The best boy on campus

Chapter 156 Notify the Family!

"Brother Yang, don't let the brothers suffer so much, can you? Didn't you promise that after we become famous, we will go back to Liujiawan like the old men? How can you not count your words?" Gao Zhenfei trembled Lips hissed_bubble&book&

"Hey, you guys, don't be like this. He's just in a very bad condition, but he hasn't died yet. We'll give him high-intensity electric shock therapy right away. Don't stand here and get in the way, can you? Go out and wait if you want him to live." Seeing that he could not persuade these people to leave, the male doctor had no choice but to take off his gloves with a straight face and push them outside

There is no way to do this. Outsiders are absolutely not allowed to be present during the operation. Although he has long been moved by the crying of Lao Mao and others, now is not the time to feel sympathy.

But when he pushed Gao Zhenfei, who was standing in the front, two times, he found that Gao Zhenfei's body was only shaking slightly, and nothing else moved. Gao Zhenfei's tear-filled eyes were still staring at Liu Boyang dully. has made him almost numb

Among the nine brothers, his life experience is the most similar to Liu Boyang's. He was also born as an orphan. He had no father or mother since he was a child, and Liu Boyang is his closest person in this world. He has always regarded Liu Boyang as his brother. How could he not be sad when he left?

At this moment, three police officers, Dean Wang, Kang Liang, Qi Hai, and Le Guang, also stood outside the door of the emergency room. They heard the grief-stricken cry of Lao Mao and others just now, and they felt particularly uncomfortable

Human nature is interlinked, no matter how miscellaneous people are, there is a side of conscience in their hearts. Sometimes a murderer who kills without batting an eye can be crushed to death by a wheel in order to save a child he has never met, which is enough to illustrate a point

The crying of Lao Mao and others made Qi Hai and Le Guang feel a little uncomfortable: I was too arrogant just now, maybe these boys didn’t have any malicious intentions at first, but they were just going crazy in a hurry, and they bumped into the gun again. just said it

"Get out of the way, you all go out, the patient is still being rescued, why do you come in?" The older head nurse rushed over from outside with three or two young nurses, dragging a sheet of electric shock equipment with first-class domestic facilities in his hand. Bed, while scolding Yang Lin and others, rushed in hastily

"Children, you go out, I promise you, I will do my best to save the patient." The chief surgeon, Taishan Beidou Shang Mingyu in the hospital, also spoke

Although his position is not high, he is definitely a well-known figure in the hospital. Not only is he highly skilled in medicine, but he is also kind and unassuming. He will often point out some young doctors with an open mind. It exudes a sense of kindness outside, and when you speak it, people will feel like spring breeze when they listen to it

Looking at the scarred Liu Boyang at this moment, Shang Mingyu actually felt sorry for him, who is so vicious?What is the bloody hatred?What is the bitterness and hatred?How dare you cut this young boy into such a state?Even if you want to kill someone, you don't have to be so ruthless

However, it can be considered that this kid is born with a hard life. With so many knives, none of them stabbed his fatal vitals, so that he can still survive until now. It seems that God is unwilling to kill him. Work harder, with all your medical skills, I don't believe you can't snatch this kid back from the hands of death

Yang Lin and the others also know that it is not a problem to let everyone stand here to delay the treatment. He was the only one who did not say a word just now, but this does not prove that his heart is less sad than the others. It's about to collapse, there must be someone to hold it up?There must be someone who keeps a clear head and thinks about things

Yang Lin still believes that Liu Boyang will not die just like this. Sooner or later, he will turn the bad luck into a good fortune, and Yang Lin can't tell why he has such a hunch. The soul of the other party, feel the obsession and hope of the other party

Brother Yang, you must be careful, have you seen how much your brothers are attached to you?If something happens to you, the Nine Dragons Club will be over. Next year when Lao Ba and Lao Jiu come back, how do you want me to explain to them?You are gone, my brothers are heartbroken, how do you want me to manage the Jiulong club again?

Yang Lin endured the grief in his heart, walked gently to the old cat, Cui Guodong, and Huzi, patted their shoulders, and said: "The doctor is right, let's go out first, don't stand here and get in the way, delaying Yang brother rescue"

Lao Mao and the other three nodded. They didn't want to delay Liu Boyang's rescue, but the reason why they insisted on standing here was because they didn't want to miss the last time Liu Boyang was alive.

But after all, they were not so sad that they lost their minds. As soon as Yang Lin said it, they went out obediently one by one. When they reached the door, they still looked back reluctantly. How I wish Liu Boyang could wake up like this.

"Da Fei, don't look, let's go out first, Brother Yang will be fine." After those three people left, only Gao Zhenfei stood by the bed in a daze, refusing to leave, Yang Lin understood his intention , but had no choice but to come up and call him

Gao Zhenfei looked back at Yang Lin, nodded helplessly, and followed Yang Lin out.

The moment the door to the emergency room closed again, they felt their hearts were empty

"The matter has come to an end. In my opinion, you should inform the patient's family members. We all pray that he will be fine, but we must prepare for the worst in everything." Outside the emergency room, Vice President Wang said to Yang Lin and the others earnestly

These words made Yang Lin and five people feel very uncomfortable. How come there is a feeling of preparing for the funeral? No matter how strong Yang Lin is, he can't hold it back. The tears in his eyes moisten his eyes, and he gently pulls them in his arms. Xiaoying, who was crying, handed her the phone and said, "Xiaoying, call your grandpa. He loves Brother Yang the most. You can't hide this from him. Let him... come and see as soon as possible." Look at Brother Yang"

Xiaoying cried and nodded, "Yeah" took the phone, and dialed the number of grandpa with trembling fingers. Thinking of the majestic and kind face of grandpa Liu Tianlong, Xiaoying felt the long-lost relative in her heart , so I cried harder

ps: Brothers, I was so uncomfortable that I couldn’t get out of bed today. I caught a cold. The number of words in this chapter is a bit short. Please bear with me and don’t have the face to ask for votes. Please bear with me. I’ll write two more chapters later when I feel better.

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