The best boy on campus

Chapter 150 Hysteria!

Although Yang Lin has a calm personality, since Liu Boyang is involved in this incident, he can no longer be calm. Under his steady appearance is a volcano that is about to erupt

"I said, I said" the male nurse really didn't expect that this gentle-looking boy would be so ruthless with his hands, even worse than the fat man just now, and now he doesn't dare to lose his temper I'm in a hurry to beg for mercy

In fact, he was still thinking about contentment. Fortunately, it was Yang Lin who made the move this time. He was already very lucky. If Yang Lin was a second later and choked his neck, Cui Guodong and Huzi would have blown up long ago. If they didn't take his plate A hundred and eight holes in his body with needles from inside will not stop

"Emergency and emergency rooms are at the westernmost end of the corridor on the third floor, just get on the elevator from there and go straight," the male nurse said in horror

Yang Lin smiled coldly, let go of him, patted his face twice with his hand, looked contemptuously, and led the person away. Only when you move a little seriously do you know how to speak the truth

Just now when Yang Lin Laomao and others started to attack, Liu Xiaoying just stood and watched blankly, not daring to say a word, although she has known this group of big brothers for a long time, but today is the first time they are in front of her. Showing a ferocious look, their eyes are really scary, even I can feel the domineering aura

But now Xiaoying is also anxious about her brother's affairs like an ant on a hot pot, and she doesn't think too much about it. She also hates this male nurse looking for trouble when she has nothing to do. What's so great about being a nurse?Don't ask how high your medical skills are, you should first learn how to understand the mood of the patient's relatives

"Hey, what are you doing?" At this moment, there were two doctors in white coats at the front desk of the hall, and they came over and scolded them. They saw the scene just now, and they were very upset. Where do you think this is?This is a hospital, is this where you ran wild?

"Fuck your mother, get away!" Cui Guodong, who had been holding his breath for a long time, let out a loud shout, squinted his eyes and glanced at them fiercely, then turned around and walked towards the elevator with Yang Lin Gao Zhenfei

When the two doctors saw Cui Guodong's expression, they immediately became dumb, and they didn't dare to say a word. Why is that guy's eyes so scary?Just looking at it makes people feel uncomfortable and their scalp is numb...

When they rushed to the emergency room on the second floor, they found that the door was still closed. It is estimated that Liu Boyang inside was really in the final rescue.

"Brother Yang and brothers are here to see you, you have to hold on!" The old cat wailed heart-piercingly as he strode towards the door.

At this moment, looking at the bright red rescue sign on the door of the emergency room, the old cat can no longer deceive himself. Liu Boyang, who was fighting with him this afternoon, is really lying in it and dying

All the bits and pieces of life with Brother Yang in the past came to mind, the old cat cried like a hopeless child, and yelled helplessly at the door of the emergency room, how he wished Liu Boyang inside could hear him That cry of reluctance, and then miraculously woke up

Brother Yang, you said that you want to bring your brothers to fight the world together, why do you say that being able to speak doesn't count?Brothers have always believed in you

"Brother Yang, my daughter-in-law hasn't shown it to you yet. Don't you want to check it out for me? I'll bring her back when I turn around. You must hold on to it," the old cat hissed.

A rough man like him is the least able to express his feelings, he can say whatever comes to his mind, and he doesn't know where to be scruples and where to keep it. Except for crying and shouting, this is the first time that the old cat feels so helpless Insignificant, unable to do anything, can only wait helplessly for Liu Boyang's final death

Of course, except for the old cat, the other brothers are as sad as him, but they are not as straightforward as the old cat, they are already impatient to the point of collapse

When the old cat cried, Liu Xiaoying also began to cry, lying in Yang Lin's arms and shaking her shoulders, like a fallen leaf that might drift away at any time, so helpless, so wronged, so sad

Huzi and Cui Guodong were also secretly wiping their tears. Cui Guodong was afraid that he would not be able to hold on, so he would cry with the old cat, so he had to try his best to turn around and walk to the window on the other side of the corridor, staring at the dark sky outside in a daze

In his heart, things are complicated, and all he can recall in his mind is the majestic scene of following Liu Boyang and killing all directions. Brother Yang's iconic light smile has become the most unforgettable impression in his heart, and at this moment, That smiling face that has never changed no matter how hard or tired it is, is like the thin and curling cooking cloud in the sky, quietly dissipating...

From the beginning of the brothers' marriage, I was the least sensible one among the nine. He loved to play and make trouble all day long, and often caused trouble for Brother Yang. There were a few things that were almost ruined because of his own fault, but In my impression, Liu Boyang never really blamed himself, and every time he deliberately scolded himself with a straight face, and then forgave him again and again...

Why?Because he was afraid that if he said too much, he would hurt himself, the nine brothers, who would feel unhappy, and everyone would feel sorry for Brother Yang, he couldn't bear to be too harsh on himself

Cui Guodong thought of this, his face was already icy cold, he gritted his teeth to prevent himself from crying

There is a good question, what is a brother?If you are only willing to bleed for him, that person is not your brother, and if you are only willing to shed tears for him, that person is not your brother, but you can shed blood without hesitation and fall hysterically for him. Tears, that's your brother

The condition of Huzi over there is not much better either. He hugged his shoulders tightly and looked at the ground, desperately swallowing tears to keep himself from crying. If there was no Liu Boyang, he would still be squatting in the "Bitter Kiln" Now, don't even think about seeing the sun again in this life, the gratitude to Liu Boyang in my heart is not limited to 01:30 o'clock?We men would rather block those knives for Brother Yang than to get injured

Among the crowd, only Gao Zhenfei and Yang Lin acted fairly calm, but their eyes were already wet. Gao Zhenfei was never good at expressing his true feelings, but from the moment he clenched his fists in anger and his body kept shaking, it seemed It can be seen that he is also enduring severe torment in his heart. Damn, where did the bastards chop up Brother Yang like this?If I don't skin the offal with my own hands, my surname is not Gao

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