The best boy on campus

Chapter 158 Copy guy, leave!

Yang Lin took a deep breath and said, "Grandpa Liu, who did this thing, we haven't had time to find out, and now we are guarding Brother Yang in the hospital, but Grandpa Liu, I assure you, we will not let you go easily." over that scumbag"

Liu Tianlong turned a deaf ear and said, "Which hospital is Boyang in now? How's the situation?" He didn't answer Yang Lin's words at all. Could it be that he wants to come forward in person?

Yang Lin said truthfully: "Now at the Central Hospital of City W, the doctor said... Brother Yang is in a very bad condition now. He has been cut all over his body with injuries, and he has lost a lot of blood. He hasn't woken up yet..." Yang Lin Lin carefully considered his words, firstly, he was afraid of offending Liu Tianlong's bad temper, and secondly, he was also worried that Liu Tianlong would be angry. No matter how powerful the old man is, he is an old man after all, and he can't stand too much stimulation the bubble-book_)

Liu Tianlong gritted his teeth and said, "You guys stay there first, and I'll be there right away." After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone

Without further ado, Liu Tianlong immediately called his third son, Liu Zhenjiang.

Mayor Liu Zhenjiang had just finished an important leadership meeting and was driving home when he heard the phone ringing. He took it out and saw that it was the old man calling. He was surprised at first, and then picked up the phone immediately.

Normally, the old man would never take the initiative to call him. He would call back to ask about his health. This is how the old man has a strange temper.

"Father..." Liu Zhenjiang called

"Father, you little bastard, why did I tell you? I didn't tell you that when Boyang goes to City W, will you take good care of him? Are you so busy that you forgot what I said?" Liu Tianlong yelling as soon as you come up

Liu Zhenjiang was taken aback. The old man actually talked to him in such a tone as soon as he came up. He immediately stopped the car in shock, and then asked in surprise, "Father, what's the matter? What's wrong with Yangyang?"

"You have the guts to ask Boyang that he has been hacked and is lying in the hospital and is being rescued. You little bastard, how did your elder brother and sister-in-law entrust you before leaving? Didn't you say that you three brothers should take good care of Boyang for them? ? You bastard is busy being your mayor, and you forgot what they said? When they come back, I'll see how you explain it," Liu Tianlong said angrily

Liu Tianlong is the one who knows the secrets of Liu Boyang's parents, so he is even more angry now

"Father, tell me first, what happened to Yangyang? Was he chopped up? Who did it?" Liu Zhenjiang asked impatiently

How can he not be in a hurry, although Liu Boyang is not his own son, but he has always regarded him as his own, but he is too busy with work to take care of him. Liu Boyang is the third generation head of the Liu family, it is a certainty, If something happened to him on his own territory, not to mention that the old man would rip himself apart, his elder brother and sister-in-law would not be able to spare him when they came back, not even his own conscience

"Hurry up and go to the central hospital to see if Boyang is serious. If something happens to him, you can break your legs and crawl back to see me." Mr. Liu said angrily, "slap" hang up the phone

"What's the matter with being so angry? I said, Dragon King, you are a big man now, open your mind and don't get angry at every turn. We are not young people anymore. It's not good to be angry. You have a strange temper." But I have to change things, look at me, I have always dealt with things calmly, and I am not impatient at all, if it really doesn't work, I will pass on your experience?" Cui Bajuan Just now I heard Mr. Liu being furious, his face was blue, and he couldn't help laughing and persuading him

Dragon King is the nickname given to Liu Tianlong by the other three old men, just like He Jiuxiao is called Jiulao, Cui Bajuan is called Baye, and Zhao Tinglei is called Leibo.

"Tairan's grandson has an accident, let me investigate which bastard did it, and I will destroy his whole family," Liu Tianlong said angrily

"What?" Mr. Cui, who was still extremely calm just now, stood up suddenly, completely ignoring what he said just now about being calm and not rushing. Something happened? What happened?"

He and Liu Tianlong have been brothers and sisters for decades, and his precious grandson Cui Guodong and Liu Boyang have a relationship with Liu Boyang. Definitely better than a grandson

"That kid was hacked, and someone dared to touch my Liu Tianlong's grandson. I really don't know how thick I am, even if I copy City W to the bottom, I will copy that bastard and kill that bastard." Liu Tianlong said more and more angry way

Cui Bajuan pondered for a long time, and asked, "Your grandson Boyang was chopped off? Is my grandson alright?"

"How do I know, but I heard that kid Yang Lin only said that my grandson was chopped off, not your grandson, so I guess it's okay, but my grandson is in trouble." Liu Tianlong gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it, someone wants to live I'm so mad at me, I'll kill him to the top"

After finishing speaking, he picked up the phone and dialed a number. After two rings, someone answered the phone. There was a lot of voices on the other end of the phone, singing and dancing. It could be heard that there should be a nightclub. There was a heavy voice Respectfully said: "Boss, are you looking for me?"

"Hutou, where are you now?" Liu Tianlong asked coldly

"What's wrong with the 'Longmen Nightclub'? Is there something wrong?" Hutou asked immediately after hearing the old man's tone was wrong.

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, turn around and call Snake King, Leopard Mountain, Black Eagle, and I will lead someone to copy guys with me, and kill them in W City"

"It's... no problem boss, don't worry, you wait at home first, I'll call the Snake King and they will meet with you right away, and we'll leave immediately when everyone arrives." Hutou knew something big was going on when he heard the old man's tone If it happens, don't ask any more questions immediately, just do it

Hutou, Baoshan, Black Eagle, and Snake King, these four people were originally the four generals in Liu Tianba's association, and they were also the four strongest hall masters in the eighteen halls under him. They belonged to Liu Tianlong's right-hand men. , is absolutely loyal to Mr. Liu

A few years ago, Mr. Liu retired from the Jianghu, and they also returned to County H, but they hadn't washed their hands in the golden basin, but mixed up in County H. They are considered to be the four leaders in County H today. Bitch door, meet a super bully character who doesn't care about killing

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