The best boy on campus

Chapter 155 Heartbroken!

"You don't need to go to the orthopedics department, let me take a look." Suddenly the old doctor beside Kang Liang walked over while talking, leaned down, opened Qi Hai's sleeve, checked his elbow, and pinched it. Touch the swollen place and ask, "Does it hurt?"

"Hiss—it hurts," Qi Hai grinned.

"That's not a big problem. If you hurt a bone, you'd already be numb. You won't feel it when you pinch it lightly. When you stand up, it's just a temporary fall. If it doesn't work, go to the nurse on duty to wipe it off." Take some medicine," said the old doctor

When Qi Hai heard that he was fine, he felt reassured, so he grinned and stood up with Le Guang's support

Here, Kang Liang saw that his two partners were fine, and he was relieved. Then he walked up to Yang Lin and the others, and asked calmly, "What are you doing? Come and see the guy inside." of?"

"That's right," Huzi nodded.

Relatively speaking, Yang Lin and the others have a lot more affection for Kang Liang than Qi Hai and Le Guang. Although Kang Liang's tone of voice is not very pleasant, it can be seen that he has always talked like this, and he didn't mean to target himself. A few and the expression on his face is not so arrogant, more suitable for communication

In fact, our brothers are not unreasonable people. If you talk to us politely, of course we will not make things difficult for you, but if you are arrogant and domineering, who will you show it to?

Kang Liang nodded, and looked at these boys again, feeling very sad in his heart. He just received a call from Qian Dadui about the specific situation over there. Qian Dadui didn't tell him more. But the tone has changed. When he arrived earlier, Qian Dadui confessed that he was the kid who was chopped off in the "guard", but just now he replaced it with the word "protect" and asked them to "protect" Liu Boyang

The doorway in here is huge

Relying on the tacit understanding of Kang Liang who has worked with Team Qian for many years, it is not difficult to guess that the guy lying inside is a kid who should not be underestimated, and the group of brothers he guards outside are probably not idle people.

"Who are you from the patient? Does anyone know the patient's family?" At this moment, the old doctor suddenly came over and interjected, turning around and asking people like Yang Lin and the others

"We are his brothers, that is, his family members. You must be Comrade Dean? If you have anything to do, just tell us." Yang Lin stepped out first and said

The old doctor took a look at Yang Lin, feeling that this boy is very heroic, not like someone who is waiting for you, and he didn't talk nonsense at the moment, he said: "My surname is Wang, you can call me Dean Wang, I understand your feelings at the moment, but I I still hope that you can find the patient's immediate family members in time, the patient's situation is not very optimistic, I'm afraid it will be too late."

"What did you say?" The old cat called out and shouted angrily when he heard Dean Wang say such unlucky words

"Old cat, shut up, Dean Wang, can you please tell me about Brother Yang's situation?" Yang Lin stopped the old cat, but in fact he was also in a state of confusion, and asked with a rare anxious expression

"Oh, just now the nurses came to report to me that the patient had seventeen stab wounds all over his body, one of which was almost pierced into the heart, multiple bones were injured, and even the spleen was ruptured and bleeding, and he sent it late , lost too much blood, our doctors may not be able to recover from it," Dean Wang said regretfully

After hearing this, the hearts of all the brothers present sank to the bottom of the valley

At this moment, the door of the emergency room suddenly opened, and an elderly nurse with a face flushed with sweat came out, and said anxiously to Dean Wang while walking: "Dean, the patient is dying soon." "

As soon as the head nurse finished speaking, the old cat Cui Guodong and Huzi couldn't bear it any longer. They all bulged their eyes and rushed into the emergency room desperately. They saw Liu Boyang lying tiredly on the white bed On the hospital bed, his face was pale and almost bloodless, his lips were pursed, his brows were slightly furrowed, as if he was having some kind of nightmare, haunting him, making him unable to wake up for a long time, and dragging him to another world

"Brother Mao came to see you, can you open your eyes and see me? You must be 'cup' something, I beg you Brother Yang, if you die, what will you let me do?" The old cat tore his heart lung-cracking cry

"Brother Yang, the sixth child who knows nothing is here too, can you hear me? You must hold on, brother, I promise you that I will never make you angry again, I will listen to you please. Don't worry about it, are you willing to let go of our brother's relationship these years?" Cui Guodong also said with tears streaming down his face

"Brother Yang, Huzi is here too, I can't bear to let you 'cup' scare me?" Huzi wiped his tears and cried hopelessly

Xiaoying was crying so heartbreakingly, she wanted to rush to Liu Boyang's bed to hug her brother and cry bitterly, but she was held back by Yang Lin, now Liu Boyang couldn't bear the pain, his whole body was full of wounds, There was a knife in the chest, if Xiaoying went over to see the real thing, it would be no wonder if she didn't cry to death

Gao Zhenfei didn't say a word, and walked to Liu Boyang's bed in silence, looking at the old smiling face, the tears streaming down his face unscrupulously, he wanted to say a thousand words in his heart, but When the words came to my lips, they only became four words, "Brother, hold on..."

"Hey, what are you doing? The patient's rescue has not been completed yet, you all get out soon, and your behavior will affect our ability to get out quickly." A middle-aged male doctor with bloody gloves who was operating on Liu Boyang came over and reprimanded

But the old cat and the others didn't move at all, they were still shouting there. Seeing Liu Boyang's appearance at this moment, they were really distressed, and their hearts were more uncomfortable than being poured into sulfuric acid.

Liu Boyang has shocking wounds all over his body now, his chest was disemboweled in a small area, and the blood was dark red, staining the special sheet that covered him red, his hands were weakly spread out beside the bed, and occasionally his nerves were pulled. Move twice, as if doing a final farewell

At this moment, Liu Boyang is no longer the tyrannical hero who stands upright and looks down on all heroes. He is like a poor child who dare not go home after doing something wrong. Reluctant true feelings and wishes

Talents who have grown up from adversity are attached to this world, because there are so many things they can pursue and envy

Note to readers:

collection, smashing bricks, tickets

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