The best boy on campus

Chapter 149 Get angry!

Hong Liang's lungs were about to explode, but for some reason, when he saw Huzi's fierce eyes, he didn't dare to refute, and there was still an inexplicable palpitation in his heart, and a very decisive thought popped up in his mind: Since this kid Put down the words, he can really do it

How could this group of boys be so terrifying that even I, a policeman, could be overwhelmed by them. What kind of group of people are they?

Qian Dadui's expression was also not good-looking, and Huzi's words made him very unhappy. His condescending tone was like crushing Hong Liang on the ground like an ant stomping on him.

But Team Qian didn't dare to say anything more. Since he had already discussed with Hong Shanan, he had no other choice but to let them go.

Before being brought into the car by Yang Lin and others, Liu Xiaoying looked back at Red Coral with some uneasiness, and as soon as she and Brother Yang Lin left, the rest of the troubles would be left to Sister Yufei, girl I feel a little bit sorry

But Hong Shanshan seemed to understand the meaning in her eyes, and smiled at her, which meant: Xiaoying, it's okay for you to leave the rest to me

Red Coral's determined smile made Liu Xiaoying feel relieved, and then she followed Yang Lin to the opposite side of the road and got into the car without hesitation.

Then Huzi drove, and the van slammed on the accelerator like an arrow leaving the string and drove away. At this time, they must hurry up to see their brother Yang every minute.

At this time, in the Central Hospital, Liu Boyang had already been pushed to the emergency room for rescue. In fact, when he was sent to the hospital, Liu Boyang's body was already cold, his face was pale, without a trace of blood. On the surface, he is definitely a dead person, but for some reason, when the doctor measured his heartbeat, he found that it was still beating slightly. Although the frequency was very slow, it was enough to show that he was still alive

Even Shang Mingyu, the chief physician of the Internal Medicine Department of the Central Hospital who was urgently dispatched, wondered what kind of beliefs this kid insisted on refusing to leave this world

His current state is absolutely worse than death, the blood is almost drained, there are more than a dozen stab wounds all over his body, even the internal organs are injured, and there is a knife wound on his chest, which is less than half a centimeter away from the heart. If the strength is a little more accurate, Liu Boyang's heart can be stabbed by him

Shang Mingyu was moved by Liu Boyang's attachment to the world for a long time and unwillingness to leave. This kid is working so hard to survive, even if I try my best today, I will help him no matter what. If I don't rescue him , how can I be right in my white coat?I keep saying that I am a wonderful hand to save lives and rejuvenate the wounded, that can't be a piece of nonsense

Under the huge dim light, Liu Boyang was bare-chested, and was desperately rescued by a group of doctors. The two nurses couldn't help their eyes from getting wet just by wiping the blood off his body with cotton balls. How much blood did he bleed?The paper tube next to the cotton balls was full, but blood was still oozing from the large and small wounds...

How much pain and how many knives did he endure?

The hearts of everyone present were tense. The attending doctors like Shang Mingyu were so nervous that they didn't even have time to wipe the sweat from their foreheads.

At this time, Liu Boyang's consciousness has been cut off from the outside world. Even if alcohol is used to scrub his scarred body, he will not feel any pain at all.

Shang Mingyu guessed right, Liu Boyang was indeed trying his last ounce of obsession to support himself, and instinctively survived...

He doesn't want to die yet, because he still has many unfulfilled wishes...

When Yang Lin and other brothers arrived, Liu Boyang had been resuscitating for more than half an hour, but there was still no improvement at all, and the signs of life were still slowly disappearing. , the moment it goes out is the moment when Liu Boyang dies

"Where is Brother Yang?" The old cat ran like crazy while grabbing a male nurse next to him, and shouted at him with red eyes

He is like a headless fly bumping around, wishing he could rush to Liu Boyang's front in the next moment. After these brothers arrived at the hospital, the feeling of tension and suffocation in their hearts became more and more intense. Brother Yang, don't do it. Something's up

The old cat cried in the car just now. He is the most forthright among the group of brothers. He never holds back his crying, laughing and laughing. He is not afraid of people’s jokes. , rage is rage

The relationship between him and Liu Boyang has reached the point where other than Yang Lin Dafei and other brothers who worship him, it is difficult for other outsiders to follow suit. He would rather be the one who was chopped off this time than Liu Boyang.

The male nurse, Lao Mao, was taken aback by the furious expression on his face. He lost his grip on one of the medicine trays, and the medicine tray almost fell. I am still a nurse, how can you talk like that?too rude

The male nurse said displeasedly: "Who is your brother Yang? How do I know where your brother Yang is? Let go of your hand first."

"Why do you dare to talk nonsense with me when your mother asks you, are you in a hurry?" The old cat was angry. At this juncture, this guy still has the leisure to play tricks on him. say

The old cat swung its palm and was about to slap the male nurse, but the male nurse was stunned. Unexpectedly, the fierce man would do it without saying anything nonsense. It was too late for him to beg for mercy. With the strong wind Attacked, he turned his face instinctively, and was ready to be hit if he was fascinated by his eyes. The old cat shot so fast, he would be damned if he could avoid it

"Old cat, stop!" Gao Zhenfei yelled in time. His eyes were also red. Obviously, he was not much more relaxed than the old cat, but he was not as impulsive as the old cat. If he wanted to do it, he had to have a reputation. This matter is indeed the old cat. No, first, you didn't explain clearly, how do people know how to answer?It is indeed the old cat who is too impulsive

Hearing Da Fei's words at the very moment, the old cat didn't dare not lose face to the fourth brother, so he resentfully put down the half-turned hand, turned his head and didn't look at the male nurse, and strode straight towards others It's not like all the people who went to this hospital died, so I don't believe that I can't find Brother Yang's whereabouts

"This doctor, let me ask you, where is the emergency ward here?" Yang Lin is the most calm among the brothers, because he knows that it is useless to be anxious at this time, and no matter how anxious you are, you can't make time go by. go back

At this moment, the male nurse was very angry. He touched his face, just in danger, and almost got slapped by the big fat man. He looked at Yang Lin with a stern face, and curled his lips unwilling to speak. up

With a "huh", it was Yang Lin's turn to be angry this time. With a pinch, Fei grabbed the male nurse by the neck, pinched his chin tightly and lifted it up.

There is a limit to my patience, you can give you face once, but if you don’t want face twice, it’s just a matter of looking for it

"Tell you, I'm very angry now, I don't have time to talk shit to you, if you know it, tell me quickly, if you don't know, I will strangle you to death." Yang Lin couldn't hold back the anger in his heart anymore, and shouted

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