The best boy on campus

Chapter 153 I am a villain, infinitely arrogant!

"***, you deserve to be shot, I'll deal with you first." When Le Guang and Cui Guodong confronted each other, Qi Hai couldn't hold back. Just now, in front of so many people, I was knocked down with a punch by this kid, and even my hat flew off, how shameful I am?What if you don't get back your face?

While roaring, he rushed up and kicked Cui Guodong in the stomach. In his opinion, now that Cui Guodong had a gun on his back, he absolutely dare not dodge or resist. decided

But he guessed wrong again

We know that for Cui Guodong, not to mention a gun behind him, even if he is bombarded, he will never have the slightest timidity. He has been doing the business of licking blood since he was a teenager , the courage has been practiced a long time ago, if everyone can bluff himself, how can he kill people, that's a fool

What's more, at this moment, Cui Guodong is sure that his surname is Le and dare not shoot. Cui Guodong has dealt with the police too many times. This kind of bluffing trick has long been clear. Who are you scaring?

Apart from anything else, Cui Guodong raised his foot and kicked Qi Hai's ankle before kicking Qi Hai's foot, and kicked Qi Hai's foot back forcefully. He was rushing forward, and at this moment, someone kicked his foot to the back suddenly, and the reverse force caused him to stagger, and he immediately made a magnificent pose of eating shit and was about to lie down

Before he could say the phrase "I'm stupid", Cui Guodong had already grabbed the hair on the back of his head, pulled the collar of his collar and threw the man out, spun around a few times in the air, and The child fell hard to the ground

Cui Guodong smiled coldly, and wanted to kick him when he walked over, but Le Guang behind him grabbed his clothes and shouted: "If you dare to do it again, I will call someone to arrest you immediately, do you believe it or not?" He was really hysterical and angry. This kid actually dared to hit someone at his gunpoint, completely ignoring his own existence. Is there anyone more lawless than this guy in the world?

"Take your hands away" Cui Guodong stopped and said lightly

"That's enough, Guodong, you boy, restrain yourself, don't cause trouble for me if you have nothing to do." At this moment, Yang Lin's voice suddenly came over, and then he strode towards this side

The scene of the conflict between Cui Guodong and these two people just now was long or short. Yang Lin, Gao Zhenfei, the old cat and Huzi stood behind and watched from a distance, which was also intentional.

In fact, they also want Cui Guodong to give these two policemen some color. After all, if Brother Yang can wake up, these policemen will inevitably trouble him. My brothers will give them a little bit of power first, so that they can come Be polite when you face Brother Yang, don't take yourself so fucking seriously

However, at this time, Yang Lin saw that Cui Guodong's prestige was almost established, and it is a kingly way to accept it when he sees it, so he came out to stop him.

Cui Guodong saw that the second brother had spoken, so he had no choice but to stop, pouted at Le Guang behind him, and said with a sneer, "Thank you my second brother, he has a bodhisattva heart, otherwise you might be like him, you know?" The "he" he was referring to was Qi Hai who fell on the ground and was still lying on the ground moaning

"Stop me, did I tell you to leave? Damn, you dared to attack the police in broad daylight, and it turned against you. I have to take you back today and bring you to justice." Le Guang said bitterly

Cui Guodong said lightly: "That depends on whether you have the ability or not"

Cui Guodong wouldn't take Le Guang's threat seriously. If Le Guang could clean up himself, then he would really be called Cui in vain.

Among the four elders of Cui Bajuan, Liu Tianlong, He Jiuxiao, and Zhao Tinglei, Cui Bajuan is the one who dotes on his precious grandson the most. It can be seen from the fact that he passed the treasured sword he wore next to Cui Guodong too early.

Ever since he was a child, Mr. Cui has never caused Cui Guodong to suffer much grievances. He took care of everything, so over time, he developed Cui Guodong's arrogant and domineering temperament. To put it bluntly, in Cui Guodong's dictionary, he really didn't know How to write the word "fear"

The name of the Nine Dragons Society is well established, and each of the nine brothers is good at the battlefield according to their own abilities. It is not easy to deal with any one of them. Such a group of people get together, it is like a group of lions, leopards, dragons and tigers get together, God I sincerely don't want those who provoke them to stop.

Although Cui Guodong's reputation is also earned by his own ruthlessness, Cui Guodong still has a lot of dandyism in his bones. Not all people can be as cruel as Liu Tianlong, and they can really treat themselves. The grandson doesn't care, let him spell out a way

At this moment, Cui Guodong faced Le Guang who wanted to take him back, and he didn't care at all. Unknowingly, the shadow of the old man popped up in his heart. With the old man around, he didn't believe that anyone in this world could do anything to him

"You still dare to speak hard?" Le Guang was about to explode with anger. Today, he really hit the devil. Why did he meet such a person who is not afraid of death? Without saying a word, he took out the handcuffs and wanted to handcuff Cui Guodong first.

Suddenly at this moment Yang Lin walked in front of him and said calmly: "What is the name of this police officer?"

"My surname is Le, what's the matter? Let me tell you, don't try to tell me anything else. People with long eyes have seen what this kid did just now. No matter what you say, I will never let him go." Of course Le Guang knew what Yang Lin meant by walking in front of him at this moment, and he just wanted to excuse the kid

For Le Guang, not to mention that Cui Guodong hit his colleague or the police this time, even if he hit an ordinary person in front of him, he couldn't easily let him go

don't forget what the police do

Yang Lin didn't take his words seriously at all, and said indifferently: "I'm sure you won't be able to take me away. I'll show you face and apologize to you on behalf of my brother. If you don't want to ask for trouble, then accept it as soon as you see it." , take the guy lying on the ground over there and wait first, Brother Yang, we can just guard here."

"Hey, who are you? Are you the king of heaven? How dare you give me orders? I'm so surprised, who is used to you, and you are so lawless?" Le Guang said angrily

Just kidding, do you tell me to get out and I will get out?Who do you take Lao Tzu as?

"I gave you face just now, you just don't want to give me face when you say that, right?" Yang Lin squinted his eyes and asked him

Note to readers:

Collection, smashing bricks, voting, thank you brothers for your support, Qingdi thank you all

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