The best boy on campus

Chapter 147 Tricky!

Team Chen was also a little surprised to see Yang Wanru standing up to speak for him, but he still curled his lips helplessly and remained silent.

"However, then again, a slap can't be slapped, and things have come to this point. Of course, our comrades are at fault, but you, old principal, are also duty-bound not to overprotect your students. What is the difference between you and doting? You This is not helping them, but harming them.”

"We policemen have our own procedures and principles. Here I assure you that we will never intentionally hurt your students again. I apologize to you for the beating of some police officers just now, and I swear that I will Report to the superiors and deal with them seriously. I also hope that you, the old principal, can respect yourself and don’t pester us too much to make noise here. Wouldn’t it be a joke for everyone? Why bother to make both sides lose their dignity?”

I have to admit that when it comes to eloquence, Yang Wanru, who looks indifferent and taciturn, is absolutely top-notch. These words are sharp but coherent, and even Zheng Yuanlong can't say anything after hearing them.

What's more, he can't argue with her. As the honor of a school, it's okay to argue with a man, but if he argues with a woman, it will lose face if it spreads.

Zheng Yuanlong snorted coldly, but did not speak.

"Now both of us make a concession, you let us go, I assure you, after we go back, we will deal with your students according to the procedure, and there will be absolutely no additional harm"

Seeing that Zheng Yuanlong pouted and said nothing, Yang Wanru said again: "Principal, we have other tasks besides yours. If you delay, can you afford it?"

After Yang Wanru said these two sentences, Zheng Yuanlong really had to back down. She was right, if he continued to make trouble, it would indeed be detrimental to others and himself, and he could only behave impatiently if it spread and ruined the school. He waved his hand and said, "That's all, this lesbian, I believe in you, I hope you can do what you say, Xiao Zhang, and open the door to let them go."

Team Chen snorted coldly, quarreled and quarreled, didn't your old man compromise in the end?If I knew this earlier, why was I wasting so much time?

At this moment, he looked at Yang Wanru with fascination. Such a smart and intelligent girl is really rare! I must chase her

A group of people got back into the police car. Team Chen deliberately ordered people to turn on the lights and ring the alarm bell. The sound was used to the whole campus. He just wanted to annoy Zheng Yuanlong on purpose. Who told you to stop him just now?

And since Zheng Yuanlong has agreed to let him go, no matter how arrogant Chen Squad is, he has nothing to do, his face turns green with anger

After the electric door was opened, three police cars sped away quickly

Zheng Yuanlong cast an angry look at them for the last time, then turned and left with the teachers behind him.

At this moment, even if the group of policemen left, he would not be quiet. There are still many things to do when he goes back.

At the school gate, after seeing the three police cars leaving, Yang Lin and the others didn't say much, they ran to the opposite side of the road, stopped a taxi nearby, and chased the three cars in front of them. They must take action quickly. Just watching Guo Xiao and others being taken away like this, it's no wonder that those boys don't suffer

During this period, Yang Lin called Liu Boyang several times, but no one answered. Now the ominous premonition in Yang Lin's heart became more and more intense. Could something really happen to Brother Yang?

Not only him, Lao Mao and Cui Guodong also had dignified faces, sitting in the car without saying a word, worried and thinking about complicated things

Now that the matter has come to this stage, it is very necessary to call the brothers together to discuss a solution, so Yang Lin called Gao Zhenfei and Huzi again, and estimated that the three police cars in front were about to drive away. In the direction of the past, let the two of them rush there together, and meet again there

But after hanging up the phone, what made Yang Lin and the others suspicious was, why did the three police cars in front drive in the direction of "Wanghai Garden"?

They do know that Liu Boyang's place of residence in W City, that is, the house his second uncle gave him, is there.

Three police cars galloped and arrived at the scene of City View Garden in a short time

After Team Chen and others got out of the car, they happened to catch up with Captain Qian who was there earnestly persuading Hong Shan to go back to the police station with him. , maybe it will be better. If he is not dead, he will inevitably face several life lawsuits. Going to court is inevitable, and he is very likely to suffer

Even if he is self-defense, this method is too much, if he fails, he will be squatting in a "bitter kiln"

Red Coral knew that Qian Dadui brought her back to the police station, and wanted to discuss with herself how to deal with this matter, and how to maximize Liu Boyang's escape.

In fact, as far as Hong Shanan is concerned, she doesn't have much affection for Liu Boyang. The scene that happened in Xijia Lane that day is still in her mind. The girl who was with Liu Boyang was molested by a few gangsters. Jumped out in time to save people, and kept hiding in the crowd to see that if he hadn't acted in time, the girl might have suffered a big loss

And judging from the fighting situation just now, this Liu Boyang is obviously also a practicing family. After one person was cut down, he was able to drag so many people to be buried with him.

From this point of view, Liu Boyang couldn't justify his death that day.

Women always believe in their first impressions, even Red Coral is no exception, if you tell her that even if she is a second late to make a move that day, Liu Boyang will stand up, she will never believe it

But at this moment, seeing Xiaoying crying so sad, so helpless, so desperate, Hong Shan could no longer care so much, and felt very distressed

After persuading Xiaoying for a few more words, she raised her head decisively and said to Captain Qian, "Brother Qian, I'll go back with you, Xiaoying, don't worry, this matter is on my sister's shoulders, and she will do everything possible to prevent you Brother is don't need to worry about anything, go to the hospital to see the kid later, I hope he will be fine." When she said this, Hong Shan made up her mind, to help others is to help to the end, No matter how sensational this matter is today, I must keep Liu Boyang down

If it doesn't work, please ask the old man to come forward, I don't believe this matter can't be suppressed

Note to readers:

Woohoo, I have been stepped on so many times today, those boring authors, is it necessary? ... Readers, don't forget to collect bricks after reading it...

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