The best boy on campus

Chapter 142 The Last Wish!

Red Coral's real name is Bu Yufei. Ever since Liu Xiaoying helped her that time, she has always treated Liu Xiaoying as her own sister. Now seeing this girl crying to death, she couldn't bear it. No matter how delicate she is, she is still a woman after all, she held Liu Xiaoying with red eyes, and said, "Don't worry, Xiaoying, I have already called an ambulance." It was a miscalculation to go after the leader in the car. If I knew this earlier, I should save the people first and leave the car to take Liu Boyang to the hospital.

Looking at Liu Boyang's dying state at this moment, she felt guilty all over her heart. If Liu Boyang died, she would be responsible too.

She has already recognized that the person in front of her is the boy she met in Xijia Lane that day. She never thought that things in this world would be so miraculous, and that he was Xiaoying's elder brother.

Liu Boyang felt that the back of his head was already heavy, like an abyss of chaos that could not be opened. His consciousness was so scattered that he seemed to be unable to sleep like this, but at this moment there was still a violent obsession in his heart that forced him to He couldn't do this, he closed his eyes weakly, but still said in a low voice: " are here too..."

As soon as Hong Shan heard this, she immediately walked up to her, and deliberately said in that cold tone: "You must support me. If you die, Xiaoying will be very sad, and I will not let you go." Until the end Eyes are wet

The four bodyguards behind her had other differences on their faces besides the heavyness at this time, their young lady... actually cried

Liu Boyang smiled lightly, shook his head slightly, and suddenly said sincerely: "The heroine... is dying... I beg you... can you?"

Red Coral nodded: "Don't fucking say unlucky things to my mother, just say it"

"Just now...there...two girls...were...taken the people...called by me...rescue them...back... "This is the first time in Liu Boyang's life that he used the word "seek"

"……Thank you……"

At this moment, he is still worried about Sun Xiaorou and Song Qianxia. It's not that Liu Boyang favors sex over friends, but that Xiaorou and Qianxia's current danger is all caused by him. We guys can feel sorry for anyone , I just can't feel sorry for my parents, my daughter-in-law, my brother

Hong Shanshan was also taken aback by Liu Boyang's words at the moment, and nodded at him after regaining consciousness: "I understand that I promise you that they will be fine."

Unfortunately, Liu Boyang can no longer hear her words

The red ambulance lights and the blue and red police lights flashed across the area quickly, and the ringing bells one after another were deafening, attracting countless people to watch

The police quickly surrounded the scene, pulled up the isolation belt, and prohibited anyone from entering, but among the group, there was a girl lying on the ground, crying loudly on a boy lying in a pool of blood, complaining endlessly. The endless sadness made the voice hoarse from crying, and the listeners couldn't help feeling sad

There were too many corpses at the scene, and the ambulance doctor checked over and over again, shaking his head every time he checked around a person, then covered him with a white cloth, and continued to the next one. During the neck examination, the middle-aged male doctor was suddenly delighted that the person in the pool of blood on the ground still had an extremely weak pulse, and immediately waved his hands to ask the nurses behind him to carry Liu Boyang into the car to see if he could be rescued.

Liu Xiaoying cried and wanted to go with the ambulance, but she was pulled away by two policemen. She could only watch Liu Boyang being carried into the car by two expressionless male nurses with dull eyes. uncontrolled surge

Red Coral saw that this little girl was crying heartbreakingly just now, and now she suddenly became hoarse, and there was no movement at all, as if she had suddenly become stupid. into her arms, comforting her non-stop

But Liu Xiaoying turned a deaf ear, watching the car with Liu Boyang rushing away with dull eyes, the tears on her face were cold and cold

"Xiaoying, Xiaoying, don't scare my sister, what's wrong with you? Talk to me." Seeing Liu Xiaoying's "vegetative" appearance, Hong Shan was frightened, and shook her shoulder vigorously and said

"..." Liu Xiaoying looked back blankly, looked at the red coral in front of her, and said stupidly: "Sister, tell me, is my brother okay?"

Seeing her haggard appearance, Hong Shan felt extremely distressed, gritted her teeth and held back her tears, and said, "No, your brother's life is hard, he will be fine."

Liu Xiaoying nodded stupidly, stood at the same spot with a look of bewilderment, then raised her head and continued to look at the end of the road in a daze, the ambulance had already left, and there was nothing left to worry about man's shadow

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