The best boy on campus

Chapter 1470 Is this just a joke?

"If you regret it now, there is still time. Once you really leave with me, I don't have time to take you back." In the car, Liu Boyang said to the girl.

The girl shook her head lightly, and looked out the window with her big eyes. Although she was also reluctant to part with her father who was with her day and night, she was even more unwilling to give up herself and become a commodity traded by her father for money, and it was an extremely cheap and shameful commodity. So she finally chose to abandon her father and leave with Liu Boyang.

"Drive." After seeing the girl's attitude, Liu Boyang no longer hesitated, and said to the brother who was driving in front.

The brother nodded and started the car. Na Chuanfeng in the passenger seat looked back at Liu Boyang, with a half-smile: "I can't see, brother, you still have such a chivalrous heart. When the road is rough, draw your sword to help!"

Liu Boyang said indifferently: "I'm overwhelmed. I've done too many bad things in my life. If I do one or two good things now and then, it should be considered as making up for my sins."

When the car started slowly and gradually left the street, all the child prostitutes in the whole street were watching Liu Boyang leave, their eyes were full of sociability and longing, and they wished to be rescued by Liu Boyang, but it was a pity that Liu Boyang was really He is powerless. Even if Liu Boyang is great, he can only save one or two people at most. He has no ability to completely change this situation. If Li Yuanhao really has something to do in the future, he should be the one to realize this kind of thing!


After leaving the small county town, the girl who was taken by Liu Boyang seemed much more lively, probably because she finally realized that she was safe after escaping from the tiger's mouth, she happily held Liu Boyang's hand in the car, and sang to him There are excessive and ethnic boundaries, but the girl's voice is undeniably beautiful. She sings one song after another like a little nightingale. Liu Boyang and his family feel that this little girl is very similar to his sister Liu Xiaoying Yes, in the future, I will send the two girls to my second uncle's house as companions, Xiaoying will be very happy!


After completely leaving the boundary of Shawan County, after an hour's drive, I finally arrived at a small town on the border of the capital of the country. The country is really small, and it only takes one day to drive from the south to the north. .In this small town, an old friend of Li Yuanhao opened a hotel. Although the scale is not too big, and it can't hold more than 100 people, at least it can rest!

Li Yuanhao invited Liu Boyang and others to this hotel, and left after drinking and eating.The hotel owner was very flattered when he saw Li Yuanhao coming over without saying hello, so he quickly invited Li Yuanhao, Liu Boyang, Nachuanfeng and others to take a seat. Tie Zheng Youlongjian followed Liu Boyang, and more than 100 brothers entered the lobby on the first floor for dinner in batches.Li Yuanhao introduced the boss to Liu Boyang. Jin Tailiang was originally a small leader of the Labor Party. Later, he left the capital due to political struggles and lived here to open a hotel.

After Li Yuanhao learned of Liu Boyang's identity and mission, he was extremely enthusiastic. He went down and asked the clerk to serve the best food and drinks in the store, and it didn't count the price. Today he treats guests!

Liu Boyang exchanged politeness with him, but finally he couldn't stand his kindness, so he had to invite him.However, not long after Jin Tailiang went down, You Longjian came over and whispered a few words in Liu Boyang's ear. After Liu Boyang listened, his expression did not change, his smile did not fade, and he asked Li Yuanhao, "Mr. Li, you and this Jin Tailiang What is the relationship between you, sir, is it really as good as you said?"

Li Yuanhao said without thinking: "Of course! Originally, Kim Tae-ryang was one of my strongest supporters, a confidant in my Labor Party. It's a pity that in the subsequent committee election, his position of vice chairman was replaced by others. He quit the officialdom in a fit of anger and came to this small place to open a tavern. I think if I can be co-elected as the leader in this year's general election, I will definitely use him again!"

Liu Boyang let out an "oh", nodded, and said nothing more.

Na Chuanfeng leaned over and asked, "Brother, what's the matter? What's the matter?"

Liu Boyang smiled and said: "No, I just want to understand the situation."


Not long after, the waiter below brought some special dishes from the hotel. In fact, the so-called special dishes can be seen all over the country. The country has always had a very good relationship with country Z, and many of them have been assimilated in terms of food. up.What came to the table one after another was only some pickled vegetables, barbecue, dog meat, rice cakes, etc. Don't compare the hotels in country Z with the star hotels in country Z, this is already considered a very high-end meal.

After the dishes were almost ready, Li Yuanhao informed the waiter to invite the boss Jin Tailiang to have dinner together, but the waiter said that the boss is busy arranging meals for the more than 100 brothers in the War Soul Hall below, and he will come later.

Li Yuanhao nodded and prepared to eat without thinking too much. It has been a full afternoon since he set off early in the morning. Li Yuanhao was already hungry, but just as he picked up a piece of dog meat, Liu Boyang grabbed it. He grabbed his hand and said with a smile: "Don't worry." Then he took off the silver thread on his right hand, and lightly pierced it into the dog meat for a test. As expected, the end turned black!

This seemingly fragrant and mouth-watering plate of dog meat was actually poisoned!

"Mr. Li, your old friend has a really special way of entertaining people. You like to add some special things as condiments." Liu Boyang said lightly.

"You... what do you mean by that?" Li Yuanhao asked with a frown.

"Look for yourself!" Liu Boyang showed the end of the silver thread to Li Yuanhao, "Fortunately, my brother had a good eye just now, and saw Jin Tailiang and the waiter sneaking around. Unexpectedly, he really tampered with our meal. , if I hadn't stopped you, you probably wouldn't be able to return to City R again!"

Li Yuanhao listened to Liu Boyang's words in a daze, and said subconsciously: "Impossible, Tailiang and I..."

Before I finished speaking, I suddenly heard a rush of footsteps outside, kicked the door open with a "bang", and a large group of tall, burly men in black with rough faces rushed in. They glanced at the food on the table and found that Li Yuanhao and Liu Boyang The waiter didn't eat at all, so he took out his gun without hesitation, aimed at Liu Boyang and started shooting!

In an instant, several bullets were fired at Liu Boyang at lightning speed. Liu Boyang pushed Li Yuanhao away, pushed him under the table, and then moved around in a very small space to avoid the bullets. However, all the food on the table was smashed to pieces, and the vegetable juice, wine and meat splashed. Na Chuanfeng was also taken aback, and hurriedly hid under the table. Tie Zheng Youlongjian was the closest to those men in black, and he didn't dare to face the gunfire. Chong, I had to flip over and dodge quickly!

The brothers who were eating downstairs heard the noise coming from the upstairs, and rushed immediately, but when the group of men in black approached step by step, and the gunfire pushed Liu Boyang and others to the limit, Liu Boyang suddenly stood up from under the table. Get up, grab Li Yuanhao's collar with one hand, stare at him coldly and say: "Li Yuanhao, have you fucked enough? If you don't like it, or don't trust me, then just say it, the whole set of scaring Where is the child? If you annoy me, believe it or not, I will see you off first?"

Seeing Liu Boyang's ferocious and cold face, Li Yuanhao was completely terrified, and hurriedly said to the group of men in black: "Stop, stop!" Then he turned to look at Liu Boyang, and begged for mercy: "Brother Yang, don't act recklessly, trust me , this is just a joke, I have no other meaning..."

: Brothers, I sincerely apologize to everyone for the repetition yesterday. Everyone makes mistakes, and I hope everyone’s forgiveness.I will fly back to Changsha tomorrow, and it should be updated normally the day after tomorrow. Thank you for your support!

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