The best boy on campus

Chapter 154 Get lost!

Le Guang looked at Yang Lin's expression, suddenly his scalp felt cold for some reason, why is this man's eyes so sharp, just looking at him is like falling into an ice cellar, feeling uncomfortable all over his body, he looks too old Not big, where did such a creepy aura come from?

No wonder he stopped that arrogant kid named Cui Guodong just now after he said a word. Seeing his gentle and harmless appearance, I really never imagined that he is the most powerful one among this group of people. Like giving an order, it cannot be questioned or refuted.

This is a very capitalized and courageous way of speaking. What is his background?

"Second brother, this guy is sincerely trying to make things difficult for our brothers today, why are you telling him so much?" Hu Zi called out with a straight face

Lao Mao and Hu Zi saw that the surname Le didn't know good from bad, so they walked over sullenly, they were already impatient

When Le Guang saw the two people behind him walking towards him with cold faces, he felt an inexplicable fear in his heart

What a strange thing. I have a gun and handcuffs. What are you afraid of?

But this feeling is getting stronger and stronger, and he can't explain why. In order to embolden himself, he has no choice but to shout loudly: "What do you want to do, I can tell you, if anyone dares to touch me, I will let him I can't eat and walk around." The last sentence clearly vented the bottom of my fear.

"Hmph, you know you're afraid too? Weren't you very arrogant just now?" The old cat squinted his eyes and said sinisterly.

However, just as the two sides were at war, two people suddenly came down from the stairs not far from the west side of the emergency room. One of them was old, wearing brown-rimmed glasses and a white coat. the doctor, and next to him is a dignified middle-aged policeman

At this moment, as soon as the two people saw the two groups of people in front of them staring at each other, the middle-aged policeman immediately frowned and shouted: "What happened here? Why is Xiao Qi lying on the ground? Le Guang, why don't you take the gun? Take it out?"

"Brother Kang, these boys are so lawless and arrogant that they dared to openly attack the police and threaten me face to face, and even beat Lao Qi. If we don't deal with them today, it really can't be justified." Le Guang looked at Kang Liang After walking down, unconsciously, I gained a lot of courage in my heart, and immediately complained:

The middle-aged policeman who accompanied the middle-aged doctor was named Kang Liang. He was not an official in the police station, but he was much older than Da Leguang and Qi Hai. He was experienced and reliable. Has always been Qian Dadui's right-hand man

Now that Le Guang saw him, it was like seeing a savior, and he immediately asked for help. With Brother Kang as his helper, what else would he be afraid of?

"Oh, who is Officer Le? Are you polite now? Didn't you bark loudly just now? Didn't you dare to bark in front of your seniors? You really know how to pretend to be a bear." Yang Lin sarcastically

I have to admit that Yang Lin's vision is unique and his mouth is powerful, and now he caught Le Guang's weakness again

You must know that punks can ignore anything and swear at others, but you can’t do it if you are a policeman.

"You..." Le Guang was so angry that his lungs exploded. This bastard really knows how to speak. He choked himself to death with a single sentence, and he had nowhere to refute.

In fact, that's what Yang Lin meant, either you don't scold me, and if you scold me, don't be afraid of others saying that I'm not a policeman anyway, so I'm not afraid of you to criticize me

Le Guang shouted angrily: "What's wrong with me scolding you? Shouldn't you be scolding all of you? Damn, all of you are lawless, what capital do you have? Who do you think you are? To put it bluntly, everyone despises you Are you out of society?"

Yang Lin smiled faintly, turned his head and said to Kang Liang: "This police officer, you have seen it all, and we can't blame us for everything. He is so rude, so of course we won't let him bully us."

Although Yang Lin didn't know what Kang Liang's position was in the police system, but seeing his serious expression, he could be regarded as someone.

Le Guang almost lost his temper when he heard that, you beat someone first, then you threatened yourself blatantly, and now you are still brazenly saying that you are bullying you?

"What nonsense are you talking about, who bullied you?" Le Guang shouted

"That's enough," Kang Liang shouted, his face was really lost by these two unsatisfactory things, don't you want to see when is the time for you to conflict with others?How did the above explain it?Didn't I tell you to keep an eye on the murderer inside?

The most nonsense thing is that the two of them have guns and handcuffs, and they are made into such a bear by others. One is curled up on the ground and cannot move, and the other is directly angry and turned into a green man.

The face of the police was lost by these two, did they pretend to be in socks?

"Shut up, Le Guang, what is this place? Why are you arguing? They are children and you are also a child? Why don't you go and see how Qi Hai is?" Kang Liang said angrily, even if he is not an official, no matter how bad he is He is also a senior. You must know that no matter in the military system or the police system, high seniority is itself a resource advantage.

Le Guang couldn't believe his ears, God, is the scene in front of him his hallucination?He and Qi Hai were scolded and beaten by these little bastards, but Kang Liang didn't help him get justice, but reprimanded himself first?

Le Guang said extremely angrily: "Kang Ju, did you make a mistake? Our brothers have been insulted, why are you facing them?" At this time, he didn't care about his seniority. Are you equal?Calling Brother Kang is to give you face, how can you handle things like this?

As soon as Kang Liang heard it, he immediately reprimanded: "How dare you say what I want to do? Don't you know which one is lighter and which one is more important? The murderer inside is not out of danger yet, why are you arguing here?" Energetic?" While speaking, he gave Le Guang a wink, the meaning of which was obvious: You kid still don't understand what's going on?Get lost and don't mess with them...

This time Le Guang realized it. He turned his head and looked at Yang Lin and the others again in surprise. Also so afraid?

He didn't dare to think too much at the moment, curled his lips, and had no choice but to lose face very reluctantly, and went over there to look after Qi Hai, and that guy couldn't die even if he fell, why did he lie down for so long?

When he came to the front, he stretched out his hand and turned Qi Hai's body to take a look, and found that this guy's mouth was sore and crooked, hugging his own elbow, gritted his teeth and made a painful "hissing" sound, it turned out that Cui Guodong's fall just now made him fall It's to the elbow bone, it hurts like it's broken

"Lao Le, did you kill those bastards?" Qi Hai asked through gritted teeth.

"Fuck you, Brother Kang is here, he will deal with your pain later? Do you want me to accompany you to the orthopedics department?" Le Guang asked

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