people around him came up to chop him into meat paste, four figures in black suddenly rushed up from behind, and ran to Liu Boyang without saying a word. In front of him, he beat those five guys who wanted to kill him.

Those five people were caught off guard at all, and they were all thrown to the ground by the four black-clothed figures flying behind them. The skill of those four people was really incredible, and they knocked them to the ground with their bare hands. There is a guy Finally came back to his senses, shouted "Where is your mother, you are meddling in your own business", then got up from the ground and stabbed a man in black with a knife, but I didn't expect the man in black to turn sideways After dodging, he pushed his shoulders in front of him with a sudden step, quickly took out something from his waist with his right hand, pressed it against his lower abdomen, and made a soft "bang" sound.

The man's eyes widened immediately, the knife in his hand fell to the ground with a clang, and he fell down as soon as he tilted his body.

The other four people who just got up from the ground to fight back were stunned immediately. Although the sound had been silenced, they still heard the small sound from such a close distance. It was a gun.

The four people on the ground were immediately petrified. What is the origin of the other party?

They were full of astonishment and just about to ask, when suddenly one of the four men in black walked out, pulled out a black pocket pistol from his waist, and fired four inaudible "bang bang bang bang" shots at their chests, four times. He immediately fell to the ground, a flower of blood bloomed on his chest

But at this time, the leader sitting in the car by the side of the road saw that something had changed, and before the four men in black pointed their guns at him, he decisively slammed the accelerator and drove away, turning around and driving away.

Seeing this, the three figures who were running towards this side quickly, one of the women immediately told a man next to him: "Wu Tian, ​​you must catch that guy no matter what, and don't let him run away!"

This woman is the "Queen of Leather Boots" Red Coral that Liu Boyang met in Xijia Lane in the past. Although she has changed her attire now, she is still extremely flamboyant and gorgeous. Every frown and smile are enough to touch people's hearts

"Yes" Wu Tian, ​​the man in black, listened to the order, turned around immediately, and galloped into a black Hummer not far away, then slammed the accelerator, and rushed directly towards the direction where the leader was fleeing

And besides these two people, the third person who came running and crying with pear blossoms and rain was Liu Xiaoying, Liu Boyang's cousin, who was also considered to have a good life, and it happened that she bumped into Liu Boyang at this juncture. The scene where he fell in a pool of blood, so he was able to save him in time

When Liu Xiaoying saw Liu Boyang lying on the ground dying, she couldn't bear the intense sadness in her heart. She ran over to lie on him and cried loudly, shaking his body while crying: "Brother, don't scare me, open your eyes, you Look at me, I'm Xiaoying, what's the matter with you? You must not have anything to do, you have to hold on."

Before Liu Boyang completely fell into a deep coma, he was finally able to hear Liu Xiaoying's cries with his remaining sense of hearing. At this moment, he recognized that it was his sister, who had been sticking behind his ass begging for candy since he was a child. Younger sister, the younger sister who likes to hug his neck and act like a spoiled child when she grows up, why is she here, the little follower Liu Xiaoying?I... am I dreaming?

You know, the apartment that Liu Boyang lives in originally belonged to his second uncle Liu Zhenjiang. Although the second uncle has moved and gave up the house to him, Xiaoying will still come back to visit it often. The cactus planted in the flower bed in front of the building, there is also a kind uncle and grandpa who loves to tell her stories in the fitness field of the community, and her most precious little cutie - a Pekingese dog raised by a single lady in the community, every time When the woman took it out for a walk, Xiaoying would run down, fondle it happily, and play with it...

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Xiaoying stayed with Hong Shanan after school this afternoon, but for some reason she has been restless since the afternoon, always feeling that something is going to happen, right The eyelids are always twitching, as if he can predict that some relatives around him will have a big accident

This is not some kind of nonsense, this is an inexplicable sympathy between blood-related relatives

Xiaoying told Red Coral about this disturbing thought in her heart. At that time, Red Coral didn't take it seriously, but thought it was just her wild thoughts, so she decided to take her out to relax, but Liu Xiaoying felt that feeling more and more intense, and even everything The unknown is all locked on one person, and that is my precious brother, Liu Boyang, who just came to W City

Liu Xiaoying couldn't restrain the worry and fear in her heart, and directed the red coral all the way to drive the car here. She didn't expect to get out of the car and actually saw that scene

And when Red Coral also saw Liu Boyang over there being besieged by a group of people, she was also terrified. While asking the old man to send bodyguards by her side to help Liu Boyang, she was also surprised that this little girl was too God?Does she have special abilities?it's all predictable

Liu Boyang heard Xiaoying's cry lying beside him. Although his consciousness was blurred, he opened his eyes with all his strength. There was only such a shallow slit, but he could still see the delicate face clearly. At this moment, Liu Boyang suddenly wanted to touch the little girl's head again, but he tried, but couldn't move his hands, so he had no choice but to give up, with a wry smile in his heart, and when he opened his mouth to speak weakly, the corners of his mouth were already bleeding down

"Hehe... girl... don't... cry, brother... nothing... what's the matter... old man... how did you... people from the Liu family... even if It's...women...children...not cry easily..."

Liu Xiaoying cried and nodded, just wanted to hold back the tears, took Liu Boyang's hand and put it on her cheek, suddenly felt that his hand was cold, so the tears couldn't help but burst out again, ignoring the pain all over her body. The front was covered with Liu Boyang's blood, and he choked with sobs and said, "Brother, I won't cry, I will listen to you. You must have nothing to do with me. I don't want you to die." At the end, he cried out with a "wow".

At this moment, Liu Boyang's nose was also a little sore, and his eyes were moist, but he still persuaded lovingly: " have grown up...don't listen words...are you?...I told you...don't cry ...Why are you...still crying?...Your brother and I...have a hard we...really...dead...we will die in the future one will grab snacks with you...Eat it...hehe..." Liu Boyang was so angry that he had a mouthful of blood in his throat, but he didn't even have the strength to cough it out

"Brother, stop talking!" Liu Xiaoying yelled heart-piercingly, and suddenly turned around and shook the red coral frantically with bloody hands, begging: "Sister Yufei, I beg you, please help my brother, please help me!" Save him, I'll kneel down for you." Liu Xiaoying, impulsive to the extreme, said that her knees softened and she really wanted to kneel down.

Note to readers:

Bookmark, vote, smash bricks, and recommend two books of great gods, Brother Feilong's "Killing the God" and Brother Liyu's "Fairy Bracelet".

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