The best boy on campus

Chapter 157 Liu Tianlong!

On the other end of the phone, Liu Tianlong was sitting in the courtyard of Liujiawan's ancestral house at this time, drinking tea and chatting with a slightly fat old man opposite him.

It is said to be an ancestral house, but in fact, this courtyard and house are not what they were when Liu Xiaoying and Liu Boyang lived in County H when they were young. And then it's worn out by the weather

Liu Tianlong deliberately did not allow anyone to change the appearance of the ancestral house. Although he sent people to clean the courtyard every day, he would never allow those people to change the courtyard at all. It must be kept as it was.

The reason why Mr. Liu preserves his ancestral home like this is because of ulterior motives. As the saying goes: Whenever he walks into this yard, he will feel a little bit emotional in his heart.

In the early years, I went out from here. At that time, I was unknown and powerless, and the big things were not accomplished. In the whole world, this courtyard was the only shelter for me. He has lived in countless mansions, but only this yard can give him a sense of belonging. His feelings for this place are also very deep.

Of course, Liu Tianlong himself doesn't live here now, he just comes back to see him from time to time, and he lives in the villa he built with his own money.

His villa is known as the only one in H County, and the nickname "White House" was chosen as the location in H County, which is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and has the best environment. It covers an area of ​​more than 1000 square meters. Attached to the phoenix, the combination of classical decoration and modern charm is very majestic

In the villa, there are swimming pools, fountains, fragrant flowers and plants, all kinds of pets, cultural relics, calligraphy and paintings, and the old man’s favorite car. There are nearly [-] nannies and servants hired to take care of his daily life. They even cut flowers for him every day. There are people who mow the lawn, walk the dog and amuse themselves

It's not that Liu Tianlong has no money, and it's not that he can't buy land, but the old people who come from rural counties often have an innate conservative thinking in their minds. The ancestor's one-acre three-point land, so he didn't go to those so-called isolated islands on the sea for retirement, but returned to County H, and would return to the rented house every now and then to have a look

Perhaps this is the most admirable part of him. No matter how far a person is, even if you can grasp the moon with your hands, catch dragons in the sea, roar to dominate the wind and clouds, stomp your feet to shake the world, you can't forget your own, forget own roots

And the old man sitting next to Mr. Liu at the moment is none other than Cui Bajuan, the boss of the Brotherhood in the past.

The relationship between Cui Bajuan and Liu Tianlong is like that of brothers. They have been friends for so many years. Now that both of them have retired from the world, they still do not forget their old friendship. They often walk around each other.

Mr. Liu is a person who doesn't like to laugh. Although his body is stooped and thin, he has a majestic aura. Only someone like Mr. Cui can stand against him when he is with him. Seeing that kind of suffocating oppression, if it were someone else, I would be so scared that I would not even be able to stand firmly

The two were chatting leisurely, when suddenly a mobile phone rang outside the yard. Liu Tianlong frowned. The thing he hated the most was being disturbed by others when he was chatting with his old friends. The other party had better give himself an explanation. the reason of the past, otherwise his usual practice is to scold the other party first

Mr. Liu's bad temper is well-known throughout Liujiawan. Sometimes when his temper comes up, adults and children in Liujiawan will avoid him. Even his own sons dare not touch his brow easily. Cui Bajuan is the most Knowing his temperament, this old kid is over 70 years old, but when he erupts, he is definitely scarier than the blind bear in the mountains

There is a Porsche parked outside the yard of the rented house. The black BMW is driven by Mr. Cui, and the Porsche is one of Liu Tianlong's favorite cars. At this moment, beside the BMW and the Porsche, there are four bodyguards standing behind their backs, including the Porsche A bodyguard next to him is holding Liu Tianlong's mobile phone

At this moment, the bodyguard picked up his hand and took a look, and immediately walked in and handed the phone to Liu Tianlong, respectfully saying: "Master, it's Miss."

When Mr. Liu heard that it was his precious granddaughter who called, his brows eased a lot. The unhappiness in his heart dissipated, and his expression was unconcealably kind. He continued, "Xiaoying? Why did you think of calling grandpa at this time?" Call?"

When Liu Xiaoying heard the voice of her grandfather on the phone, the indelible dependence between relatives made all the grievances and sorrows in her heart find an outlet again, and Xiaoying cried hoarsely: "Woooo... grandfather"

When Liu Tianlong heard that his granddaughter was crying so sadly, he was startled, his face darkened immediately, and asked: "Xiaoying, what happened? Why are you crying? Tell grandpa, grandpa will decide for you. Your father Mom bullied you?"

"Woo, woo... no, no... grandpa... yes, yes... elder brother..." Xiaoying cried so helplessly over there that she couldn't breathe well, sobbing and sobbing that she couldn't even say a word. unreasonable

"What? Xiaoying, don't cry, make it clear what happened to Boyang?" Liu Tianlong has two daughters under his grandson, Liu Zhenhai, so of course he knows who the brother Liu Xiaoying is talking about. When Xiaoying mentioned Liu Boyang's name and cried so sadly, a bad premonition surged in her heart and she immediately asked

On the other side of the phone, Yang Lin saw that Xiaoying was crying and couldn't even speak, so he had no choice but to take the phone in her hand, and said to Liu Tianlong with red eyes: "Grandpa Liu, hello, I'm brother Yang Linyang. Something happened, he was hacked into serious injuries by a group of people, and he is currently being rescued in the hospital, the doctor said, the doctor said it was very likely..."

Hearing this, Liu Tianlong suddenly felt that someone had poured cold water on him from head to toe. After a brief shock, he became hysterical and furious

Fuck the eighteenth generation of his ancestors, who is so bold that even my grandson dares to touch

You know, although Liu Tianlong didn't give Liu Boyang too much care since he was a child, it doesn't mean that he doesn't love this poor grandson in his heart. On the contrary, Liu Tianlong loves Liu Boyang more than anyone else in the world. He, that's what he did on purpose

Mr. Liu was really busy in the first half of his life, and he couldn't take care of his grandson. This is just one aspect. The main reason is: as a responsible grandfather, he has to tell his grandson the truth. In this world, only you have the ability , in order to gain the respect of others, and to truly play around in the great world

There is nothing to brag about being born with a golden key in his mouth. If a man is really capable, he has to rely on his own hands to fight for the future.

Liu Boyang is the male heir of the Liu family. Sooner or later, he will become the pillar of the Liu family and take over the foundation of the Liu family. I have always placed high hopes on him and treated him cruelly. That is helpless. family business

But now Liu Tianlong suddenly heard that his precious grandson was about to be hacked to death

This time Liu Tianlong was really moved by thunder and fury, this is the first time since he returned to seclusion, he gritted his teeth and asked coldly: "Who did it?"

The voice was really scary, and the strong sense of oppression made Yang Lin's scalp tingle for a while, who was more than 200 miles away from the phone, and an inexplicable chill rose in his heart for no reason.

Note to readers:

I'm sorry, I'm only going up now because of the problem of the website, I'm sorry everyone

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