The best boy on campus

Chapter 148 Red eyes!

"Sister Yufei, thank you." Xiaoying cried gratefully and came up to hug Hong Shanshan, sobbing weakly and helplessly in her arms

"Silly boy, thank you, I am your sister, who can I help if I don't help you?" Hong Shan stroking Xiaoying's hair with red eyes persuaded

At this moment, the alarm bell rang again not far away. It was the three cars from Team Chen who came to help. After parking the car on the road, two or three people were left in the car watching Guo Xiao and the others. People, other people are armed and rush down, say hello to the police from the city bureau, and deal with the situation together

At the same time, the three of Yang Lin also got off a taxi behind them, and they saw so many people gathered there from a long distance away, at least five or six police cars were maintaining order, and many of them were full and had nothing to do. The paparazzi are secretly taking pictures, it seems that something big has happened

Yang Lin and the others didn't hesitate, they walked over quickly, and impatiently pushed aside the crowd who were doing good things, and at a glance, they saw seven or eight bodies lying on the scene of the crime, all covered with white cloths, and the policemen were surrounding them. call for evidence

Although this scene was a little frightening, the three of Yang Lin had already been on the cusp of the storm for many years. How could they be afraid of such a big scene that they hadn't seen before?It's just that they were all a little nervous in their hearts. Why did the ominous premonition in their hearts become more and more intense?

Gao Zhenfei called and said that he and Huzi had arrived, and asked where they were. Yang Lin asked Cui Guodong to bring them over. Just as the five of them got together, they suddenly heard the sound of a girl crying bitterly from over there. familiar, as if heard somewhere

Yang Lin immediately thought of something, frowned, and coldly pushed away the crowd of spectators in front of him, striding towards the girl, behind him Lao Mao Dafei and others followed, they squeezed in the crowd like no one else Well, a few men with a bit of a temper were about to start swearing, but when they saw the fierce eyes of this group of people, they obediently shut their mouths

Why are these auras so creepy, cold as if they were killed from a pile of dead people, who dares to touch their brows

"Xiaoying, is that you?" Yang Lin asked hesitantly when he came closer

As soon as Liu Xiaoying heard this familiar voice, her petite body trembled immediately, then she raised her head from Red Coral's arms, looked at Yang Lin and the others with confused tearful eyes, was stunned for a long time, and finally burst out Let out a hysterical cry, turned around and rushed towards Yang Lin

Now when she sees Yang Lin and the others, it's like meeting her close relatives. She doesn't have to hide anything anymore. All the grievances and sorrows in her heart can be vented without any scruples. She throws herself into Yang Lin's arms and hugs his neck. a cry of despair

Red Coral was also stunned for a moment, looking at Yang Lin and the others, she didn't feel like a bad person, and she seemed to be very familiar with Xiaoying, so she felt relieved

Seeing Xiaoying crying so sadly, the old cat Cui Guodong and others were also very anxious. They hurriedly surrounded her and asked anxiously, "Xiaoying, what's wrong? Who bullied you?"

Like Liu Boyang, they also watched Xiaoying grow up from a young age. In a blink of an eye, the little girl became so big. In the past, in Liujiawan, the little girl always liked to tie up with them every day. At that time, she was small and always cried. Nose, but very naughty, often makes the brothers dumbfounded, but everyone loves her and pets her from the bottom of their hearts. She is everyone's little princess, and no one can see her being wronged. Seeing her crying so sad at this moment , How can I not be in a hurry?

"Don't cry, Xiaoying, tell me what's going on?" Yang Lin had already guessed that the matter in front of him might have something to do with Liu Boyang, and asked anxiously

"Brother Yang Lin, my brother, my brother was cut down" Xiaoying cried in grief

All of a sudden, Yang Lin and the other five were taken aback. The ominous premonition in their hearts was finally confirmed. Something really happened to Brother Yang.

The old cat yelled angrily: "**********, who*** is so bold"

Yang Lin yelled at him: "Shut up for me, don't fucking blah, listen to Xiaoying first." Among a group of brothers, Yang Lin is the one who dislikes swearing the least, and the two swearing at the moment is enough to show that he is also angry pole

"I don't know who killed my brother. My brother was cut badly. His whole body was covered with wounds and blood. He couldn't hear me until the end. Brother Yang Lin, I'm so scared, I'm really scared of me. I'm afraid I'll lose my brother." Xiaoying's tears were cold and wet Yang Lin's neck, but the coldness of her tears was not as cold as that of Yang Lin and the others.

Cui Guodong's old cat is really furious at the moment

Fuck his ancestors, someone hacked Brother Yang, don't even think about living

"Xiaoying, don't cry, Brother Yang, where is he now?" Yang Lin tried his best to suppress the anger in his chest, and asked in a deep voice that this group of people had played with Brother Yang since childhood. Goodbye, anyone who has an accident, others will feel as if a piece of flesh has been gouged out alive, not to mention that it was Brother Yang who had the accident this time

"My brother was sent to the hospital. When he was carried away, his life and death were uncertain. Brother Yang Lin, I was so afraid that I would go to the hospital to find my brother." Xiaoying cried

"Come on, let's go to the hospital now." Yang Lin nodded, tried his best to speak in a calm tone, and then pulled Xiaoying to the van that Huzi drove.

"Hey, you guys, stop for me, what are you doing? Just say what you say and leave? That girl, you are not allowed to leave, you stay for me." They had just walked a few steps, but the loud voice behind them was Roared over, and then he walked over with a baton in his hand and a cold expression on his face

Hong Liang didn't know what Qian Dadui said to Hong Shanan just now, and he still insisted on his original idea, wanting to bring the two women back for questioning

Yang Lin and the others stopped immediately, and looked back at him coldly. This guy is really not smart. To touch the brows of his group at this juncture, the bastard is really pretending to be big, enough life is not enough?

"Hong Liang, what's the matter with you here, get out of here and stand by me!" Qian Dadui's shouted voice came over in time, scolding this short-sighted thing in his heart, and didn't see the wild flames in the eyes of those boys ?Since they are Liu Boyang's brothers, each of them must be very difficult, maybe there is no one who is also from a famous family, why are you fooling them so stupidly?

Hong Liang was stunned for a moment, and took a look at Qian Dadui. Although he didn't understand very well, he stopped and shut his mouth obediently.

Hu Zi was originally walking last, but at this time he walked over with his arms shaking his teeth, walked up to Hong Liang, squinted his eyes, pointed to his nose and said lightly: "Go back and burn Gen Gao Xiang, you have lived a long time today!" "One time" and turned away without even looking at him

ps: I'm very, very happy that a brother discussed the plot with me today, saying that Xiaoying didn't contact her father or something, don't worry brother, I haven't forgotten this haha, but brother, you must understand that when people are anxious and sad to the extreme, they are Xiaoying will be in a mess and don't know what to do at the moment, that's what you mentioned later, I will arrange it, please wait and see

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