The best boy on campus

Chapter 151 Gather again!

"Stop crying all of you, brother Yang won't die again, why are you crying so hard, aren't you cursing him? Who the hell dares to cry again, I'll kill him" Looking at the group of brothers, each Disappointed tears flowed down, Yang Lin was furious, although his own eyes were also red, but he still roared out as if venting

Yang Lin knew best in his heart, what's the use of crying?Can crying wake Brother Yang up?In addition to crying and hurting yourself, there is also a role of bird feathers

Lao Mao and the others heard Yang Lin speak, and their crying gradually subsided. At this time, Yang Lin really lost his temper. Don't look at the second brother who is usually calm and not angry, but once he gets angry, it is definitely the worst. The scary one is unknown to others, but the brothers know it well. The second brother has the most murder cases among the nine brothers.

"Xiaoying, don't cry too. Brother Yang won't die. We brothers all know that he is a man of his word. Since he said he would lead his brothers to fight the country, he will definitely lead the brothers to fight the country. I, Yang Lin, were the first to believe him." Yang Lin said with a cold face.

Liu Xiaoying was also very afraid of Yang Lin at this time, she nodded honestly, looked at him timidly, and then tried her best to stop crying

"The bastard who dares to instruct others to cut Brother Yang had better pray to me. No matter who he is or who sent him, since he dares to touch Brother Yang, don't expect to have a good life. I will pick out his bones with my own hands sooner or later." Yang Lin hate scolded

"Boning him is too cheap, I'm going to chop him up and feed him to the dogs," Gao Zhenfei interrupted suddenly

Yang Lin glanced at him and didn't say much. He knew Da Fei's character the best. Since he said he wanted to chop up that man and feed it to the dogs, he would definitely chop him up and feed him to the dogs. Da Fei is a stubborn man. Temper, it's no use arguing with him

You know, although Yang Lin had the most lives in his hands, the people who died in his hands were relatively happy. Then consider yourself unlucky, Dafei has always been the kind of ruthless person who can send others to hell with a toothpick

At this time, Yang Lin still remembered a key person, took a deep breath, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number

The youngest, He Xiaobin, was drinking with his younger brothers in a box in the ballroom at this time, and he didn't know what happened to Liu Boyang. He put one arm around Zhao Jiayi, and was just about to take the microphone handed over by the younger brothers to sing a song, when suddenly someone on the table His cell phone rang, and when he flipped the cover, it turned out to be a call from his second brother, Yang Lin.

He Xiaobin thought for a while, and immediately picked up the phone to answer, "Hey, second brother, it's me"

"Hurry up to the Central Hospital," Yang Lin said without any nonsense.

"Central Hospital?" He Xiaobin frowned, and asked surprised: "Who is hospitalized?" Just after asking, he suddenly thought of something, and continued to ask: "Did something happen to the brothers?" With his shrewdness, it is not difficult to guess Up to this point, my brothers are all people who lick blood on the edge of their swords, and it is not surprising that anything happens to anyone

"Brother Yang has an accident, don't ask so many questions, if you still think we are brothers, come here quickly" Yang Lin said

"What? Who did it?" When He Xiaobin heard that Liu Boyang had an accident, he stood up abruptly, frightening all the younger brothers and Zhao Jiayi. He Xiaobin has always been a calm and calm figure in the hearts of everyone. His kung fu is as powerful as his brain, like a king cobra not to be trifled with lightly, even a few old guys in the gang who don't like him can't beat him, but what's wrong at this moment, how can he lose his composure like this?

"Second brother, tell me, who did it, I will take my younger brothers to uncover the ancestors of that calf first, and then I will go to see Brother Yang as well." He Xiaobin said through gritted teeth. But it won't change in such a short period of time. If he, He Xiaobin, has no humanity and only has means, he won't be able to get along.

Hearing what He Xiaobin said, Yang Lin suddenly felt great relief in his heart. Sure enough, this kid still has a bit of conscience. The brothers have not lived in vain for so many years. He is still a kind and righteous person

"Third brother, don't talk about it, you come here first to plot against Brother Yang, that person has already been listed on our brother's "Life and Death Book". Finally, [-]% want to see you too," Yang Lin said with a sigh

"Okay, second brother, you and the brothers wait for me"

He Xiaobin hung up the phone with an indescribably gloomy expression on his face, and was extremely angry in his heart. After all, Liu Boyang was his elder brother, and the past was vivid in his memory, and he still remembered it. Someone dared to touch him, it's really a rabbit pulling out a tiger's whiskers - I'm so impatient

"Brothers, you play first, I'll go out." After He Xiaobin confessed, he walked quickly to the door of the box. When he was about to leave, he hesitated again and again, but turned to Zhao Jiayi and said, "Daughter-in-law, you also come with me."

"What happened?" Zhao Jiayi has been staring at him since he answered the phone just now. Seeing his sudden change, she didn't dare to open her mouth to ask him. Now that she heard him say that, she dared to ask.

"Let's talk in the car." He Xiaobin walked out without looking back after finishing speaking.

And at this moment, Zhao Jiayi's heart was suddenly in a state of turmoil, and an extremely ominous premonition suddenly surged from the depths of her soul, and this premonition turned her heart extremely heavy in an instant, and one made her extremely worried. The thought suddenly popped into my mind... Could it be that something happened to that person?

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