The best boy on campus

Chapter 152 Don't Be So Presumptuous!

"Hey, what are you guys doing?" Just as Yang Lin hung up the phone, two policemen suddenly walked out from the corner of the corridor. When he saw Lao Mao and others hovering outside the door, trying to probe into the emergency room, he immediately shouted

Lao Mao and the others were startled at first, and then turned their heads to stare at these two guys coldly. These two were sent by the Qianda Squad to guard Liu Boyang. After all, Liu Boyang has another identity besides being a patient, which is murder. commit

Brigade Qian sent a total of three people over, and the other one is discussing the current situation with the vice president on duty in the dean's office, such as how to notify Liu Boyang's family. If he doesn't see his relatives, he may not even see him for the last time. And these two guys just went to the toilet to smoke. After leaving here for just a few minutes, when they came out, they saw five more people at the door of the emergency room.

"What are you guys doing?" Lao Mao asked back with an extremely unsightly face. He was already full of anger now, and when he saw these uniformed policemen, he became more upset. People in the society are naturally resistant to the police. With Lao Mao's mood at the moment, seeing them is like seeing enemies

When the two policemen got angry, they knew that the old cat was not a good guy when they saw the fleshy face on his face, and when they thought about the one lying inside, he was also a ruthless person who dared to fight with others on the street. Immediately in my heart, Lao Mao and Liu Boyang were classified into the same category, this guy is definitely a mess

"***, why are you yelling? You can't see what we are doing? You all stay away from that door, or don't blame me for not reminding you." A policeman named Qi Hai pointed at the old cat and scolded. road

The police are the kind of people in society who are least afraid of gangsters. Of course, in Qi Hai's eyes, he naturally regards Lao Mao and others as gangsters. Even if he was beaten to death, he would never have imagined that these fierce people are more serious than real gangsters. In the underworld, the uniforms they wear are not white, and the guns in their waists are not white belts. If even they can be easily bluffed by gangsters, wouldn't this society be messed up?

"How can a policeman speak worse than a gangster these days? How old are you two? You think you're awesome when you put on clothes? Why is I afraid of you? I'm standing here, and I'll see if you can get me what's up"

The old cat is also angry. Apart from sadness, he is filled with overwhelming anger. The guy who dared to scheme against Liu Boyang has always made his teeth itch with hatred. With his second brother under his pressure, he has never dared to vent, but now the two The police actually come up to find trouble for nothing, isn't this self-inflicted?

"Ha..." The two police officers in Qihai sneered. I've seen a brave man before, but I've never seen such a bold man. Did the sun come out from the west today?How dare the gangster challenge the police face to face?Is there any reasoning?

"Boy, you're so fucking good, you're just a gangster when you're dead, why are you so arrogant? Do you think we really can't do anything about you?" Another policeman named Le Guang standing next to Qi Hai sneered. road

The two of them walked towards the old cat with strides, and there was a look on their faces that didn't put the old cat in their eyes at all. The policemen are not all cowards, as if these two are the capable assistants of the Qian team. I didn't know how many small gangsters and scoundrels I had dealt with before following Team Qian. I was so proud that I wouldn't be easily bluffed by the old cat.

The old cat stared at the two men coldly, with a demonic smile on his mouth, he was almost insane now, all he could think about was visiting Liu Boyang and avenging Liu Boyang, who would dare to come here, nothing will end well

Suddenly, with a "swish", Cui Guodong dodged and stood in front of the two policemen, expressionlessly said: "I know why you are here, brother Yang is not awake yet, you are not needed here, I don’t want to see you either, you’d better roll aside and watch from a distance, otherwise don’t blame Cui for not knowing how to abide by the law.”

Qi Hai, Le Guang, and the two of them exploded as soon as they heard it. This bastard is even more arrogant than the fat man just now. Damn, he thought his big cap was paper.

Qi Hai yelled angrily: "Little bastard, you are tired of living. You dare to talk like this in front of us. I really don't know how heavy you are. I have seen you like this a lot. If you don't give you some color to see, you will... Wow grass" before he finished speaking, Cui Guodong punched him on the ground, and the hat flew far away with a "snap" sound before falling off

Cui Guodong said coldly: "I'm tired of things that don't understand human language, you bastard refuses to accept you, then stand up and do a couple of tricks with grandpa." He then sneered at Qi Hai who was on the ground by hooking his fingers in disdain: I'm sorry, I'm used to being lawless, and I can't be a meek and obedient person in this life. How dare you jump out at this juncture and make irresponsible remarks. If you don't clean up, who will you deal with?

"Little bastard, you dare to hit me!" Qi Hai, who was crooked on the ground, touched his hot left cheek, with an expression of disbelief, and immediately roared and got up from the ground immediately to fight back. That posture, if you don't tear Cui Guodong apart, you won't break up

"Who is the little bastard scolding?" Cui Guodong asked with the corners of his mouth curled up.

"Little bastard scolding you... Bah, bastard, you dare to do something to me, if you don't do it today, I won't be named Qi" Qi Hai scolded angrily

Cui Guodong sneered coldly, taking a step forward, he wanted to play with that calf, anyway, he was waiting impatiently here, and there was nowhere to vent his anger, so why not just have fun with this guy

But just as Cui Guodong took a step, suddenly there was a "swish" behind him, and a May [-]th pistol stopped less than one centimeter from the back of his head. Le Guang said coldly: "If you dare to move me again, Lao Tzu Just one shot broke you and you fucking turned against you, you little bastard, what are you talking about? What do you have to be arrogant? You have a face in the society?"

Cui Guodong smiled, took a step back, put his temple on the muzzle of the moonlight, and said: "Come on, shoot here, try to kill me with one shot, don't let me have a chance to escape, or you will be in trouble when you turn around." The anger in my heart, is this bastard pretending that he has never seen a gun?

scare me?

When I touched the gun from County H, you might not have graduated from junior high school

"You are so crazy, do you think I dare not be?" Le Guang was furious, he slammed his hand, and hit Cui Guodong's temple fiercely with the muzzle of the gun, hooked the trigger with his index finger, and put on a look of "I really am!" "Dare to shoot" posture

"Come on, just talk nonsense if you dare, shoot me a shot" Cui Guodong sneered

"You..." Le Guang was completely blown away by this kid, but he didn't lose his head. He really made the kid guess right. He was just trying to scare him. How could he really dare to shoot?The police are not equipped with guns for you to fire casually. You have to get permission from the higher authorities to fire even a single bullet. If you fire a gun casually, you will become an intentional murderer yourself.

"Do you know, just with your punch just now, I can sue you for assaulting the police and imprison you for at least two years?" Le Guang said bitterly

"Yo? Did you speak softly? Didn't you want to kill me? Why did you lock me up again? I don't want to sit in a kiln, so I want you to eat your gun. Come on, hurry up, don't ink, shoot quickly Ah," Cui Guodong looked at him with a contemptuous expression and said.

"You fucking don't be too presumptuous." Le Guang's head was about to explode, and he shouted angrily. This kid is still grabbing his weakness, and he really doesn't dare to shoot indiscriminately. Isn't he sincere to let himself down? ?Where do you put your face?

Note to readers:

Smashing bricks, voting, collecting, Qingdi urgently needs everyone's support

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