The best boy on campus

Chapter 1469 Save People!

"Be farther away?" Tie Zheng held a cigarette in his mouth, patted the fat man on the shoulder, and then kicked him out. The fat man was caught off guard, hit his car and fell back, just in time A dog was on the ground, and Tie Zheng knelt down and grabbed the fat man's hair, and said coldly: "Again, who do you let come first?"

The crowd was shocked, the fat man obviously didn't expect that Tie Zheng would dare to hit him in public, he got up and wanted to fight back, but You Longjian came up and kicked the fat man away, Liu Boyang took the A hundred war soul cousins ​​also gathered around, the fat man realized how powerful Tie Zheng was, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, stood up bitterly and gritted his teeth at Tie Zheng, he was scared stupid by holding him The youngest son left with a limp. -

Na Chuanfeng has been watching the good show from the beginning to the end, and asked with a smile: "Brothers, what does this mean? Seeing the road is rough, draw your sword to help?"

Tie Zheng ignored him at all, walked up to the little girl under her tearful and terrified eyes, lowered his head and asked, "Are you okay?"

Although the little girl didn't understand the daughter of Country Z, she actually saw Tie Zheng's act of rescue, so there was not much timidity in her eyes, and she stood there blankly, not daring to move. .

Tie Zheng nodded with a cigarette in his mouth, then lightly patted the girl on the shoulder, pointed to Liu Boyang and said, "Girl, this is my elder brother. He brought us here today. If it wasn't for him, I would save him too." It’s not for you, so you should thank him very much!”

Na Chuanfeng finally understood what was going on this time, and took the initiative to stand up and help the girl translate. Until this moment, the girl was finally convinced that she was saved, and she cried even more. He bowed and said thanks in Mandarin.

"Are you trying to learn?" Liu Boyang asked her.

Na Chuanfeng translated from it, and the girl froze for a moment, then nodded.

"Well, I will grant your wish. I will cover your future tuition fees. I will not allow anyone to force you to do such a thing. Study hard and study in country Z in the future. Do you understand?" Liu Boyang said to the girl road.

The girl was dumbfounded, she couldn't believe that she had such good luck, Liu Boyang was like a god photographed from the sky, instantly saved her from fire and water, and brought her back to heaven from hell.

The girl was even more excited this time, and couldn't help but kneel down to Liu Boyang, but Liu Boyang lifted her up with one hand, turned to Li Yuanhao and said, "Mr. Li, you heard what I just said, I think you, as a member of the Labor Party Party leader, it shouldn’t be difficult to help me fulfill my promise. And let me tell you from the bottom of my heart, since you represent the Labor Party, you should represent the interests of the lower classes. It’s better for the country to ban it, and don’t ask you to realize democracy and human rights as soon as Western countries do, at least you have to follow the example of country Z!”

Li Yuanhao was stunned, apparently he did not expect that Liu Boyang would preach to him in public. Fortunately, Liu Boyang spoke the Z language. If the people of the country understood him, he would lose all face as a leader of a political party.However, Li Yuanhao nodded to Liu Boyang with complicated thoughts, expressing that he understood.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Boyang pointed to the biological father of the little girl who had been hiding in the crowd behind him, and said calmly, "Come here!"

The little girl's father trembled, but walked over tremblingly, Liu Boyang didn't say anything, just slapped his head and face, crisp!Half of the middle-aged man's face was slapped and swollen on the spot!

The little girl was startled, she looked at her father in a daze, and then at Liu Boyang, caught in the middle, she didn't know what to do!

"Do you know why I hit you?" Liu Boyang shook his wrist and said to the girl's father.

The girl's father looked up angrily, but saw that there were countless brothers standing beside Liu Boyang, he didn't dare to get angry at all, so he had to stand there obediently.

"Because you should fucking be slapped! The first slap just now, I slapped your daughter, you are glad you were not born in country Z, otherwise I am not the only one who slapped you!" The slap went down, and the girl's father was directly slapped and fell to the ground.

"Such a good daughter, you don't know how to cherish her mother, you sold her for two banknotes, you are really a fucking person!" After Liu Boyang scolded, he kicked the girl's father to the ground , kicking him several times in a row until the little girl couldn't stand it any longer and came to grab Liu Boyang's hand!

Liu Boyang pointed at the man on the ground and said fiercely: "These kicks are not only for kicking you, but also for showing so many inhuman parents here! Damn it, there are so many things that are not as good as pigs and dogs, I kick them one by one. I can't finish kicking, I can only use you as an example! If you dare to treat your daughter badly in the future, I will take your skin lightly!"

After Liu Boyang finished beating and cursing, he ignored the people around him pointing and pointing, and coldly said to Tie Zheng, You Longjian and other brothers: "Let's go!"

But all of a sudden, the rescued little girl ran over and grabbed Liu Boyang's hand tightly, her big eyes were full of tears, she bit her lip and shook her head desperately at Liu Boyang.

"What does this mean? What does she want to express?" Liu Boyang looked at the girl, then at Nachuanfeng.

Na Chuanfeng said helplessly: "She wants you to take her away!"

Hearing this, Liu Boyang put on a straight face and said: "Little sister, brother, I came to save you because I saw that you were ambitious and unwilling to fall. Don't let me down. If you change your mind so quickly, If you want to follow me instead of learning, I will save you in vain!"

The girl shook her head desperately, Na Chuanfeng smacked her mouth, and explained: "Brother, don't you think it's over if you sit here? Don't misunderstand what this girl means, in fact, she can't help it. By leaving, I didn't help the girl, but harmed her, and she will be beaten to death by her father when she goes back!"

"Just him?" Liu Boyang cast a cold glance at the girl's father.

"Don't always think of country Z as country Z. The rule of law here is incomparable to our country. Domestic violence and lynching are still very popular here. Just now you made this little girl's father make such a big mess. Go back to him The little girl must be beaten to death!" Na Chuanfeng said.

"Then what should I do?" Liu Boyang frowned slightly, how could it be so troublesome to save someone? !

"Of course it's a good person who will do it to the end and send Buddha to the sky. Look at her father, he probably won't treat her well in the future. You should take her with you. This little girl is smart and smart. Even if she is a maid for you, she will be better than you." The fate of being a child prostitute is strong!" Na Chuanfeng said.

"Damn! I'm not a landlord, what kind of servant girl do I want? In this case, as long as the little girl is willing, it's not impossible to let her follow. I'll arrange for her when I go back to China. It's getting late, let's continue on our way!" Liu Boyang waved his hands and said.

Na Chuanfeng translated Liu Boyang's words, and the little girl was moved to tears immediately, blushing and shrank behind Liu Boyang, like a little tail.Liu Boyang opened the car door, first pushed the frail little girl into the car, and then sat in the car himself.The little girl's father, Liu Boyang, actually took his daughter away. He was so impatient, he didn't care about being afraid anymore, and rushed forward to find Liu Boyang desperately, but both Tie Zheng and You Longjian stopped him!

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